快好知 kuaihz

(121) The President's remarks appear to signal that there will be no retreat from his position. (122) You must signal which way you are going to turn. (123) The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station. (124) Signal systems Consider another case: that of dramatic performance. (125) Some paradigms are intended especially for signal processing applications. (126) Uh, block call is a busy signal. (127) That would be a fairly strong buy signal. (128) Again, the Brapid busy signal that meant no connection. (129) Signal capacitors would be at earth potential. (130) The signal is clearly audible up to 200 miles away. (131) Upon the signal, the subjects were asked to recall as many consonants in their correct places as possible. (132) This is limited by the delay line chip, but signal levels of up to at least one volt r.m.s. can be accommodated. (133) An extravagant signal could be a general statement of a male's ability to cope. (134) With the modernisation of the railway system, Brooke End signal box was abandoned, its structure left to stand forlorn. (135) Approaching the signal box he mounted the steps, the hand-rail creaking as he used it for support. (136) Maybe Jaq would send the signal for exterminatus - and that command would already have been countermanded, light years away. (137) Creating a clear boundary between work and home, they visibly tangibly signal status and authority. (138) Countries around the world limit the liability of investors and signal this special favor with certain abbreviations and designations. (139) In other words, the primary communicative function of causal connectives is to signal causal direction. (140) Meanwhile the borderline case is important in understanding the complexity of primary signal systems. (141) A small box attached to the meter would separate the data signal from the electricity. (142) A little after eight o'clock the sun touches the altar rock, the signal for the burial to begin. (143) They consist of a copper core, which carries the signal, surrounded by a braided mesh of fine copper wire. (144) This picks up the transmitter's signal and makes it audible to our ears when the ferret is within range. (145) But the speed of transmission is high for the transport of a chemical signal in the phloem. (146) It enables your loudspeakers to produce music by converting the digital signal to an analog waveform. (147) I think by this time they must be dreading the thought of another signal from the Ariadne. (148) An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing. (149) Clustering applications would include things like character recognition, sonar / radar signal classification, and robotic control. (150) McAlister reached for his fork and tapped out a rhythm, a signal, a Morse code.