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121 When the end of the column was over the steel baseplate, the crane operator lowered it slowly into position. 122 We must first calculate the effect of this change on the resource column. 123 She also writes her own motorcycle column, Purr, and loves riding dirt bikes. 124 He made more gossip column copy than our delightful princess. 125 Barry wrote a column about bad songs from the rock era and somehow managed to milk it into a book. 126 Chapter 3 came across as a sales brochure for one of the companies selling packed column supercritical fluid chromatographs. 127 Chiropractic Practitioners deal with the structural relationships between the nerve tissues and the spinal column. 128 Warren happened to ride toward the point in the long column occupied by the brigade of General Stephen H.. Weed. 129 A column of smoke and fire shot up above the horizon with astonishing violence. 130 In the centre of the cavern is a small crystal column, on which a golden chalice stands. 131 The column of French soldiers passed us on their way to the battlefront. 132 Column inch a measure of area used in newspapers and magazines to calculate the cost of display advertising. 133 Make sure that your cursor is in the sum column of the answer table, and choose the option Image Graph Viewgraph. 134 His last column appeared in the Times on Christmas Day. 135 Beatrice's column of 11 February 1915 gives fascinating clues to their complex relationship. 136 He writes a monthly column for Wired and was an original investor. 137 So for the next few days this column will present several different ways of assessing corporate performance for 1989. 138 One recent column suggested contacting funeral homes to find out information about deceased relatives and their next-of-kin. 139 The accuracy of the result can be checked in a column showing the present value for that term. 140 The process is repeated down the entire column of figures. 141 Place the cursor on the line just above the column headings. 7. 142 Addition: Suppose you are given a long column of figures to add. 143 This also applies to a few P1 units which take a column of C cells end-to-end. 144 At the review dates the expenditure per planning period is entered in the actual column opposite the relevant activity. 145 I count a hundred eighty-five mov-ing along the shore in a long column, three or four bodies deep. 146 But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column. 147 Among other old boys: Johnny Giles writes a regular football column in the Daily Mail. 148 For some time now I have been greatly amused by Ian Wood's column in the back page. 149 We will now move the first column to the end of the table. 10. 150 This is most curious, considering that in the same column he seems to directly contradict this very point.