快好知 kuaihz

151 His column appears every other week in the local paper. 152 The strings in the recogniser output column are the calculated top ranked candidate string for each word. 153 Carbon is the smallest atom in the fourth column of the periodic table of elements. 154 For equity funds, the final column provides 52-week returns based on market prices plus dividends. 155 Tony Lewis, the chairman, set out the rationale in his newspaper column. 156 A little care is needed to calculate the cash flows for column 5. 157 Glasgow also had a weekly deaf column in the Glasgow Evening Times, written by a variety of people. 158 I would welcome, through you column, comments from companies, but will be surprised if you get any. 159 They've all read the Magpie column but arrive at differing conclusions. 160 The solution? Move the column as a rectangle, not as a column. 161 Her editor said the second column had been sent to the Union-Tribune clearly marked as a repeat. 162 This is particularly important when a column has entries of different lengths. 163 It slowly rose high in the afternoon sky, buoyed up by a narrow whirling column feeding it from beneath. 164 But surely some one who could make a column as attractive as this one would have no trouble making another forty-seven? 165 Perhaps unbeknown to you, the first lady has been churning out a weekly column since July 30 of last year. 166 Word was passed down the long column to close up, and to be ready to make a dash for the ford. 167 Before his Colette-Willy period he had contributed a weekly column of musical criticism to a Bordeaux newspaper. 168 This column takes a look at local cooks, their culinary likes and dislikes and favorite recipes. 169 In 1918 Brancusi produced Endless Column, the first in a series of works usually roughly carved from wood. 170 For those, you can include a column for a more detailed description, such as size, color and features. 171 The first column is aligned to position 50, the second column at 70. 172 He went downstairs, finished his column, then shaved and bathed and went out to the office ripe for conquest. 173 These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column, over the chakras and end at the head. 174 She celebrates the high life, he writes a column called Low Life. 175 George Wendt plays the new boss who gives her an advice column. 176 The longest number in the second column will be six characters to the left of the decimal point. 177 In my next column I will deal with the chromatic approach notes. 178 However, you should notice, from column 5, that retail banks hold comparatively large quantities of treasury and commercial bills. 179 The first thing you should do, before you even read this column, is take the guided tour offered onscreen. 180 At intervals along its length groups of nerve fibres emerge from the spinal column to connect with the peripheral nervous system.