快好知 kuaihz

151) They are hoping to bring the new legislation into force before the end of the year. 152) The protection of children is the primary purpose of this legislation. 153) This legislation will give more power back to local authorities. 154) The report concluded that business pressure on the government had muffled the impact of the legislation. 155) Such unpopular legislation is unlikely to be introduced before the next election. 156) The new legislation does not go far enough towards solving the problem. 157) The legislation won't be passed during the life of the present parliament. 158) To investigate allegations of offences against trading standards legislation. 159) Congress must act soon on this vital legislation. 160) That legislation was the Medicines Act 1968 which made statutory the previously voluntary arrangements. 161) It is that amended legislation which has been deemed in breach of the rules. 162) Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action. 163) The report observes that many companies do not take action on environmental issues until they are forced to do so by legislation. 164) He said he hopes Clinton will follow through on his pledge to restore aid to legal immigrants in later legislation. 165) Be sure to alert the local planning authority, which may not be aware of the subtleties of the legislation. 166) The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create, amend or repeal law, thereby giving effect to the intentions of Parliament. 167) Legislation aimed at forcing the power firms to clean up their act is being fought tooth and nail by the polluters. 168) But he advised caution beyond the point of planning permission, because new environmental legislation makes it essential to seek expert advice. 169) Truman did not actually sign the military aid legislation until July 26, 1950. 170) Equal opportunity legislation exists in most advanced countries but this is not yet reflected in equal pay rates. 171) To do so he would have to ask Parliament to approve legislation to change the date. 172) On Dec. 23 the Assembly approved a number of amendments to foreign investment legislation in order to attract more foreign companies. 173) On May 24 the Bundestag approved legislation to this effect. 174) Legislation was introduced to expropriate land from absentee landlords and redistribute it to peasants. 175) In terms of government legislation, empirical research has indicated that a consensual model is indeed more applicable. 176) The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments. 177) A Senate committee approved legislation last week to require storage of the spent fuel in an interim facility in Nevada. 178) Under the terms of the legislation an abortion clinic was also required to inform a patient about the possible alternatives to abortion. 179) New legislation, the Local Government and Planning Act 1980, changed the basis of financial aid to local government. 180) Assembly conservatives adopted rules giving them power over all committees and legislation.