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181) The Assembly passed legislation which required organizers of demonstrations to apply three days in advance for government approval. 182) More than 90 percent of them said they would support new legislation to ensure higher energy-efficiency standards in household appliances. 183) In addition, the legislation is intended to make the Fed more accountable to elected officials by insisting on reforms. 184) Those who anticipate that both will be granted will campaign for legislation to enforce a new schedule of environmental safeguards. 185) The Louisiana legislation had also been declared unconstitutional in September by a federal appeals court. 186) If both houses of Congress passed the legislation, the amendment would be ratified only after approval by 38 states. 187) The same applied to traditional football except that in this case legislation merely banned the game from the public highway. 188) Congress on Oct. 1 approved legislation giving the Securities and Exchange Commission extensive new powers to regulate markets and combat fraud. 189) Parliamentary material is admissible where the legislation is ambiguous, uncertain or leads to an absurdity. 190) Of late, the preponderance of public relations firms have leveraged that influence against activists and proposed legislation that threaten big business. 191) This project aims to investigate the impact the new legislation has had. 192) He has stated that, as Governor of New Jersey, he would not push for legislation to restrict abortion drastically. 193) The congress is likely to approve the necessary legislation and proposed constitutional amendment. 194) To achieve this objective, communities could choose from a long list of eligible activities specified in the legislation. 195) Under previous legislation the procedures usually involved consultation between the agriculture departments and the then Nature Conservancy Council. 196) This urged states to sign and ratify the convention and to make domestic legislation and administrative procedures compatible with it. 197) Also on Oct. 15 the Sejm approved legislation regulating television and broadcasting and allowing for commercial stations. 198) Sympathy for the general aims of civil rights legislation turned to hostility when it affected people's everyday lives. 199) The 1974 legislation would appear to have accomplished this objective. 200) The industry was effectively warned to clean up its act or face legislation. 201) Legislation was passed on private business transactions and shareholding companies, and also amending the law on military service. 202) If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said. 203) As Arkansas governor, he had built public support for key legislation with television advertisements largely financed by corporate donations. 204) The Administration of Justice Act itself makes amendments to some legislation referring to solicitors. 205) However, the legislation would not be applicable in the aftermath of the June 1992 general election. 206) The actual process, however, is that a lobby or the administration proposes legislation. 207) The Congressional Research Service is an independent agency that offers members of Congress objective analysis of issues and legislation. 208) Consultation with the religious denominations was promised before new laws were adopted along the lines of the legislation of 1928. 209) In Congress, proposed legislation would: Slash the number of refugees and immigrants admitted to the United States. 210) Stone's analysis of the legislation provides a valuable corrective to those who have argued that it represented a revolutionary change.