快好知 kuaihz

1. The plane did not fly the usual commercial route. 2. He took a tortuous route through back streets. 3. The overland route is across some really tough mountains. 4. Which is the best route to take? 5. We took a roundabout route to avoid the accident. 6. He cast about for an escape route. 7. We drove home by a roundabout route. 8. We stayed there en route for London. 9. Motorists are advised to find an alternative route. 10. What's the best route to Cambridge? 11. We came by a longer route than usual. 12. The police were halting traffic on the parade route. 13. I stopped en route and got some wine. 14. We took a cross-country route instead of the motorway. 15. He lined out the route for the sightseers. 16. Let's take the devious route home. 17. The prisoners plotted an escape route. 18. The plane deviated from its usual route. 19. We took a straightforward route to the beach. 20. The shortest route home is round the ring road. 21. The markings along the route are quite plain. 22. On the way home, we took an indirect route. 23. We followed the well-trodden tourist route from Paris to Chartres. 24. Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick. 25. The climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain. 26. We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path. 27. Barriers have been erected all along the route the Pope will take. 28. We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 29. The dog cocked its leg by every tree on our route . 30. Cameras were set up at strategic points along the route.