快好知 kuaihz

121. He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route. 122. The road has been an important trade route since prehistoric times. 123. We drove in convoy because I didn't know the route. 124. Controversy is raging over the route of the new motorway. 125. The bus took a very long and roundabout route . 126. Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route. 127. The invaders sacked every village they passed on their route. 128. The aim was to cut off the enemy's escape route/supplies. 129. We outsmarted them and got there first by taking a shorter route. 130. He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain. 131. He had marked the route on the map in red. 132. The bus broke down en route from Boston to New York. 133. Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble. 134. The route of the procession was lined with police officers standing shoulder to shoulder. 135. A college education is often the best route to a good job. 136. The security van that brings our wages always varies its route. 137. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives. 138. The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow. 139. The railway network had reached its greatest extent in route mileage. 140. The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure. 141. This airline has been plying the transatlantic route for many years. 142. The new route directs lorries away from the town centre. 143. I chose a different route to avoid the inconvenience of going through the town centre. 144. His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning. 145. Before the new railway was built, its route was carefully surveyed. 146. We had plenty of time so we took the scenic route. 147. He took us on a circuitous route to the hotel. 148. Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods. 149. The cabdriver took them on a circuitous route to the police station. 150. The bomb exploded while the plane was en route from Paris to Tokyo.