快好知 kuaihz

181. California employers already can be held responsible for defaming a departing worker with a negative reference. 182. This can be illustrated with reference to the Cromerian deposits at West Runton in Norfolk. 183. A single, but important, article discussing the quality systems needed for production of reference materials represents quality assurance. 184. Leapor's reference to the fly is a signal that she is arguing against Pope's epistle. 185. No little red book, no reference to anybody named Blackman, no clippings, no cryptic notes, no personal correspondence. 186. The nature of the variable is best explained by reference to the relevant descriptors in Table 8.2. 187. David Whitehouse has enough letters of character reference to paper Bermondsey warehouse and he seems anxious to read all of them. 188. Many secondary pupils are likely to be more aware than younger children of their cultural and religious frames of reference. 189. This line of reasoning is intended to provide a means for felicitous plural and singular pronominal reference under appropriate circumstances. 190. The procedure to be adopted should be left to the discretion of the person conducting the reference. 191. I am simply seeking clarification of the regulations for future reference. 192. Congress also allows the Department of Transportation to reference additional but unauthorized amounts in full-funding agreements. 193. His appeal to Wilson modestly requested constitutional government, democratic freedoms and other reforms for Vietnamconspicuously omitting any reference to independence. 194. Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book. 195. The whole work is well presented and is recommended as an invaluable source of reference in the analytical laboratory. 196. Annual rate bills are calculated by reference to rateable values and the rate multiplier. 197. Each frame of reference is constructed largely through cultural influences. 198. The panel will explore the recruit's experience with reference books of any sort. 199. A field system could be defined as strings of coordinates following each field boundary, along with reference names or numbers. 200. This tactic of reference combines an admired or revered position with an effective individual to increase a less powerful person's clout. 201. Rather, what she was saying with her cryptic scriptural reference was that I might not be asking the right question. 202. Moreover, they can not be accounted for merely by reference to spatial differences in social composition. 203. I did so when the under-30 crowd gave me blank faces at my casual reference to High Noon. 204. Sessions said information he receives from reference checks has helped enormously in cases he has filed against employers. 205. The point is best illustrated by reference to specific examples under the existing United Kingdom constitution. 206. But because both systems deify one aspect of reality they produce problems which are insoluble within their own terms of reference. 207. Instead you can use the F4 key to cycle through the four possibilities for expressing a cell reference. 208. It has a biblical reference, meaning the basic matter of what woman and man are made of. 209. Thus corporal punishment is defined in the section with reference to the tort of battery. 210. The Library is used extensively by S6 pupils and is available to all pupils and Staff for reference and borrowing.