reference造句151. Later in the evening, without any reference to the earlier talk, the conversation drifted towards the topic of race.
152. We can see by reference to the Salomon case the great advantage of limited liability.
153. Fourthly, reference has already been made to the need for cooperation to be perceived as beneficial.
154. Indeed, in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation.
155. It acts merely as an easily identified and meaningful reference to the version of the product package which is to be issued.
156. This was in contrast with other scoring studies, where the reference point was fixed at the crypt base.
157. But reference to bandwidth is meaningless unless it is qualified by distance of the run.
158. Benefits under a tax-approved company pension scheme are always limited by reference to earnings from the company.
159. Models provide a shared frame of reference for people from different cultural backgrounds.
160. The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
161. Each frame of reference is constructed largely through cultural influences. Broadly speaking there are four possible approaches: Isolation.
162. The red background then provides a reference point which allows the computer to correct for angle and distance.
163. Make yourself a present of Silences and keep it by you as a reference book.
164. This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.
165. Perhaps the most obvious is wilful and corrupt exploitation of debtors by dishonest employees of the credit reference bureau.
166. This has nothing to do with reference to any particular dog, or even whether dogs actually exist at all.
167. Processes such as population growth, educational expansion, political change and so on, are examined with reference to developed and less developed countries.
168. Do this on the entry line by placing the cursor at each cell reference in turn and pressing F4.
169. Meanwhile, he gave Sien a reference so glowing that she sounded positively angelic.
170. This was done by using the pylorus and the anatomical antrum-corpus boundary as reference points.
171. The only reference to sustainable development was to be found in paragraph two hundred and thirteen.
172. Preobrazhensky was in fact trying to analyse Soviet economy without reference to the specific historical features of that formation.
173. Reference should also be made to the Specific Claims Handling Instructions, especially to calculate written down value.
174. I am satisfied that this reference did not emanate from anyone representing the ports authority or the dock company.
175. Many of the practical examples given in this book contain reference to work in other curriculum areas.
176. The scattering-factor corrections for both the reference and the object waves and, are also included.
177. Gains on property disposals are calculated by reference to historical net book value to the Group.
178. Whether the passage is a direct reference to enclosure or, more probably, to disagreements among cottagers, is not certain.
179. By using test-kits and keeping a record of the readings obtained you also build-up and invaluable data bank for future reference.
180. Some contracts provide instead for performance without delivery, generally by payment of differences by reference to a published price or index.