internal造句91. I put this down to the use of rosewood for the fingerboard and the addition of some extra internal bracing.
92. The chief internal auditor must be assisted by sufficient staff of the right quality and quantity.
93. Party political factors, professionalism and the dispositions of key personalities all usually have some bearing on internal management structures.
94. Finally, apart from one small reference, the analysis never examines the relationship between collective protest and internal war.
95. Many senior corporation executives have a background in accounting, internal auditing, or finance.
96. Helsinki was full of pious declarations about the inviolability of borders and non-interference in internal affairs.
97. Reduced to the bare essentials, the divergent internal performance patterns looked like the figure on page 264.
98. External and internal auditing Internal auditors are appointed by the directors.
99. They floated, their internal air chambers were dry, and they retained their strength.
100. The internal rules of an organisation may not always be accessible to them.
101. By not acknowledging the problem, the church continues to suffer from a festering internal wound.
102. We can see the results of this in both the internal and external affairs of the house.
103. They cited internal government guidelines against talking to reporters without prior approval of agency public affairs officers.
104. His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
105. In this connection an external auditor will wish to consider what reliance should be placed on an internal audit.
106. Thus, for example, customs duties, discriminatory internal taxation and quotas have been abolished.
107. Where job ladders are created, further managerial work is involved in managing the operation of the internal labour market.
108. There was little meaningful internal debate, simply the acclamation of the charismatic leader.
109. Labour would insist on legally enforceable democracy in a union's internal affairs.
110. Aside from buffering your water, it offers good external and internal surfaces for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
111. Once we have adequate instrumentation and have adopted an internal standard, what do we find?
112. These are associated with the two Killing vectors, and with the internal symmetries of the Ernst equation.
113. The Quality Audit's main purpose is to look in detail at the centre's internal quality assurance system.
114. Full use should be made of visual aids and internal specialist advice should be taken.
115. A number of young activists who had been involved in internal politics since 1976 were also elected.
116. He had assumed responsibility for the policies he had implemented, defending them against internal skepticism and objections from headquarters.
117. Many accountants and auditors were unlicensed management accountants, internal auditors, or government accountants and auditors.
118. The Internal Revenue Service has been battling him for years for back taxes and penalties related to one venture.
119. Beginning management accountants often start as cost accountants, junior internal auditors, or as trainees for other accounting positions.
120. However, because the ultimate responsibility is given to the external auditor, the role of the internal auditor is not emphasized.