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(211) I will give some examples of artist and their works to emphasize the notion of modernity and contemporaneity discussed above. (212) This study introduces the notion of alliance portfolio internationalization (API), which refers to the degree of foreignness of partners in a firm's collection of immediate alliance relationships. (213) So, what I want to do is, I want to discuss the scientific notion of language, at first restricting myself to systems like English and Dutch and American sign language and Navajo and so on. (214) When the psychologist attempts to employ statistical methods her encounters the usual obscurantist notion that you can prver anything with statistics. (215) The primitive notion of " product" –be it plant, animal, obstetric or pyrotechnical—gives rise to symbols of " progress" in time. (216) Karen is well aware that the notion of sacrificing animals in a religious ritual strikes many people as unconscionable. (217) This problem is concerned with a subtlest notion relevant to both of mind and thing-in-itself, namely, the notion of order, which is closely related to the notion of "meaning". (218) The notion that you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol. (219) R.M. Howard makes the point succinctly "If there is no originality and no literary property, there is no basis for the notion of plagiarism" ("College English, " 1995). (220) Newton's absolute time may feel like an accurate description of the beast that rules our daily lives, but in science the notion was shattered in 1905 by Einstein's special theory of relativity. (221) Most of these systems have a notion that one of the equivalent set of names is the canonical or primary name and all others are aliases. (222) This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable. (223) With the deeper realization the notion of convexification is extended for a continuous function and it is defined as a closed set and it is not necessarily convex or compact set. (224) After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e... (225) Using the notion of coefficient matrix and maximal element. We prove that the Lie algebra is semi-simple and it has no abelian two dimensional subalgebra. (226) In this comment, he opposed Comrade Mao Tsetung's line on the socialist transformation of agriculture, maligning it as an "erroneous, dangerous and utopian notion of agrarian socialism". (227) But President Dwight D. Eisenhower believed that any armed conflict with Moscow would accelerate into a thermonuclear holocaust, and he rejected outright this notion of "limited" nuclear war.