Revenge歌词 Through many years and many tears The big Fear is gone away the big war is coming near the redemption begins now Free in the land we're not afraid like pure spirit we live they want the end of the ages but they won't hurt us, never more Revenge Revenge for save the kingdom Revenge Revenge for fight the evil The rage, the fury,歌词英伦超人气情歌half lightGood Bye. 悲伤电影OSTStrawerry White Pap 悲傷日本民謠happiness 水的翅膀夹子娃娃的飞行 大海盗塔卡沙给小宝宝纯洁中国人民解放军军歌吃喝闪2我不等分手18天睡觉时喜欢听这首 Ready For Love淡淡的忧伤 淡淡的幸福Simple Plan的Crazy 超COOL午夜街头的吟唱 If You Want Meyou were there游戏ICO的主题曲一首很好听的说唱 Find A Way小田和正.突然发生的爱情故事在八音盒上跳舞 L aquoiboniste请把你的微笑留下❤Just To See Your Smile儿童神话剧 小龙人主题曲Black Roses Red~~Lena在海边哭泣然后跳进海时唱假声男人的悲哀(这个没有)绝对推荐...You re Too Pretty 音乐是一种听了会上瘾的病瞳:我唱到窒息 只想你明白我的心 (强烈推荐 世界肺活量最大Don’t Let Me Fall我一直在这里小堂客醉了好马爱吃回头草