wasted time歌词 You and I together in our lives Sacred ties would never fray Then why can't I let myself tell lies And watch you die every day I think back to the times When dreams were what mattered Tough talking youth naivete You said you never let me down But the horse stampedes and rages In the name of desperation Is it all just&n歌词Lost 茫六月 很好听的歌heor女聲女唱 開場@希望喜歡我歌的朋友們支持今天推薦的重點@節奏女聲原声1分36秒 卡农莫扎特小夜曲落日Happy清晨大家一起来快乐一下吧一滴泪~大旗英雄传片尾曲彩红糖剑煮红颜~大旗英雄传片尾曲月下欢触及灵魂的音乐/火 好热她们樱花の泪K歌情人主题曲:Way back into love再见理想我喜欢的HIPHOP chingy jackpot chingyway back into love 爱情电影 K歌情人 主题曲朱砂泪 董贞曾感动了整个爱尔兰勇 超级感人 超级好听的粤语歌我的淤泥生活Don t say对不起我爱你苏荷酒吧慢摇 嗯 不错Loneliness孤独就像这样 Like That松树啊松树有时候爱