快好知 kuaihz




1. Do you speak Chinese?你会说中文吗?

2. My name is __________.我叫__________。

3. Can you speak more slowly?您能说慢一点儿吗?

4. Where can I find a bus/taxi?在哪儿可以坐公交/打出租?

5. Where can I find a train/metro? 在哪儿可以坐火车/地铁?

6. Can you take me to the airport please?您能送我去机场吗?

7. How much does this cost?这个多少钱?

8. Do you take credit cards?能用信用卡结账吗?

9. Where is the nearest bathroom?附近哪儿有厕所?

10. Where can I get something to eat?附近哪儿有吃东西的地方?

11. Can you show me on a map how to get there? 您能在地图上告诉我怎么走吗?

12. Will you write that down for me?您能给我写下来吗?

13. I need help.我需要帮助。

14. I"m lost.我迷路了。

15. I am a Chinese citizen.我是中国公民。

16. Please call the Chinese Embassy.请帮我联系中国大使馆。

17. Please call the police.请帮我报警。

18. I need a doctor.我需要看医生。

19. My blood type is ______.我的血型是______。

20. I"m allergic to _______.我对______过敏。


英国 / 欧洲 美国

门卫 Porter Bellman

电梯 Lift Elevator

(汽车)后备箱 Boot Trunk

(汽车)引擎盖 Bonnet Hood


"The bill, please"


"The check, please"


旅游大巴 Coach Bus (有时也叫"coach")

往返 Return Round trip

酒店入住 Arriving at a hotel Checking in

酒店结账 Departing from a hotel Checking out

租车 Car Hire Car rental


Water closet, wc, loo, toilet

Bathroom, restroom, ladies room, mens room, "the john,", etc.

毛衣 Jumper Sweater

运动鞋 Trainers Tennis shoes, sneakers

停车场 Car park

Parking garage (室内)

parking lot (室外)

雪糕 Ice lolly Popsicle, ice pop

(排)队 Queue Line

尿不湿 Nappy Diaper, Pampers

行军床 Camp bed Cot

解热镇痛药 Paracetamol Acetaminophen, Tylenol

汽油 Petrol Gasoline, gas

橡皮 Rubber Eraser

饼干 Biscuit Cookie

避孕套 Condom Rubber, condom

内裤 Y fronts Underwear, tighty-whities

长裤 Trousers Pants

影院 Cinema Movie Theater

饭后甜点 Pudding, afters Dessert

润喉片 Throat lozenge Cough drop

创可贴 Sticking plaster, elastoplast Band-aid

棉签 Cotton buds Q-tip, cotton swab

打车处 Cab rank Taxi Stand

超市购物车 Supermarket trolley Cart, Buggy

人行道 Pavement Sidewalk

水龙头 Tap Faucet

浴缸 Bath Tub

外卖 Take Away To Go

炸薯条 Chips Fries

餐巾 Serviette Napkin

环岛 / 环形枢纽 Roundabout Traffic Circle

市中心 City centre Downtown


The Underground, Light Rail, Tube, Metro

The Subway, Light Rail, The L, BART (不同城市叫法不同)

乘火车 By Rail By Train

前台 Reception Front Desk



美国还有一种著名的三明治,外皮类似法棍,但没那么硬,里面包裹着火腿、牛排、奶酪、金枪鱼或鸡肉沙拉等,据说味道非常好。它的英文名也是不同地方叫法不同,可以是"sub"、"grinder" (发音"grind-dah")、"hero"、"bomb"或"hoagie",感兴趣的游客可以尝尝。

(中国日报网英语点津 杜娟)

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