快好知 kuaihz

期中复习(上学期) 期中检测题

期中复习(上学期) 期中检测题


1. c_nv_rs_tion___________

2. r_staur_nt___________

3. c_ntr_l ___________

4. str_ _t___________

5. disc_unt___________

6. h_rry___________

7. t_ck_t___________

8. dyn_sty___________

9. _xhib_tion___________

10. n_tional___________

11. m_se_m ___________

12. mount_in___________

13. comp_t_tion ___________

14. plaz_ ___________

15. pr_ze___________

16. d_ _ghter___________

17. c_mp_ter___________

18. d_ff_c_ _t ___________

19. bre_kf_st___________

20. b_tween ___________


apple, relaxing, hamhurger, tennis racket, orange, volleyball, chicken, soccer, television, ice cream, banana, dresser, sofa, French fries, bookcase, strawberry, interesting, baseball, difficult, boring

水果       食品     形容词 

___________  ___________  ___________

___________  ___________  ___________

___________  ___________  ___________

___________  ___________  ___________

___________  ___________  ___________

运动       家具/电

___________  ___________

___________  ___________

___________  ___________

___________  ___________


1. The man is ___________father.

A. Kate B. Kate"s

C. she"s D. Kates

2. How old ___________? 

A. are you mother B. are your mother

C. your mother is D. is your mother

3. —Who"s that girl? 

—She"s ___________. 

A. my sister  B. ten 

C. in red   D. nice

4. —Who is that? 

—___________. 

A. Her name is Rena B. She is a student

C. It’ s Rena D. It’ s a blue sweater

5. Tom is ___________English boy. He"s in ___________Class Four, Grade Three. 

A. an; the B. an; ×

C. a; × D. ×; ×

6. Let me ___________it.

A. to do B. do

C. do to D. do the

7. —What color is that hat? 

—___________. 

A. That"s blue B. It"s a blue

C. It"s blue D. Its blue 

8. Hello, Jim! Nice___________ you! 

A. see  B. meet

C. sees  D. to see 

9. —___________is your father? 

—He is all right. 

A. How  B. What

C. Where  D. Who

10. Please look ___________the picture on the wall. 

A. in  B. at

C. to  D. on 


1. classroom, big, is, their (. ) 


2. how much, shorts are, black and white, those ( ? )


3. his, are, these, erasers (. )


4. color, dress, is, Joan"s, what (? )


5. that, is, who, old, woman (? )


6. your, this, pencil case, is, not (. )


7. friend’ s, your, telephone number, what is (? )


8. buy, we, to, want, those, T-shirt, white (. )


9. what, this, is, English, in (? )


10. doesn’t, Betty, have, to, for dinner, want, broccoli (. )



A)每空一词 (每空1分,共20分)

1. A: How are you? 

B: Fine, ___________. And you? 

A: I"m ___________, too. 


A: Excuse me. ___________that little girl? 

B: Which one? 

A: The one behind the tree. 

B: Oh, ___________my sister, Zhen Zhuo. 

3. A: What"s that girl"s name? 

B: ___________ name ___________Rebecca. 

4. —Excuse ___________! Are you Mr. Brown? 

—No, I"m ___________. 

—Sorry. 

—Not ___________ ___________. 

5. A: Do you have ___________ ___________? 

B: ___________, I do. 

A: Let"s go to play ___________. 

B: That ___________ ___________. ___________ go. 

6. A: Excuse me. Can you see my cat? 

B: Yes, ___________ ___________. . 

A: Where is it? 

B: It"s ___________ the desk. 


7. A: What are these? 

B: ___________________________________. 

A: ___________________________________? 

B: Yes. I like them very much. ___________? 

A: I don’ t like oranges. 

B: ___________________________________? 

A: I like strawberries. ___________? 

B: Yes. I like them, too. 


1. Those are their pencil cases. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)


2. She likes volley ball. (改为否定句)


3. The children are at home today. (就划线部分提问)


4. This is a math book. (就划线部分提问)


5. You are girls and they are boys. (变成单数)


6. She is a good woman. (变成复数一般疑问句,再作肯定回答)


7. Her pants are green and red. (就划线部分提问)


8. I can see a cat under the table. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)


9. She can see some apples on the table. (改为否定句)


10. Merry likes red socks. Betty doesn’ t like green socks. (用but将两句话连起来)



This is a girl. She’ s an English girl.  1 name is Betty. She is twelve. She is in  2 . She studies(学习)  3 in No. 1 Middle School. Mr. Zhou is her Chinese teacher. He teaches(教) her Chinese very well.  4 home  5 number is (010) 65168555. He loves his students very much. Betty’ s father is an English teacher. He works in Beijing. He teaches us  6 . He  7 to work on his bike. He  8 his students very much,  9 . He is a good English  10 and good friend. 

1. A. He"s  B. His

C. She"s  D. Her

2. A. grade one, class four B. class four, grade one

C. Grade One, Class Four D. Class Four, Grade One

3. A. English  B. Chinese

C. Japanese  D. American

4. A. Her  B. My

C. His  D. Your

5. A. bike  B. car

C. bus  D. phone

6. A. English  B. Chinese

C. Japanese  D. American

7. A. forgets  B. forget

C. goes  D. go

8. A. loves  B. doesn’ t like

C. doesn’ t love   D. like

9. A. too  B. and

C. but  D. or

10. A. boy  B. girl

C. student  D. teacher


Song Liang and Song Ming are brothers. They are Chinese. But they are in England now. They speak English. They are twins. They look the same. Their sweaters look the same, too. They are yellow. They are very nice sweaters. Look at this sweater. It"s Song Liang"s. It isn"t Song Ming"s. Song Ming can"t find his sweater. He thinks his sweater is at home, but it"s in his backpack.

1. Song Liang and Song Ming are___________. 

A. English  B. England

C. Chinese  D. China

2. Song Liang and Song Ming are ___________. 

A. sisters  B. twins

C. friends  D. in China

3. They are ___________. 

A. students  B. girls 

C. workers  D. teachers

4. Song Ming’ s sweater is ___________. 

A. at home B. here

C. in Song Ming’ s backpack  D. in Song Liang’ s backpack

5. Their sweaters are ___________. 

A. yellow  B. same

C. color  D. at home


一、1. conversation 交谈;谈话

2. restaurant 餐馆;饭店

3. central 中心的;中央的

4. street 街;街道

5. discount 折扣

6. hurry 赶快

7. ticket 票;入场券

8. dynasty 朝代;王朝

9. exhibition 展览(品);展示

10. national 国家的;全国的

11. museum 博物馆

12. mountain 山;高山

13. competition 比赛;竞赛

14. plaza 购物中心;广场

15. prize 奖;奖品

16. daughter 女儿

17. computer 电脑

18. difficult 困难的

19. breakfast 早餐

20. between 介于(两者)之间

二、水果:apple, orange, banana, strawberry

食品:hamburger, French fries, ice cream, chicken

形容词:interesting, relaxing, difficult, boring

运动:tennis racket, volleyball, baseball, soccer

家具/电:television, dresser, sofa, bookcase

三、1~5 BDACB 6~10 BCDAB

四、1. Their classroom is big.

2. How much are those black and white shorts?

3. These are his erasers.

4. What color is Joan"s dress?

5. Who is that old woman?

6. This is not your pencil case.

7. What is your friend"s telephone number?

8. We want to buy those white T-shirt.

9. What is this in English?

10. Betty doesn"t want to have broccoli for dinner.

五、A)1. B: thanks A: fine 2. A: Who’ sB: it’ s 3. B: Her, is 4. me, not, at all

5. A: a, football (soccer) B: Yes A: football B: sounds, interesting (is, great), Let’ s

6. B: I can B: under

B)7. B: They are oranges A: Do you like oranges B: What about you

 B: What fruit do you like A: Do you like strawberries

六、1. Are those their pencil cases? Yes, they are.

2. She doesn’ t like volley ball.

3. Where are the children today?

4. What book is this?

5. You are a girl and he is a boy.

6. Are they good women? Yes, they are.

7. What color are her pants?

8. Can you see a cat under the table? No, I can"t.

9. She can"t see any apples on the table.

10. Merry likes red socks, but she doesn"t like green ones.

七、1~5 DDBCD 6~10 ACAAD

八、1~5 CBACA


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