快好知 kuaihz



part 1

1.     names

2.     work/studies

3.     accommodation

4.     hometown

5.     bicycles

6.     cooking

7.     daily routine

8.     drive license

9.     emails and letters

10.    food

11.    fruit and vegetables

12.    gardens

13.    advertisement

14.    gifts

15.    handwriting

16.    holidays

17.    leisure time

18.    living place

19.    magazine/newspaper

20.    museums

21.    music

22.    news and information

23.    party

24.    plans

25.    shopping

26.    sport

27.    swimming

28.    television

29.    the internet

30.    transport

31.    travelling

32.    reading

33.    visitors to your home

34.    weekends


part 2

1.       science lesson

2.       current happiness things

3.       a party you would like to arrange for your friends or your family

4.       a trip that did not go as you planned

5.       an important conversation you had with someone

6.       an interesting story you got from television

7.       an unforgettable place in your childhood

8.       an important stage in your life

9.       an article from a magazine or newspaper

10.  a person who once helped you

11.  a picnic or a meal in a park

12.  a sculpture or a work of art

13.  a part of house

14.  a book you recently read

15.  a famous person

16.  a good friend

17.  a healthy habit

18.  a historical place

19.  a person who is good at cooking

20.  a place near sea where you enjoy visit

21.  a success in your life

22.  a new language you learnt

23.  a traffic jam

24.  advice

25.  an advertisement

26.  an educational visit

27.  an ideal job

28.  an important person in your life

29.  an impressive music

30.  clothing for special occasions

31.  favourite season

32.  film

33.  gift

34.  a library

35.  a long journey

36.  a photograph


搜索建议:雅思  雅思词条  口语  口语词条  预测  预测词条  

