Entrainment, Coherence and Autonomic Balance
Definitions of Coherence: When we speak ofphysiological coherence, we are referring to the degree of order and stabilityin the waveform that reflects the rhythmic activity of any given physiologicalsystem over a specified period of time.
Physiological Coherence: High heart rhythm coherence(sine wave-likerhythmic pattern); Increased parasympathetic activity; Increased entrainmentand synchronization between physiological systems; Efficient and harmoniousfunctioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal and immune systems.
Psychophysiological Coherence: Sustained positive emotion; High degree ofmental and emotional stability; Constructive integration of the cognitive andemotional systems; Increased synchronization and harmony between the cognitive,emotional and physiological systems.
Different emotions affect autonomic nervoussystem function and balance in measurably different ways. Anger tends to increasesympathetic activity, while appreciation is associated with a relative increasein parasympathetic activity. The experience of sincere positive feeling statesmay be accompanied by distinct modes of heart function which drive physiologicalsystems into increased coherence. Such shifts are attainable not only undercontrolled laboratory conditions, but also during real-life stressful situations.