快好知 kuaihz

Let Dream Come True

Dear Dinesh,

It has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. I asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that God does make a special someone from every man. Whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, I know I was created for you.

Here I am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how I feel about you. I would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if I will have to do that since we haven"t yet met. Funny how love works in people"s lives. I sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. You have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn"t even begin to explain to you the love I feel for you. Without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, I need to tell you that I love you and I am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. Dreaming of you always ... I love you.

Love always,


搜索建议:Dream  Dream词条  Come  Come词条  True  True词条  Let  Let词条  


如果你知道我们还有机会见面,你会出来见我吗? 有些东西还没有结束,还要继续。 是羁绊?还是缘分? 我不清楚,也不敢想太多。&nbs...(展开)


 爱 真的可以毁灭一个人

伶俐:  痛!真的好痛,从来没有的感觉.现在,我已经哭了,哭的很彻底;哭掉了生命中最痛苦的记忆;哭掉了对爱的信任;哭掉了自己,最终丧失了自我.  我现在真的很”...(展开)


