快好知 kuaihz




For those who grew up watching Hongkongseries (like me), it will be hard not to notice this fried noodleon every Hongkong movie"s breakfast table.

I was so curious about its taste that thiswas the first thing I ordered in the Dim sum place when I firstvisited Hongkong!


1 Carrot, shredded

1 bunch of scallion, cut into 2 incheslong

1 cup of Beansprouts

2 bunch of Hong Kong style egg noodle

1/2 cup minced meat (turkey or pork)marinate with a little salt, pepper, and cooking wine

1 tbsp minced garlic

For seasoning:

A dash of pepper powder

2 tsp of Soy sauce

1 tsp of Dark Soy sauce

1/2 tsp of Oyster sauce

1/2 tsp Sugar

3 tbsp Water


1 根 胡萝卜 擦丝

1 小把 青葱, 切段

1 大杯 的 豆芽(我用了自己发的豆芽)

2 把 的港式鸡蛋细面

1/2 杯的 肉末,用一点点的盐、胡椒粉和料酒腌好 可无

1 大勺 蒜蓉


2 小勺的 生抽

1 小勺 的 老抽

1/2 小勺 蚝油

1/2 小勺

3 大勺水

一撮 胡椒粉

1. 煮滚半锅水,把港式细面加入煮个1分钟后把面条取出放到凉水里过一遍备用。


3. 最后加入胡萝卜丝、豆芽和青葱,炒至断生即可。

1. Bring half a pot of water to boil andcook the noodle for 1-2 minutes, drained and place the noodle incool water for few minutes to stop the cooking.

2. Heat up 2 tbsp of oilin a cooking pan, stir fry garlic and minced meat. Add noodle andcook at high heat.

3. Add all the seasoning listed and keepstirring for another 2-3 minutes.

4. Add carrot, bean sprout and scallion,keep stirring till the carrot and bean sprout are cooked.

搜索建议:港式  港式词条  炒面  炒面词条  HongKongStylefriedNoodle  HongKongStylefriedNoodle词条  

