快好知 kuaihz

没有决定! 为什么你必须放弃销售路径只是处理一个异议?

Dear SalesExecutive:


What is the weakest link in the capabilities of your sales force? What causes your reps to leave more money on the table than any other gap in their skill set? Most likely it’s their failure to cope effectively with stalls and objections.

你的销售人员能力最薄弱的环节是什么?相对于他们技能组合中的任何其他弱项,是什么原因导致你的代表让未能成功签约? 最有可能的是,他们未能有效应对延迟和异议

Research by The Sales Board indicates that more than 90% of salespeople are ineffective at uncovering and then resolving objections. This is a huge problem. It persists despite the vast sums of money that companies spend on sales training.

The Sales Board的研究表明,超过90%的销售人员无法发现并解决异议, 这是一个大问题。 尽管公司在销售培训上投入了大量资金,但问题仍然存在。

If your sales reps keep failing despite all the methods you teach them for handling objections, maybe you’re teaching the wrong methods. In fact, I’m pretty sure of it. So, what is the right way to do it? Glad you asked.

如果你的销售代表一直失败,尽管你教他们处理异议的所有方法了,或许是你教授了错误的方法。 事实上,我很确定这点。 那么,正确的方法是什么呢? 很高兴你提问。

We are committed to your professional success.


Duane Sparks杜南•斯巴克斯

Author of Action Selling行动销售作者






Every salesperson runs into stalls and objections from customers. Every sales-training company teaches methods for handling them. Yet despite all that training, when it comes to coping effectively with stalls and objections, our research shows that nine out of 10 sales reps stink.

每个销售人员都会遇到客户的延迟和异议。 每个销售培训公司都教授处理它们的方法。 然而,尽管进行了所有这些培训,但在有效应对延迟和异议时,我们的研究表明,90%的销售代表招人嫌。

There can be only one explanation: Most sales training teaches the wrong methods.


I believe there are three main reasons why sales training fails to make a significant difference in salespeople’s ability to handle stalls and objections. In the previous edition of eCoach, I explained the first reason: Almost all sales training treats stalls and objections as if they were the same problem, with the same solution. That’s dead wrong.

我认为销售培训未能对销售人员处理延迟和异议的能力产生重大影响有三个主要原因。 在上一期的eCoach中,我解释了第一个原因:几乎所有的销售培训都将延迟和异议视为同样的问题,使用相同的解决方案。 那是错误的。

Here is the second reason: The objection-handling techniques taught by most sales training companies do not fit neatly and organically into the sales methodologies they teach. You’re following the path that’s supposed to lead to a sale, the customer stalls or objects to something, and, whoops! Off you go on some detour away from the sales path in order to deal with the objection. Good luck finding your way back.

这是第二个原因:大多数销售培训公司所教授的异议处理技术并不完全适合,不能有效融入到他们所教授的销售方法中。 你正走在产生销售的路上,顾客对某事延迟或有异议。哎呦! 为了处理异议,你可以绕开销售路径。 祝你好运归来。

It’s not as if stalls and objections are rare and exotic. They arise all the time. If training is supposedly grounded in a coherent sales system, shouldn’t you be able to stay within the system to handle a stall or objection? No detours!

这并不是说延迟和异议是罕见的和异常的。 它们一直在出现。 如果培训被认为是建立在一个连贯的销售系统的基础上,那么你是否能够留在系统内处理延迟或异议? 没有弯路!



Action Selling teaches that stalls and objections are different problems, requiring different solutions. But in both cases, the solutions allow you to remain within the 9-Act structure of the sales system. You may back up a little, but you never leave the clearly marked path that leads you toward gaining agreement from the customer.

行动销售教导延迟和异议是不同的问题,需要不同的解决方案。 但在这两种情况下,解决方案都允许你保留在销售系统的行动九步结构中。 你可以稍微备份一下,但是引导你获得客户的同意永远离不开明确标记的路径。

Is it a stall that arises in Act 7 when you ask for agreement? The customer is asking you to “sell me a little more.” So you do exactly that, using a method we call TFBR (for Tie-Back, Feature, Benefit, Reaction) that keeps you squarely within the system.

当你要求承诺时,这是行动7中出现的延迟吗? 客户要求你“多卖我一点。”所以你这样做,使用我们称之为TFBR的方法(回顾,特性,利益,反馈),使你完全在系统内。

Is it an objection instead of a stall? That means you didn’t ask all of the Best Questions in Act 3. So you simply back up to Act 3, ask more questions, then follow the path directly back to Act 7. No detours!

这是异议而不是延迟吗? 这意味着你没有问行动3中的所有最佳问题。所以你只需要回到行动3,提出更多问题,然后按照路径直接回到行动7。没有弯路!

Want a full, detailed explanation of the most successful ways to handle stalls and objections? Download our new White Paper. Objection! Is This the Salesperson’s Weakest Skill?

想要处理延迟和异议的最成功方法是全面详细的解释吗? 下载我们的新白皮书。 异议! 这是销售人员最弱的技能吗?

Action Selling in Action

行动销售 实践案例

Handling stalls and objections becomes a whole new ball game for salespeople and customer-relationship professionals who are introduced to Action Selling. One reason the odds of success increase so dramatically is that you deal with stalls and objections without ever having to leave the sales system you’re working within.

对于引进行动销售的销售人员和客户关系专业人士来说,处理延迟和异议已成为全新游戏。 成功几率大幅增加的一个原因是,你无需离开你正在工作的销售系统就可以处理延迟和异议

Action Selling client Alan Finkelstein, Director Global Learning, of pharmaceutical giant Merck, says that this feature has made all the difference.


“If you do a good job with Act 3 and 4, it’s nearly impossible to hear an objection in Act 7,” Finkelstein says. “If one comes up, you missed something from the Best Questions Map. So you merely take a step back.”

“如果你在行动3和行动4中做得很好,那么在行动7中听到异议几乎是不可能的,”芬克尔斯坦说。 “如果有人出现了,说明你错过了最佳问题图谱中的内容。 所以你只要退后一步即可。“

“If we hear a stall, we just reinforce what we presented as a solution from Acts 5 and 6. We present another capability, and we’re right back at Act 7 again.”


“If we do these things well,” he continues, “the solution presentation is a winner. For example, suppose we hear an objection like: ‘We want to buy that drug in 100 ml vials. You only have 50 ml vials.’ The fact is, a safer or higher-quality drug will overcome a little inconvenience caused by smaller vials. But, unless you are able to identify (with your Act 3 questions) the problems the customer has had with things like safety or quality, little things like this can derail your sale.”

“如果我们做好这些事情,”他继续说道,“解决方案演示就是赢家了。” 举例,假设我们听到一个异议:"我们想购买100毫升小瓶装的药。 你只有50毫升的小瓶。事实上,一种更安全或更高质量的药物将克服由较小的小瓶引起的一点点不便。 但是,除非你能够(通过你的行动3提问)确定客户在安全或质量等方面遇到的问题,否则这样的小事就会破坏你的销售。”

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