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Chen Gong: Chinas Economy Has Lost Balance

Anbound"s chief researcher, Chen Gong, is of the view that the sudden slowdown in China’s economy has caused serious imbalance and it has to be restored within short period of time or else China’s economy will enter into a recession. The following measures should be taken to buy more time in exchange for the implementation of reform measures and improvement on the structure and productivity: - (i)Continue to vigorously promote the reform measures and give a greater vitality and space to the market by allowing the market to be the dominant force; (ii)Adjust the policies on the Belt and Road by focussing on the Central Eastern and the Central Asian countries and enlarge the market space which not only has to be realistic but also controllable by China; and (iii)Implement the two-years, short term capital easing policy.

搜索建议:Balance  Balance词条  Economy  Economy词条  Chinas  Chinas词条  Chen  Chen词条  Gong  Gong词条  


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