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Chen Gong: China is Suffering into A Long-term Environmental Battle

The one-week heave smog has filled the air over more than 1.4 million kilometers in China, and significantly shocked nearly 500 million people, societies and governments. As an expertise of studying smog, ANBOUND’s chief researcher Chen Gong first of all has decoded the cause of smog. Generally, it is the combined effects of climate, weather, urbanization, environment, intensive activities by human beings and regional factors. In practice, it is no doubt that China will devote greater effort on responding the issue. But Rome couldn’t be built in one day, the "environmental battle" would last for decades, more important, it might highlight the conflict between economic growth and curbing the environmental problem.

搜索建议:Environmental  Environmental词条  Suffering  Suffering词条  Long-term  Long-term词条  Battle  Battle词条  China  China词条  

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