为了“完整”性,我们继续用The Elements of Style 。不喜欢看英文原著的,凑合着看我的注解。
如果你的目标是写小说,应该看原版The Elements of Style (免费下载):
另外,我会用Google Translate。GT现在还不成熟,你不要拿它当回事。
15. Put statements in positive form.
Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, noncommittal language. Use the word not as a means of denial or in antithesis, never as a means of evasion.
Google Translate: 做出明确的断言。避免驯服,无色,犹豫,不置可否的语言。使用“不”这个词作为拒绝或对立的手段,绝不作为逃避的手段。
弯弯绕:He was not very often on time.
直截了当:He usually came late.
弯弯绕:She did not think that studying Latin was a sensible way to use one"s time.
直截了当:She thought the study of Latin a waste of time.
All [two]examples show the weakness inherent in the word not. Consciously or unconsciously, the reader is dissatisfied with being told only what is not; the reader wishes to be told what is. Hence, as a rule, it is better to express even a negative in positive form.
Google Translate: 所有[两个]例子都显示了“不”这个词所固有的弱点。在有意识或无意识的情况下,读者不满意只被告知什么不是;读者希望被告知是什么。因此,作为一项规则,最好以积极的形式表达甚至是消极的。
not honest 就是 dishonest
not important 就是 trifling
did not remember 就是 forgot
did not pay any attention to 就是 ignored
did not have much confidence in 就是 distrusted
Placing negative and positive in opposition makes for a stronger structure.
Google Translate: 在反对中放置消极和积极的东西可以建立更强大的结构。
Not charity, but simple justice.
Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.
Ask not what your country can do for you —ask what you can do for your country.
Negative words other than not are usually strong.
Google Translate: 除了没有的否定词通常很强。
Her loveliness I never knew / Until she smiled on me. (用never)
Statements qualified with unnecessary auxiliaries or conditionals sound irresolute.
Google Translate: 使用不必要的辅助设备或条件合格的声明听起来犹豫不决。
犹豫不决: If you would let us know the time of your arrival, we would be happy to arrange your transportation from the airport.
干干脆脆:If you will let us know the time of your arrival, we shall be happy to arrange your transportation from the airport.
犹豫不决: Applicants will make a good impression if they are neat and punctual.
干干脆脆:Applicants can make a good impression by being neat and punctual.
犹豫不决: Plath may be ranked among those modem poets who died young.
干干脆脆:Plath was one of those modern poets who died young.
If your every sentence admits a doubt, your writing will lack authority. Save the auxiliaries would, should, could, may, might, and can for situations involving real uncertainty.
Google Translate: 如果你的每一句话都有疑问,你的写作就会缺乏权威性。对于涉及真正不确定性的情况,保存辅助设备将,应该,可能,可能,可能和可以。
注解:不要随便用这些词:would, should, could, may, might, and can。
1. 语态(1)
2. 常用时态
3. 一些标点符号“规则”(句号、逗号,参考The Elements of StylePart I)
4. 一些语法“规则”(主语、谓语的一致性、变化多端的代词、分词短语的主人,参考The Elements of Style Part I)
5. 一些基本的写作“原则”(文章结构、段落、语态,参考The Elements of Style)
6. 修改、修改、再修改[简洁为上, see Chapter 7 Concision by Joseph/三种修饰语+两种“问题修饰语”,即悬空修饰语(p161)、错位修饰语/, see Chapter 8 Length by Joseph/逻辑性/一致性]