function q = affparam2mat(p)
% function q = affparam2mat(p)
% input : p, a "geometric" affine parameter;
% output : q, a 2x3 matrix;
% The functions affparam2geom and affparam2mat convert a "geometric"
% affine parameter from/to a matrix form (2x3 matrix).
% affparam2mat converts 6 affine parameters (x, y, th, scale, aspect, skew) to a 2x3 matrix,
% and affparam2geom does the inverse.
% p(6) : [dx dy sc th sr phi]"
% q(6) : [q(1) q(3) q(4); q(2) q(5) q(6)]
% Reference "Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision" by Richard
% Hartley and Andrew Zisserman.
% Copyright (C) Jongwoo Lim and David Ross. All rights reserved.
% Thanks to Jongwoo Lim and David Ross for this code. -- Wei Zhong.
sz = size(p);
if (length(p(:)) == 6)
p = p(:);
s = p(3,:); th = p(4,:); r = p(5,:); phi = p(6,:);
cth = cos(th); sth = sin(th); cph = cos(phi); sph = sin(phi);
ccc = cth.*cph.*cph; ccs = cth.*cph.*sph; css = cth.*sph.*sph;
scc = sth.*cph.*cph; scs = sth.*cph.*sph; sss = sth.*sph.*sph;
q(1,:) = p(1,:); q(2,:) = p(2,:);
q(3,:) = s.*(ccc +scs +r.*(css -scs)); q(4,:) = s.*(r.*(ccs -scc) -ccs -sss);
q(5,:) = s.*(scc -ccs +r.*(ccs +sss)); q(6,:) = s.*(r.*(ccc +scs) -scs +css);
q = reshape(q, sz);
闽南师范大学 陈颖频