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科技英语写作基础(系列):分析abstract on microplastics in air

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Microplastics in air: Are we breathing it in?



• More than 60 million metric tons of plastic fibers were produced in 2016.

• Fragmented fibres– fibrous microplastics – are present in outdoor and indoor air.

• The inhalation of airborne fibrous microplastics is a question of size.

• Inhaled fibrous microplastics are likely to be biopersistent.

• Airborne fibrous microplastics may also carry pollutants.

评论:Be consistent. Do not switch from fiber to fibre in one paper.



The annual production of plastic textile fibers has increased by more than 6% per year, reaching 60 million metric tons, about 16% of world plastic production. 


评论:increased by more than 6% per year,从哪年到哪年?reaching 60 million metric tons,是哪年?当然,Highlights里面有2016。但是,应该在此加上2016.



The degradation of these fibers produces fibrous microplastics (MPs). 


Such MPs have been observed in atmospheric fallouts, as well as in indoor and outdoor environments. 

评论:我觉得as well as用反了。B as well as A,强调的是B。


Some fibrous MPs may be inhaled. 


Most of them are likely to be subjected to mucociliary clearance; however, some may persist in the lung causing localized biological responses, including inflammation, especially in individuals with compromised clearance mechanisms. 

评论:causing localized biological responses 前面应该加逗号。


Associated contaminants such as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) could desorb and lead to genotoxicity while the plastic itself and its additives (dyes, plasticizers) could lead to health effects including reproductive toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity.



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