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韩国女优名字 韩国十大美女女优排行榜(5)

2.  金允珍(Yunjin Kim)

金允珍(Yunjin Kim) 金仑珍(朝鲜语:김윤진,1973年11月7日-),韩裔美籍女演员,1983年移民美国,毕业于波士顿大学公演艺术学系,大学时至英国留学(英美戏剧学会British American drama academy),演出1999年韩国卖座电影《生死谍变》而于韩国窜红,及后更在ABC电视台影集《Lost档案》中演出。其名字常被音译成金允珍。 金允珍出生首尔,10岁时移民到美国,毕业于纽约艺术学校,并在英国戏剧学院和美国波士顿大学专攻表演专业。此后她曾经活跃于美国的话剧舞台,1997年左右因为渴望在祖国得到认可而回到韩国,拍摄了多部电视剧和电影。 当年《生死谍变》中那个北韩女特工金允珍,给观众留下深刻印象。没想到日后她出演了《密爱》,也是出演豪放床戏,获得影后。还有《六月日记》里,她也有裸露。金小姐长得漂亮,身材也丰满,绝对乃难得的情色片女演员。 Born in 1973, Yunjin Kim is Korean American actress. Born in Seoul, she moved to the U.S. with her family when she was 10 years old. She starred in a series of popular TV series and films such as American television series Lost, Ardor and Shiri. In the movie of Ardor, she starred as a housewife, who was heartbroken due to her husband"s infidelity. She had an affair with a doctor and fell in love with him. Kim"s passionate and excellent performances in the movie won her best actress at the 2002 Blue Dragon Film Awards.

1. 全度妍(Jeon Do-yeon)

度妍(Jeon Do-yeon) 全道嬿(朝鲜语:전도연,1973年2月11日-),韩国女演员,通常译名为全度妍。 毕业于首尔艺术大学放送演艺学系、高丽大学言论大学院硕士,1990年拍摄广告出道,早期主要拍摄电视剧。1997年首次演出电影《伤心街角恋人》。2007年凭李沧东执导的《密阳》夺得第60届戛纳影展最佳女演员及多个电影颁奖礼女主角奖项。2014年出任第67届戛纳影展主竞赛评委,为韩国演员第一人。

当年《快乐到死》中就脱衣露奶,剧中女主角因偷情导致被杀。后来《丑闻》中扮演的古代女郎,再次受不住世俗诱惑,与心上人一起床上销魂,结局悲剧。就算《密阳》中,也看到她大胆脱衣,虽为露点,演片尺度却很大。07年获得戛纳影后的全度妍,可谓韩国历史上最著名的情色女星,其对情色电影之成就,如今彻底超越韩国其他女星,理应排名第一。 Born in 1973, Jeon Do-yeon is the most famous South Korean actress in the world. As a national level actress, she has won numerous awards including the Grand Bell Award, Blue Dragon Film Award and the Asia Pacific Screen Award. Due to her fabulous performance in the movie Secret Sunshine, she won Best Actress at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. She has also taken part in many X-rated films such as Happy End, The Housemaid and Untold Scandal. 好吧,十大著名的韩国女优就给大家介绍到这里,有你喜欢的吗?他们拍的韩国限制级R片都看过了吗?我想应该是看过一些的,比如色即是空,虽然有点色,但是确实搞笑。

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