

  ⅰteaching aims
  learn the useful expressions and sentence structure in the reading.
  enable the ss to use the language points both orally and in written form.
  get the ss to guess the meanings of the words or expressions according to the context.
  ⅱ teaching important points
  the useful words and phrases:
  bet, make a bet, permit, amount, account for, find oneself doing sth, stare at, wonder, mind, by accident etc.
  useful sentence structures:
  (1)have you ever made a bet with a friend? if so, what did you bet on?p17
  (2)he is lost in london.p17
  (3)permit me to lead the way, sir. p17
  (4)as a matter of fact, i landed in britain by accident. p18
  (5)his eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on the table. p18
  (6)i wondered, mr. adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. p18
  (7)i earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.
  ⅲ teaching difficult points
  how explain the language points exactly and clearly
  how to help the ss better understand the useful sentence structures.
  ⅳ teaching procedures:
  step1: revision
  t: morning, boys and girls. in the last period, we learned a story of the million pound bank-note, now let’s review what we have learned.
  q1: what’s the main idea of this story?
  q2: would you like to say something about henry adams?
  step2: dealing with some language points
  t: well, you did a very good job! by the way, do you still remember that i asked you to find out your difficulties in the play? have you prepared for it?
  (the ss asked some questions one by one and the teacher helps them work out their problems patiently)
  t: now, let’s deal with some important words and phrases. you’d better know their meanings according to the context and the knowledge of the word formation.
  1.a large amount of money= a large sum of money
  amount n.= total; whole; quantity 总数;总额; 数量
  e.g. a large amount of money is spent on education every year.
  amount v. amount to = add up to 总计;共达
  e.g. his debts amount to 5 million yuan.
  a large amount of, a great deal of,² many, a little 之后跟不可数名词
  a large number of, a great many, many, a few 之后跟可数名词
  2. make a bet
  ①bet vt. = risk on a race or some other event of which the result is not sure 打赌; 赌博
  e.g. he bet me 100 yuan that i wouldn’t be able to pass the exam. but i am sorry i failed once again.
  ② vt. = be certain about sth. 绝对确信
  i bet …= i’m certain…我肯定…
  e.g. i bet our class will win the race next time.
  ③bet n. =arrangment to risk money 赌博
  make a bet on sth. with sb= bet on sth with sb.
  e.g. i made a bet with him on the match between my class and his.
  3. permit me to lead the way, sir.
  permit vt. give permission for sth.; allow 许可,允许
  permit sb. to do sth: to allow something to happen, especially by an official order or decision
  e.g. : her mother would not permit her to come back late.
  permit sth./doing sth.
  e.g. :we do not permit smoking in the office.
  permission n. 允许,常指口头上的允许
  permit n. 允许,常指成文的允许;也指许可证、执照、通行证
  (1)i"ll see you after the meeting, if time permits.
  (=if it finishes early enough)
  (2)we"ll have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.
  (=if the weather is good enough)
  4. i wonder, mr. adams, if you mind us asking a few questions.
  (1). wonder vt. 想知道
  spoken used to ask politely for somethingø
  i wonder if/whether
  e.g. i wonder if i might have a glass of water.
  to think about something thatø you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc :
  wonder who/what/how etc
  e.g. i wonder how james is getting on.
  i wonder who is going to give a lecture.
  (2). mind vt. feel discomfort at sth; object to sth. 介意
  do you mind my/me sitting here?
  e.g. i don’t mind _____ the decision as long as it is not too late. (XX高考)
  a.you to delay making    b. your delaying making
  c. your delaying to make  d. you delay to make
  注意:-----do you mind my smoking here?
  -----yes, you’d better not./ no, just go ahead.
  5. i find myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.
  find oneself doingø sth(发现自己不知不觉…)
  to gradually realize that you are doing something, although you had not intended or planned to do it
  e.g. he found himself walking towards the park.
  find oneself in/at etc (发现自己竟……)ø
  a) to realize that you are in a particular situation, especially a bad one, that you did not expect
  e.g. they suddenly found themselves without a goalkeeper.
  b) to realize that you have arrived somewhere without intending to
  e.g. after wandering around, we found ourselves back at the hotel.
  find 宾语 宾语补足语,其中的宾补可以是名词、形容词、分词、副词、介词短语或者to be型不定式ø
  e.g. (1) you will find a difficult book. (名词)
  (2) i find maths to be difficult.(to be型)
   (3) she found the door closed. (过去分词)
  (4) we found him interesting.(现在分词)
  (5) i find the article easy to understand.(形容词)
  (6) when i arrived, i find him in bed.(介词短语)
  (7) i found her out.(副词)
  6. …, which account for my appearance.
  •account for sth 说明/解释…的原因
  a)to be the reason why something happens
   e.g. his illness accounts for his absence.
  b)to give a satisfactory explanation of why something has happened or why you did something
  e.g. how do you account for the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon.
  7. by accident= by chance
  e.g. i only found it by accident.
  8. stare at
  stare at angrily= glare at
  9. to be honest (with sb.)= to tell you the truth = honestly speaking
  10. pretend to do pretend to be doing
  11. take chances of doing sth./on sth.(冒险/碰运气)
  step 3: analyzing the useful sentence
  (1) he is lost in london.他在伦敦迷了路
  be lost 迷路;倾心于某事
  e.g. he was lost in the forest for three days and nights.
  he was so lost in reading this book that he forgot his train.
  (2) as a matter of fact, i landed in britain by accident. 事实上,我在伦敦上岸是偶然的。
  as a matter of fact= in fact事实上, 实际上
  e.g. i didn’t go to the club yesterday. as a matter of fact, i haven’t been there for a long time.
  by accident 偶然的/地
  e.g. by accident, he found the place where his brother had hidden the treasure.
  (3) i earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。
  earn one’s passage 挣取旅费
  e.g. he couldn’t afford the fare, and so he had to earn his passage by doing jobs on the ship.
  step 4 summing up and homework
  t: in this period, we mainly deal with language points. i am sure you have understood them. today’s homework is trying to remember what you have learned as much as you can.
