

  unit 1 will people have robots?
  1. 一般将来时:
  be going to 和will / shall
  2. be free 有空的,免费的
  free time 空闲时间
  in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间
  3. live to be +年龄 活到…岁
  4. in +时间 表示将来时间 "在…(时间)后"针对此时间状语用how soon 提问。
  5. few, little, much, many以及它们的比较级和最高级。
  6. hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, billions of以及有具体数字时它们的用法。
  unit 2 what should i do?
  1. 提建议的说法:
  should / could + 动词原形
  you / we’d better + 动词原形
  shall we + 动词原形…?
  why not / why don’t you +动词原形…?
  let’s +动词原形
  what / how about +v.ing…?
  2. write sb a letter= write (a letter) to sb.
  3. call sb up= call sb= ring sb= ring sb up=give a call to sb= phone sb=talk with sb on the phone 给某人打电话
  4. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的票
  the key to the door 门的钥匙
  the answer to the question 问题的答案
  the solution to the problem 问题的解决方法
  5. spend, pay, cost, take 表示"花费"的用法
  sb spends money / time on sth.
  某人在某物方面花费钱/ 时间
  sb. pays (money) for sth 某人为某物支付(钱)
  sth costs sb some money 某物花某人多少钱
  it takes sb time/ money to do sth 做某事花某人时间/ 钱
  6. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物
  lend sth to sb=lend sb sth 把某物借给某人
  7. buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 买某物给某人
  8. everyone else 别的每个人
  what else…? …别的什么吗?
  9. except= but 除…以外(除去后面提到的事物)
  besides 除…以外(包含后面所提事物)
  10. i don’t know what to do. =
  i don’t know what i can / should do.
  11. fail one’s test / exam 考试不及格
  pass the test / exam 通过考试
  12. get on / along well with sb.和某人相处很好
  13. 主+ find / think +it + adj + to do sth.
  =主+find / think + it + be +adj + to do sth
  某人觉得/ 认为做某事是怎样的
  14. on the one hand, on the other hand
  unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?
  1. 过去进行时:was / were + ving
  2. when 和while
  3. take off 起飞 --- land 降落
  take off脱衣--- put on 穿上
  4. how strange it was! = what a strange thing it was!
  isn’t that amazing! = how amazing it is!= what an amazing thing it is!
  5. at nine o’clock last sunday morning
  at that time
  on april 4, 1968
  on this day
  6. one of +名词复数 …之一
  7. take place= happen 发生
  what happened to sb? 某人发生什么事了?
  unit 4 he said i was hard-working.
  1. hard-working 和work hard
  2. 间接引语(属于宾语从句)
  3. not…anymore = no more 不再
  not…any longer = no longer 不再
  4. first of all = at first 首先
  5. be good at = do well in 擅长于
  6. how is it going? = how are you?
  7. be in good health = be healthy 健康的
  8. have a hard time with sth.
  have a hard time doing sth. 做某事很吃力
  9. send one’s love / regards / wishes to sb = give one’s love / regards / wishes to sb. 将爱/ 问候/ 祝福带给某人
  10. get over 忘掉(不愉快的事),克服
  11. sound like 听起来象 look like 看起来象 smell like 闻起来象 taste like 尝起来象 feel like 摸起来象 seem like 似乎象是
  12. above sea level 海平面以上
  13. work as 做什么工作
  unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!
  1. if引导的条件状语从句:主将从现,主情从现
  2. let sb in 让某人进入
  3. take away sth 或take away sth把某物拿走
  take it / them away 把它/ 它们拿走
  4. to the party 参加聚会at the party在聚会上
  5. travel around the world 环游世界
  all over the world = in the world = around the world 全世界
  6. get an education 受教育
  7. make a living (by) doing sth = do sth for a living
  8. charity --- charities 慈善事业,慈善机构
  unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?
  1. 现在完成进行时:have / has been doing
  2. for +时间段,since +时间点,since +从句 都表示时间段,针对它们提问都用how long
  3. a pair of skates 一双溜冰鞋
  two pairs of skates
  4. several = a few, some 几个,一些
  5. three and a half years = three years and a half 三年半
  6. run out of = use up 用完
  7. on my seventh birthday 在我七岁生日那天
  8. globes with animals 有动物的球
  coffee with milk 加牛奶的咖啡
  9. fly kites 放飞风筝
  10. learn a lot about… 关于…学到很多
  11. in fact 事实上,实际上
  12. the more+ 句子,the more +句子 越…,就越…
  13. i’m certain…= i’m sure… 我相信…,我肯定…
  unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?
  1. mind dong sth 介意做某事
  mind not doing sth 介意不做某事
  mind one’s doing sth 介意某人的某事
  2. 表示"请求"的句子:
  would you mind (not) doing sth? =
  could / would you please (not) do sth?
  3. turn down (音量)调小 turn up (音量)调大
  turn on 打开(电器)turn off 关掉(电器)
  4. right away = at once = in a minute 立即,马上
  5. make dinner = cook dinner 做晚餐
  6. wait in line 排队等候
  wait for sb / sth 等候某人/ 谋物
  wait a minute / moment 等一会儿
  7. get mad = get annoyed = get angry 变得生气
  8. all the time = always 总是
  9. a bit late = a little late = a little bit late 有点晚
  10. follow sb around 跟着某人到处走
  follow me. 跟我学/ 走/ 说/ 做
  following 如下的,接着的
  11. order the food 点菜
  in right order 以正确的顺序
  order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
  12. in public places = in public 在公众场合
  13. give sb suggestions = give sb advice 给某人提建议
  14. pick up sth = pick up sth 捡起某物
  pick apples 摘苹果
  pick out = choose 挑选
  unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?
  1. why don’t you = why not
  2. special enough 足够特别地
  creative enough 足够有创意地
  3. what a lucky guy! = how lucky the guy is!
  4. easy to take care of 容易照顾
  easy to get along with 容易相处
  5. a 6-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子
  6. not …at all 一点也不
  not at all 一点也不,没关系
  7. fall asleep = go to sleep = be asleep 入睡
  8. rather than = instead of 而不是
  9. too many gifts 太多的礼物
  too much money 太多的钱
  much too hot 太热
  10. in different ways 用不同的方式
  in the same way 用相同的方式
  in this way 用这种方法
  on the way to spl 在去某地的途中
  by the way 顺便说一下
  11. hear of = hear about 听说…
  12. take an interest in = have an interest in = show an interest in = be interested in 对…感兴趣
  13. make friends with sb 和某人交朋友
  unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park?
  1. 现在完成时:have / has + p.p.
  2. have / has gone to, have / has been to和have / has been in
  3. me neither. "我也没有" 可以和一个neither带出的倒装句互换。
  4. an english-speaking country 一个说英语的国家
  5. the best way to do sth is …..做某事最好的方法是…
  6. it’s because (that)….. 那时因为…
  7. in southeast asia = in the southeast of asia 在亚洲的东南部
  8. take a holiday = have a holiday = go on a holiday = spend a holiday 渡假 holiday = vacation
  9. three quarters = three fourths 3 / 4
  a half = one second 1 / 2
  a quarter = one fourth 1 / 4
  10. something to eat 吃的东西
  something important 重要的东西
  11. whether… or…不管…还是…
  12. during the daytime = in the daytime 在白天
  at night 在夜里
  13. all year round 整年
  14. whenever = no matter when 无论何时
  wherever = no matter where 无论何地
  whoever = no matter who无论是谁
  however = no matter how 无论怎样
  15. spring 春 summer 夏
  autumn = fall 秋 winter 冬
  unit10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it?
  1. 反意疑问句:前肯后否;前否后肯
  2. play sports = do sports 做运动
  3. what do you think of …?= how do you like…?
  4. have a wonderful time = have a good / great / nice time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得开心
  5.be careful to do sth = take care to do sth小心做某事
  6. cross the street = go / walk the street 过街
