

  unit 2 travelling
  unit 2 travelling
  1. so…that /such…that/enough to/too…to…
  2. have/has been in, have/has been to, have/has gone to
  3. 延续性与短暂性动词
  grammar 1: so…that /such…that/enough to/too…to…
  so+ adj. /adv. +that从句或such+单/复数名词+that从句
  it’s so hot in summer that we can’t do without the air conditioner.
  the teacher spoke so fast that i couldn’t understand what he was saying.
  he is such a genius that he doesn’t have to study much for exams.
  they are such good basketball players that everybody wants to watch their games.
  他们个个都是很棒的篮球员, 所以每个人都想去看他们打球。
  表示:足以做某事 enough to… 如: he is old enough to do it.
  意思是太……而不能 too...to… 例: he is too young to go to school.
  so…that, too…to和enough to都是初中英语教材中的重要结构,在一定条件下它们可以相互转换,并经常成为中考考查的热点之一。先请看下面两道中考试题:
  1. he is old enough to go to school.
  he is __________ __________ that __________ __________ go to school.
  2. she was so weak that she couldn’t take care of her baby.
  she was __________ weak __________ take care of her baby.
  (答案:1. so old; he can 2. too; to)
  当that引导的从句为否定式且从句主语与主句的主语相同时,so…that可转换为too…to结构;若从句主语与主句的主语不相同时,so…that可转换为too…for sb. to结构。例如:
  the box is so heavy that he can’t carry it.  the box is too heavy for him to carry.
  (二)so…that与enough to的转换
  1. 当that引导的从句为肯定式时,若从句主语与主句主语相同时,so…that可转换为enough to结构;若从句主语与主句主语不相同时,so…that可转换为enough for sb. to结构。例如:
  xiao lin is so old that he can go to school.  xiao lin is old enough to go to school.
  the box is so light that he can carry it.  the box is light enough for him to carry.
  2. 当that引导的从句为否定式时,若从句主语与主句主语相同时,so…that可转换为enough to的否定结构;若从句主语与主句主语不相同时,so…that可转换为enough for sb. to的否定结构。同时要注意,转换后的形容词(副词)要用其相应的反义词。例如:
  the man is so old that he can’t go to work.  the man isn’t young enough to go to work.
  the desk is so heavy that i can’t move it.  the desk isn’t light enough for me to move.
  (三)enough to的句式为否定式时,enough to可以转换为too…to结构。
  he is not old enough to do the work.  he is too young to do the work.
  the problem is too difficult for me to work out.   the problem isn’t easy enough for me to work out.
  1. the book is interesting enough for everybody to read.
  the book is ____ interesting ____ everybody likes to read it.
  2. the boy is so short that he can’t reach the buttons of the lift.
  the boy is ____ short ____ ____ the buttons of the lift.
  the boy isn’t ___ ____ _____ _____ the buttons of the lift.
  3. he is such a young boy that he can’t go to school.
  he is _____ young ______ he can’t go to school.
  he is_____ old _____ to go to school.
  he is _____ young _____ go to school.
  4. he is so old that he can go out alone.
  he is _____ ________ ______ go out alone.
  5. mr. wu is so patient that he spends much time explaining things to us.
  mr. wu is _____ __________ ______ spend much time explaining things to us.
  6. the panda is so fat that it can’t go through the hole.
  the panda is _____ _____ ______ go through the hole.
  1. so; that
  2. too; to reach; tall enough to reach
  3. so; that /not; enough/too; to
  4. old enough to
  5. patient enough to
  6. too fat to
  1. 这本书太难,我读不懂。
  2. 他太累,不能再走了。
  3. 他跑得太快了,没有人能赶上他。
  4. 雨下得很大,我们出不去。
  5. 那天很忙,我们没有去买东西。
  6. 他太小了,不能去上学。
  7. 我说得太快了,他们不能明白我的话。
  8. 这个女孩到上学的年龄了。
  9. 这道题很简单,我们能够回答它。
  10. 这个房间太小,不能容纳 200 人。
  11. 这个箱子太重,我们搬不动。
  1. this book is so difficult that i can’t read it.
  2. he felt so tired that he couldn’t walk any longer.
  3. he ran so fast that no one could catch up with him.
  4. it rained so heavily that we couldn’t go out.
  5. it was so busy a day that we didn’t go shopping.
  6. he was so young that he couldn’t go to school. =he was too young to go to school.
  7. i spoke so quickly that they couldn’t understand me. =i spoke too quickly for them to understand.
  8. the girl is so old that she can go to school. = the girl is old enough to go to school.
  9. the question is so easy that we can answer it. = the question is easy enough for us to answer.
  10. the room is so small that it can’t hold 200 people. =the room is too small to hold 200 people. =the room isn’t big enough to hold 200 people.
  11. the box is so heavy that we can’t carry it. =the box is too heavy for us to carry. =the box isn’t light enough for us to carry.
  grammar 2:have been to, have gone to和have been in的区别
  have been in, have been to, have gone to
  have been in强调"过去曾去过"之意,表示经验;
  have been to的意思是"过去到过而现在已返回",它强调"最近的经历";
  have gone to表示"动作的完成",强调人已离开说话的地方。
  (1)they have been in chicago.
  (2)they have been to chicago.
  (3)they have gone to chicago.
  1. have been in 用例:
  how long have you been in class today? 今天你在班里呆了多长时间?
  they have been in beijing for two weeks. 他们在北京已经有两个星期了。
  how long have you been in this city?你在这个城市呆了多久?
  2. have been to 用例:
  he has been to paris three times. 他去过巴黎三次。
  they have been to the zoo. 他们到动物园去了。
  the children have gone to play in the park. 孩子们到公园玩耍去。
  3. have gone to 用例:
  he has gone to paris. 他去巴黎了。
  everyone has gone home. 大家都回家去了。
  he has gone to see her uncle. 他去看他叔叔了。
  she has gone to the cinema with her boyfriend. 她与男朋友看电影去了。
  注意:遇到四个地点副词时要去掉to,这四个地点副词是:here ,there , home ,abroad
  一、用 have/has been to;have/has been in; have/has gone to填空
  1) where’s jim? —he has _____ guiling.
  2) she has_____ the park, she will be back in two hours.
  3) i have _____ the west lake, look, i have taken many photos on it .
  4) tom has_____ to jim’s home, but he hasn’t come back.
  5) they have_____ beijing for three months.
  6) the whites have_____ the u.s.a, they won’t come back.
  7) we have____ the bookshop and bought many books.
  8) she has _____ her homeland; she is coming to my home next week.
  9) i have______ hong kong twice.
  10) we have_____ the mount tai, we all enjoyed ourselves.
  11) i have never ______ the beach in sonya.
  12) he missed his mother very much, so he has already_____ his home.
  13) they have_____ hangzhou, they found it very interesting.
  14) tom has ______to the w.c, so i have to wait for him.
  15) how many times have you_____ to shanghai.
  16) he has ever _____here with his wife.
  17) i like the mount red park .i have_____ there for five days.
  18) may i speak to lily?—-sorry, she has______ xi’an
  19) he has never ______to hangzhou, but he has______ wuhan once.
  20) i haven’t seen him recently. —oh, he has______ fujian.
  1. gone to 2. gone to 3. been to 4. gone 5. been in
  6. gone to 7. been to 8. gone to 9. been to 10. been to
  11. been to 12. been to 13. been to 14. gone 15. been
  16. been 17. been 18. gone to 19. been to; been to 20. gone to
  1. 你曾经去过上海吗?
  2. 他到美国去过两次。
  3. 亨利到伦敦去了。
  4. 我的父亲去了武汉,这个星期回来。
  5. 他去过巴黎三次。
  6. 他们到动物园去了。
  7. 孩子们到公园玩耍去。
  8. 他去巴黎了。
  9. 他去看他叔叔了。
  10. 她与男朋友看电影去了。
  1. have you ever been to shanghai?
  2. he has been to america twice.
  3. henry has gone to london.
  4. my father has gone to wuhan, and he’ll be back this week.
  he has been to paris three times.
  5. they have been to the zoo.
  6. the children have gone to play in the park.
  7. he has gone to paris.
  8. he has gone to see her uncle.
  9. she has gone to the cinema with her boyfriend.
  grammar 3: 延续性动词与终止性动词
  英语中,动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。
  终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow, buy等。
  1. 延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示"一段时间"的状语连用。表示"一段时间"的短语有:for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等。如:i have learned english since i came here.自从我来到这儿就学英语了。
  2. 延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的"点时间"状语连用。如:it raind at eight yesterday morning.(误) rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示"点时间",前后显然矛盾。如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come, begin, get等终止性动词来表示。
  上句可改为:it began to rain at eight yesterday morning.(正)又如:
  —when did you get to know jack?
  —two years ago.
  —then you’ve known each other for more than two years.
  —that’s right.
  1. 终止性动词可用来表示某一动作完成,因此可用于现在完成时。如:
  the train has arrived.火车到了。
  have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?
  2. 终止性动词表示的动作极其短暂,不能持续。因此,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用(只限肯定式)。如:
  (1) 他死了三年了。
  误:he has died for three years.
  正:he has been dead for three years.
  正:he died three years ago.
  正:it is three years since he died.
  正:three years has passed since he died.
  (2) 他来这儿五天了。
  误:he has come here for five days.
  正:he has been here for five days.
  正:he came here five days ago.
  正:it is five days since he came here.
  正:five days has passed since he came here.
  (1) 将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave be away, borrow keep, buy have, begin/start be on, die be dead, move to live in, finish be over, join be in/be a member of, open sth. keep sth. open, fall ill be ill, get up be up, catch a cold have a cold
  (2) 将句中表示"一段时间"的状语改为表示过去确定时间的状语,如上面两例中的第二种正确表达方式。
  (3) 用句型"it is+一段时间+since..."表达原意,如上面两例中的第三种正确表达方式。
  (4) 用句型"时间+has passed+since..."表达原意,如上面两例中的第四种正确表达方式。
  3. 终止性动词可用于现在完成时否定式中,成为可以延续的状态,因而可与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:
  he hasn’t left here since 1986.
  i haven’t heard from my father for two weeks.
  4. 终止性动词的否定式与until/till连用,构成"not+终止性动词+until/till ..."的句型,意为"直到……才……"。如:
  you can’t leave here until i arrive.直到我到了,你才能离开这里。
  i will not go to bed until i finish drawing the picture tonight.今天晚上直到我画完画,我才上床睡觉。
  5. 终止性动词可以用于when引导的时间状语从句中,但不可以用于while引导的时间状语从句中。when表示的时间是"点时间"(从句谓语动词用终止性动词),也可以是"一段时间"(从句谓语动词用延续性动词)。而while表示的是一个较长的时间或过程,从句谓语动词用延续性动词。如:
  when we reached london, it was twelve o’clock. (reach为终止性动词)
  please look after my daughter while/when we are away. (be away为延续性动词短语)
  6. 终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:
  误:how long have you come here?
  正:how long have you been here?
  正:when did you come here?
  7. 短暂性动词的肯定句不能接一段时间。(否定句可以)
  误:i have come to nanjing for about two years.
  正:i have been in nanjing for about two years.
  正:i haven’t come to nanjing for about two years.
  come to…be in/at…
  go to…be in/at…
  arrive at / in…be in/at…
  get to…be in/at…
  reach…be in/at…
  leavebe away (from)
  leave for…be away for…
  diebe dead
  begin / startbe on / last
  stop / endbe over
  become / get / turn (变得)be…
  go to bedbe in bed
  get upbe up
  catch a coldhave a cold
  make friendsbe friends
  get to knowknow
  get marriedbe married
  become interested inbe interested in
  joinbe a member of
  become a member ofbe a member of
  hear fromhave a letter from
  get a letter fromhave a letter from
  receive a letter fromhave a letter from
  1. 他哥哥两年前当兵去了。
  2. mr. smith三年前死了。
  3. 我一个月前买了一本书。
  4. 约翰十年前离开了家乡。
  5. 他们一周前从图书馆借了五本书。
  6. 电影已经开始十分钟了。
  1. his brother joined the army two years ago.
  his brother has been in the army for two years.
  it is two years since his brother joined the army.
  2. mr. smith died three years ago.
  mr. smith has been dead for three years.
  it is three years since mr. smith died.
  3. i bought a book a month ago.
  i have had a book for a month.
  it is a month since i bought a book. john
  4. john left his hometown ten years ago.
  john has been away from his hometown for ten years.
  it is ten years since john left his hometown.
  5. they borrowed five books from library a week ago.
  they have kept five books for a week.
  it is a week since they borrowed five books.
  6. the film started ten minutes ago.
  the film has been on for ten minutes.
  it is ten minutes since the film started.
