

  7 unit 3 a new dimension of life 金台高中 高二年级 朱丽萍 step 1 leading-in (2mins) enjoy an episode of the film "finding nemo" and answer some questions about the film. q1: what can you see in the film?  q2: would you like to have a look at the plants and animals under the sea? step 2 pre-reading (2mins) enjoy some beautiful pictures under the sea and try to use some adjectives about colour and shape to describe these plants and animals. students’ answers are collected on the blackboard. (anemone, purple, tentacle, poisonous, sea anemonefish, white and black striped, coral, in various shapes and colors, be shaped like, brains, mushrooms, branches of trees) step 3 reading (14mins) 1. glance quickly through the diary and then number the paragraph topics in the correct order. topic paragraph number colors and shapes  dangers  reflecting  the reef’s edge  a final thought  some sea creatures  2.answer the questions according to paragraph 2, 3. (1) what is the first thing he became aware of under the sea? (2) what do the shapes of corals look like? (3) what kinds of creatures did he find? and fill in the following blank. adjectives animals behavior (4). list some other creatures and complete these noun groups from the diary entry. meanwhile, try to master the use of adjectives. 1.___________ reef sharks 2. ____________angelfish 3._______________mouth 4. ________________sea slug 5. _________________turtle. number size color pattern two little/thick/large orange and white striped /spotted e.g. 一件新的漂亮的白色的丝质礼服 (white, new, silk, beautiful) a beautiful new white silk dress 一本灰色的、有帮助的旧书 (grey, helpful old) a helpful old grey book 3. in the passage, the author expresses his personal feeling with many beautiful sentences. please underline them in paragraph 1, 5, 6.a day of pure magic • extraordinary beauty • every cell in my body woke up • it was the most fantastic thing i have ever done. • it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life • my heart was beating wildly • what a tiny spot i was in this enormous world step 4 post-reading (8mins) (t: after reading the passage, everyone must be impressed by the beautiful sea creatures under the sea. would you please discuss about which creatures under the sea in the passage attract you most? please use the following sentence structures.) i especially love……because i also love…..because step 5 pre-writing (5mins) 1.充满魔力的一天 a day of pure magic 2.奇特的美景 extraordinary beauty 3.这是我所做的最奇妙的事 it was the most fantastic thing i have ever done 4.心跳得厉害 my heart was beating wildly 5.全身的细胞都被唤醒了 every cell in my body woke up 6.我觉得吓得要命 i felt scared to death 7.犹如发现了生活中崭新的一面 it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life writing structure: l topic sentence. l three kinds of things to be described in the travel experience: water, squirrels, monkeys l author’s inner feelings please look at the following pictures and choose one animal to describe in we zhou zoo with your classmates. the animals showed in the pictures are: wood duck, deer, zebra, parrot, gorilla, and black bear. (list some useful adjectives to describe the animal.) step 6 writing (8mins) write a paragraph about animals in the zoo according to the following structure. the words are limited within 80 words. • topic sentence: • describing: i especially love... i also love... most attractively… • your feelings: words limit: 80 words] step 7 post-writing (初稿评改,6分钟) assess the essay first by the student himself, then by his partner according to the following criteria. show one of the essays on the projector and read the essay together. items self-assessment (自评) peer-assessment (同伴评) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 structure(文章结构) text coherence (连贯性) language (语法,词组) spelling (拼写) punctuation (标点符号) assessing details: 1. structure (文章结构): to see whether the essays is written in required writing structure. 2. text coherence(连贯性): to see whether the whole text is coherent with proper linking words. 3. language (语法,词组等) : to see whether there are any mistakes in grammar and what phrases learnt are used. 4. spelling (拼写): to see whether there are any mistakes in spelling. 5. punctuation (标点符号):to see whether there are any mistakes in punctuation.
