

  my first ride on a train教学案
  1、understand the words correctly in module 3.
  2、grasp the meanings of the words.
  3、make up the sentences with the words.
  4、use the words exactly.
  tell the meanings of the underlined words and phrases.
  1.the airport is about ten miles distant from the city.
  2.you can get the advice of the expert if you want to know more.
  3.will you go on a long train journey?
  4.frightened children were calling for their mothers.
  5.we interviewed 20 people for the job.
  6.it was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.
  7.yao ming is more than two metres tall.
  1. in the usa d is measured in miles ,not kilometer.
  2. the baby a by its parents is taken good care of in the hospital .
  3. many kinds of farm p from taiwan have been seen in beijing.
  4. from time to time we stopped to admire the natural s on our journey.
  5. parents should t their children to have good manners from an early age.
  1.i want to use your dictionary.
  would you mind ?
  2. we want to hire workers who have been trained.
  we want to hire workers.
  3. he spent 3 days in learning how to use the new computer programme.
  it 3 days how to use the new computer programmme.
  4. alice is an 18-years-old girl .
  alice is
  课题:1.3.1my first ride on a train
  课型:new 设计: 审核: 使用: 时间: 月 日学习札记
  teaching aims and demands:
  understanding how to describe a person.
  affection and attitudes.
  understanding new teachers and forming positive attitudes towards the studies  all subjects in senior high.
  2、重点难点: language points
  3、高考要求:improve reading ability
  4、体现的思想方法: classify and deduction
  5、知识体系的建构:analysis of the structure of the text
  探究一:.pre-reading activities
  lead in the study of the text by carrying out the following activities.
  1. what adjectives will you use to describe me –- your new english teacher? what about other teachers?
  (ask students to speak out as many words as they can.)
  2. look at the pictures. what are your first impressions of the three teachers? (prediction)
  (ask students to write down the adjectives and check with their partners.)
  探究二: reading for main idea
  help students to grasp the main idea of the text by doing the task.
  1. read the text fast and check your prediction.
  mrs. li _______________
  mrs. chen _______________
  mr. wu _______________
  2. answer the following questions.
  (1) who is the most popular teacher?
  (2) who is the kindest teacher?
  (3) which teacher are students most afraid of?
  探究三: reading for detailed information
  make sure students get the detailed information by doing the following.
  1. read the text again and fill in the table.
  nameappearance/charactersubjectteaching stylemy feeling
  2. read the text again. ask and answer the questions in pairs:
  (1) what first impression did mrs. li give to the writer? why?
  (2) why don’t you feel completely stupid in her class?
  (3) guess what faster students think of her class?
  (4) are all the students on time for mrs. chen’s class? why?
  (5) why don’t some of the class like her?
  (6) what is mr. wu’s teaching style?
  (7) why is he very popular among his students?
  探究四: dealing with expressions
  1. read the text again and underline all the verbs followed by v –ing. make sure students understand the meaning of each sentence.
  2. find words and phrases in the text that match the definitions below. (activity 3, p13)
  3. pay attention to these sentences.
  a. but mrs. li just smiles, so that you don’t feel completely stupid! (line 8, para.1)
  (1) all the people laughed at me, so that i felt embarrassed.
  (2) the girl practised playing the violin very hard, so that she did a very good job at the concert.
  (3) the next morning my uncle got up early, so that he was able to catch the first bus.
  discussion: what does so that + clause show? time, reason, purpose or result?
  b. i’ll do well in the exam with mrs. chen teaching me. (the last sentence of para.2)
  (1) i’ll make more progress in my english study with you helping me.
  (2) he really couldn’t work with a baby crying in the next room.
  (3) they walked on with the white snow shining under the sun.
  questions: (1) do you understand these sentences?
  (2) can you rewrite each sentence?
  language use
  1. retell the text according to the key words in the table.
  nameappearance/charactersubjectteaching stylemy feeling
  mrs. linervous, shy, kind, patientenglishexplain, avoid, smile slowly for,wonderful for making progress
  mrs. chenstrict, serious, not smilephysicswell-organized, clear, explain exactlynever be my favorite lesson do well in
  mr. wugood-looking, energetic, amusingchineseliterature, talk, wave, tellrespect a lot
  2. discuss the following questions in pairs:
  (1) of the three teachers which one do you like best? why?
  (2) would you like mrs. chen to be your physics teacher? why or why not?
  3. ask students to describe their new teachers in groups of four and then give a presentation.
  the following key words are given to help them:
  name, appearance/character, teaching style, their goals in the new term
  1.if you think that treating a wonman well means always ____ her permission for things ,think again. (06湖南)
  a. gets b. got c. to get d. getting
  2.—what are you going to do this weekend?(06陕西)
  --i’m thinking of ____ to visit my aunt.
  a. go b. going c. having gone d. my going
  3.--it’ll take at least 2 hours to do this!
  --oh, ______! i could do it in 30 minutes(05天津)
  a. come on b. pardon me c. you are right d. don’t mention it.
  4. now that she’s out of the job, lucy ____ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.(04北京)
  a. had considered b. has been considering
  c. considered d. is going to consider
  keys: b b a b
  课题:1.3.1my first ride on a train
  检测目标  班级 姓名
  1、understand the words correctly in module 3.
  2、grasp the meanings of the words.
  1、make up the sentences with the words.
  translate the following into english paying attention to the bold words or phrases
  at a menswear shop
  shop assistant: can i help you?
  mrs. liu: i"m just looking at these jackets.
  shop assistant: may i know who is it for? maybe i can give you some suggestions.
  mrs. liu: sure, it"s for my son.
  shop assistant: how old is he?
  mrs. liu: he is eighteen.
  shop - assistant: how tall is he?
  mrs. liu: he"s about five feet eleven inches tall. he"s very strong. i always buy him clothes of larger size.
  shop- assistant: i see. how about this one? it"s very fashionable.
  mrs. liu: no. he prefers simple styles.
  shop - assistant: how about this one?
  mrs. liu: the style is all right, but i"m not sure about the color. he looks good in dark colors. but i always think that a young man should wear something lighter...i don"t know. let me think...
  shop- assistant: that"s easy. they come in different colors. here. there is dark blue, green, brown, black, ivory white, melon yellow, and sky blue.
  mrs. liu: well...can i change it if he doesn"t like the color?
  shop- assistant: of course.
  mrs. liu: i think i"ll take the dark blue one.
  shop- assistant: very well. that"s fifty-nine dollars...here is your receipt. thank you.
  lighter adj.是light的比较级,此处指较明亮的颜色。
  choose the best answers:
  1.what is mrs. liu"s son like?
  a.simple styles.        b.dark colors.
  c.tall and thin.         d.tall and muscular .
  2.which color do you think makes her son more handsome according to mrs. liu?
  a.navy blue.          b.light red.
  c.sky blue.          d.bright green.
  3.which one does mrs. liu"s son like best?
  a        b          c          d
  1.he enjoys riding, fishing and shooting.
  2.a computer is used more than typing documents.
  3.wto, as we know, is short for the world trade organization.
  4.the train travels at a speed of over 200 kilometres an hour.
  5.i can’t stand his punishment any more.
  6.will you get off the train at hangzhou station?
  keys: l 3daa
