

  教学目标: 1.了解感知动词过去分词做宾语补足语。
  1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词。如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等。
  2. 表示"致使,使役"意义的动词。如:have, make, get, keep, leave等。
  3. 表示"希望"、"要求"意义的动词。如:like, order, want, wish, expect等后用 "vt + ( to be )+pp"。
  教学过程:1. 导入。呈现课文中出现的过去分词作宾补的句子,让学生找出这几个句子的共同点,并归纳语法现象。
  2. 过去分词作宾补表示的意义。组织学生们自己读,自己记,同桌间互相检查,老师抽查。
  4. 作业。笔头总结过去分词做宾语补足语的意义,并做相关练习。
  课程的定位 :英语语法课程是商务英语专业的专业基础课
  1.2 课程目标
  2. 课程设计理念与思路
  2.1 课程设计理念
  2.2 课程设计思路
  3. 学生基础和智能特点分析
  4. 课程内容与教学要求
  7.2 师资力量
  Chapter 9 Non-finite Verbs
  --Grammar: The Infinitive
  By: Li mingsheng
  Part I My understanding of the lesson and analysis of the students
  My topic today is the Passive voice. The students have learnt something about the Passive voice in Junior High school, and they often meet the Passive voice in reading materials, so I think the grammar is not strange to them.
  As we know, the Passive voice is one of the most important grammars, and it is also one of the most difficult grammars. To help the students grasp the infinitive, I should make the students interested in the class first.
  It is requested in the New Standard English that we should improve the students’ integrating skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so I set some activities to develop the students’ integrating skills and the ability of imagination and creativity. According to these, I set my teaching aims as follows:
  Teaching aims:
  Knowledge goals: (1)The structure of passive voice in different tenses
  (2) Learn to change active voice into passive voice
  Moral goals: Encourage Ss to Learn to be active in our lives.
  Important points: 1. Work together to sum up the grammatical rules of the Passive voice
  2. Encourage students to think in the English way
  Difficult points: The definition of different forms of the Passive voice and how to use them Teaching Aids: pictures; tape-recorder; multi-media
  Part II My teaching theories and methods to deal with the lesson
  1.Teaching theories:
  Learner’s learning activities should center on their cooperation and team work, while T works as a well-trained guide.
  2. Teaching methods:
  (1) Task-based teaching method
  (2) Activity-based teaching method
  (3) Aural-oral method with the help of the computer
  (4) Pair work or inpidual work method
  Part III Teaching procedures
  Step 1 Greetings and lead-in
  Activities: Present some sentences on the screen, and ask the students to read and discuss them in groups
  1. Cars are regularly stolen in this area.
  2. The report was submitted last Monday.
  3. The book is being written now.
  4. The building were being renovate when I was there last.
  5. I have been offered a new position.
  6. The hotel had been booked before.
  7. She will be given the money.
  Step2 Presentation and discussion
  Task 1: Presentation (Group work)
  Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Today I am pleased to be here and have an opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you. My topic is the __________ taken from Unit 1, Grammar, Module 1. My presentation will include 5 parts . They are Analysis of Ss and teaching material, teaching objectives, teaching important and difficult points, teaching methods and teaching procedures.
  Now Let’s come to Part 1: Analysis of teaching material
  The lesson focuses on the grammar______________, which plays an important role in understanding the long sentences in a texts and developing their writing ability. Ss have already gained some knowledge of it while they were in middle school. So Ss are not only demanded to learn the definition and the usages of _________, but also to use
  Part 2: teaching objectives
  According to the …
  To help students review some useful words in the text, master the usage of ________ and identify the differences between _________ and ________.
  Part 3: teaching important and difficult points
  The important and difficult points are: to master the usage of _______ and apply _________ into their writing.
  Part 4: teaching methods
  Part 5: teaching procedures
  Step 1: free talk 3mins
  Have Ss do a presentation or sing a song
  Purpose: to attract Ss attention and activate the atmosphere
  Step 2: lead in 6mins
  Have Ss look at the sentences on screen, discuss in pairs to find out the similarities of the sentences. I will offer my guidance when is needed. Then generalize the structure of those sentences. Here, I will write __________ and its structure/ form on the blackboard.
  Purpose: to pave inspire their previous knowledge of _________ and pave the way for the following learning
  Step 3: presentation 12-14mins
  Have Ss read the sentences on page___ and I will lead Ss to analyze the sentences one by one. Explain the tips on the left/ right to Ss.
  After that, I will have Ss do a competition. Let students find out the sentences like
  this in the text in pairs, who get the most sentences is the winner.
  Purpose: By competition, Ss can arouse Ss’ initiative and cooperative consciousness to master the usage of ________.
  Step 4: practice 16-18mins will remind Ss of the confusing points and easily wrong points. Check the sentences they made.
  Afterwards, have Ss finish the exercises on page ________ inpidually. Check the answers with the Ss and tell them what kind of exercises is prone to test in an examination.
  Finally, Show some exercises which had appeared in the university entrance examination before on screen. Analyze the exercises with the Ss.
  Purpose: to better understand the usage of ________ by doing different designated exercises.
  Step 5: Summary 3mins
  Have Ss make a summary of the usages of __________. I will offer my help when they have difficulties in telling out the language points.
  Purpose: to consolidate Ss knowledge and develop their ability of making conclusions
  Step 6: Homework 1min
  Good morning,my dear judges:(鞠躬)
  (介绍) I’m number ____.It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson.Today my topic is Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?(上讲台板书)from Book 2.What I will teach is Section A from grammar focus to 3c.I will talk about it from 6 parts
  (说教材)firstly,I will talk about the analysis of teaching material. The topic is entertainment. It is related to ss’daily life.So it is easy to arouse ss’interest.In this period, ss will do some listening and speaking practice about the topic.At the same time, ss will have the chance to improve their abilities of reading and writing.
  (目标)Next, I will talk about teaching aims:
  As for the knowledge aims: ss need to master the new words:such as________,the phrases____ (and the structures_______)(边写边说).
  And for the ability aims: In this period, ss will be able to make their original sentences and use the target language in real situation.It can develop ss’ability of listening and speaking.
  Moral aims: ss can develop the spirt of cooperation through team work and take an interest in English learning.Ss can share their favorite TV shows with their friends.
  (重难点)The key and difficult points are some phrases and words,like ____ and the structure:____________
  (说学生) Ss of grade 7 have learned English for several years. They are curious and active .They enjoy taking part in all kinds of class activities.So I will design different activities in our class.
  (说教法)During the class, I would like to adopt 2 teaching methods, named task-based teaching method, communicative method and micro-class.I will design - 1 -
  pair work , group work and inpidual work to improve ss’ ability of cooperating as well as self-studying.
  (说学法) In order to learn it well ,ss can use listening – speaking method and study in pairs .These methods can improve ss’language skills and give them more chances to practice .That is "learning by doing , learning by using". (说教学过程 )Now,I will talk about the most important part – teaching procedures.
  Step 1: lead–in
  Before class, I will have a free talk with ss about:What kind of TV show do you like? And what do you think of the TV shows?
  Step 2: Presentation
  In this period, I will use the micro-class to teach ss the grammar"to do". Then, the ss need to underline the structure "to do" in grammar focus. And then, ss read the sentences together in grammar focus.After this, ss need to make their own sentences according to grammar focus.
  A: What do you think of___________?
  B: I ___________________ them.
  A: Why do you ___________?
  B; Because___________________.
  Step 3: pair work(3a)
  Ss need to complete the conversation by themselves.And then practice with their partner.We will choose the best 3 to show in front of the whole class. Step 4: Group work(1b)
  I will pide the ss into groups of 4. Ss work in groups and interview each other the following question:_______One student needs to write down their answers and report to the class.The best group will get a gift.
  Step 5:Survey(3c)
  After the group work, I need ss to do a survey about the question in 3c and complete the report.And this is a competition.Ss need to complete it asap. Step 6:Summary
  For the summary, SS will discuss in group.And then, I will invite two ss to write down what they have learnt on the blackboard.
  Step 9: Homework
  Ss can choose their homework in homework supermarket.So I give two levels of homework:
  No.1 is Perfect your own conversation in 3a.
  No.2 is a survey, interview your friends about the TV shows and write a report. Step 10: Blackboard design
  This is my blackboard design.
  That’s all.Thank you.
  (That’s all for my presentation.Thank you for listening.) - 3 -
  Good morning, honorable judges. I’m xx, No.1. It’s my great honor to be here sharing my lesson with you.
  I’m going to talk about my design of the grammar lesson. It is taken from Book1, Unit3 for Junior Two students. The topic is "I’m more outgoing than my sister".
  I am talking from the following aspects.
  Firstly, let me introduce the teaching and learning objectives. This is a grammar lesson. After the lesson, my students will be able to know how to make the comparative form of some adjectives or adverbs .In addition; they will be able to use comparative degree to describe the things around. And also, learning how to praise others with the comparative degree can train my students to adopt good habits in life and this is one of the important tasks of the new curriculum.
  Secondly, I want to tell something about the focal and difficult points. Although students have the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, they still need some opportunities to practice the change regulation of words, to learn comparative degree to describe things, feelings and experience. As the junior students, they are supposed to understand how to use the comparative degree in daily life.
  Thirdly, I’d like to talk about the teaching and learning methods. According to the analysis above, I’ll try to use the PPP model to help my students learn and understand this grammar, which is presentation,
  practice, and production. In this lesson, I’ll guide my students to learn to use the comparatives. And learning method is self-dependent and cooperative learning.
  The fourth part is the teaching procedures. I’ll pide the lesson into 5 parts. They are presentation &practice of adding er; presentation &practice about changing y into i then adding er; mechanical practice of part 1&2, leading more, next part is mechanical exercise about more, and Semi controlling compositive practice; the final part is production. Then I’ll talk about the first step. The first step is to lead in comparative and teach them the
  comparative which needs add er. At the beginning of the class, I’ll draw two straight lines on the blackboard to lead in longer. Then I will give more examples by showing pictures on PPT .After that, I will ask my students to look at the PPT and observe the change regulation with the color tip. Let students try to conclude the rule first. Then show rule one on the PPT. The purpose of doing this is to attract the Ss’ attention and lead in the comparative and make Ss get a general understanding of it.
  The second part is to introduce the presentation of the rule which change y into-ier. In this part, I show some vivid pictures to draw students’ attention. I will lead in some adjectives and adverbs, and give them those words’ comparative form in sentences. At the end of this part, I will join those sentences together showing on PPT and the comparative
  form in those sentences emerged in red. The purpose of doing this is to let students pay attention to the changing place, and they can easily find the regulation. Then the practice of this part is filling the blank. In order to cause the Ss’ attention and let the Ss be able to use this rule, I will give 5 fill-in questions using the adjectives and adverbs are given to change into their comparative form.
  And then, I will give more exercise to consolidate the knowledge they have learned: add er to the adjectives/adverbs to make their comparative form, the other is change y into -ier to make their comparative form.
  Group work is my first choice to let Ss learn to use the change regulation of comparative (+er, y-ier), and make it clear to distinguish the two kinds of words. So I will ask them to fill the proper words into the table (see table one) in group activity.
  Next,I will give my students six sentences to practice, they are supposed to answer the questions during one game(see table two). To do this is to raise my students’ interests in participating in the lesson and enable them to get more familiar with the knowledge they just learned. After doing this, I will show two pictures to my students and ask them to describe the pictures with the information already given; So I can check whether my students have master what they have learned or not and prepare for their production.
  The last step is to introduce my production part. I will pide this part into two steps. First I will ask my students to choose one student "who do you like best in our class and compare him or her with yourselves and then give reasons". This is to enable my students learn how to use the knowledge they learned to praise others and improve themselves. The second step is to ask my students to find an ideal friend for themselves so their oral English get practiced and they will know how to use the comparative degree to express themselves.
  Next I will assign the homework to Ss, let them write about their ideal friends.
  Finally I will talk about my blackboard design (see table three). In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the lesson and showing the most important information of the class.
  So, when students are reading, I will write down the three regulation of comparative degree so that the students will keep them in mind.
  That is all for my presentation, and your advice is most valuable to me.
  Thank you!
