

  lesson 9 a news webs 教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!" type="#_x0000_t75">ite is not as personal as a tv news showtimetopiclesson 9 a news website is not as personal as a tv news showteaching contents1. to learn new words: media, up-to-date, updated, channel, ad, site, similar, comment, disadvantage. 2. to read and understand the text, get the main idea and analyze the paragraphs by answering some questions. 3. ①to master the usage of comparisons about adj. (adv.) by using as…as; not as (so)…as; ②too…to… 4. to retell the text and then write a similar report according to the text. teaching aims1. to improve ss’ reading comprehension abilities by using reading skills and reading strategies. 2. to practice the structure "教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!" type="#_x0000_t75"> (not) as (so)…as" very well in speaking and writing english. 3. to cultivate ss’ interest in reading english.key points1. to understand the text well and answer the questions. 2. to master the grammar---to compare the same kind of things by using "(not) as …as" difficult points1. to analyze each paragraph and understand the text well. 2. to retell the text fluently.teaching typenew lessonteaching methodsguiding and finding, aural-oralteachin g aidscourseware, recorderstepsteacher’s activitiesstudent’s activitesⅰ. leading inⅱⅲ reading and comprehending the textⅳ. deep understanding the text.ⅴ. understanding the key sentences, finding some grammar and practicing it.ⅵ. retelling the textⅶ. oral wok: interviewingⅷ. writing a report.1. to ask two ss to act out a dialogue about news in newspapers. 2. to ask ss: where do you often get news about what is happening in our city, our country or other countries? to show ss tv news video and the news websites and ask them to discuss: what are the differences between news on tv and news on the internet? 1. to ask ss to read the text in a limited time and answer the questions (to get the general idea) 2. to ask ss in pairs to complete the text with the phrases from the box while drawing lines under the useful phrases. 3. to play the tape to check. 4. to ask ss to answer why-how questions by scanning reading.to show ss a form and ask them to fill it in by reading the text for full meaning. to ask ss to do true/false exercises according to the text.
  to show key sentences of the text and ask ss to observe and discuss, then do exercises.
  to ask ss these questions to go over the text:  what are the advantages / disadvantages of tv news?  what are the advantages / disadvantages of the internet news?  to write down the key words of ss’ answers so that ss can retell the key words.  to pide the class into groups with five people making comparisions about tv shows, websites, magazines, etc.  to ask ss to write a report comparing news on different medias.to discuss in groups and make a plan. to write a report blackboard design  general introduction     tv news internet news
  advantages disadvantages advantages disadvantages  see and hear not as recent as see at any time not as personal as  pictures and sound not updated as quickly as updated all the time too large to open  choose the most importan t have ads find similar information some ads  comment and join
