

  module 1
  step 1
  1. 用 powerpoint 制作,插入一张电灯泡的图片,依据讲课内容,旁边依次闪现 light bulb, invent, thomas edison, 1879.
  2. t: look at the picture on the screen.
  what"s that in english?
  ss: ...
  t: it"s a light bulb. (students read "light bulb" after the teacher repeatedly.)
  t: who invented the light bulb?
  thomas edison invented the light bulb in 1879. (屏幕上,在图片的下面出现这句话。the teacher explains "invent" to help students learn the new word. "invent" means "to make, design, or think of a new type of thing". students read "invent" after the teacher again and again.)
  step 2
  1. 邀请5名学生做个排序游戏:教师将事先准备好的大卡片随意地发给4名学生,每张大卡片分别印有 the light bulb, thomas edison, in 1879, invented。让他们自己排序,手持卡片、面朝大家排队。
  2. t: is it right, class?
  ss: yes/no.
  3. 5 号学生做助手帮忙,找到正确的顺序,并大声朗读,其他学生集体跟读。
  step 3
  1. 教师特意地颠倒 "the light bulb"和 "thomas edison"的顺序。
  2. t: can we say like this?
  ss: no.
  t: we can say in another way in english.
  3. 教师手拿印有 was 和 were 的两张大卡片站在 invented 的前面,要求5号学生手持 by 插入 invented 的后面。教师分别用 was 和 were,要求其他学生朗读,判断用 was 还是 were. claps for them! 5 名学生回到座位上。
  4. 板书说明
  被动语态的构成:助动词 be + 及物动词的过去分词
  was/were + 如:invented, called, allowed, done 等
  t: 英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态的助动词 be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与 be 作为连系动词时完全一样。本单元主要学习一般过去时的被动语态。
  5. 要求学生看屏幕,重复用被动语态的表达方式。教师点鼠标,在最下方出现
  the light bulb was invented by thomas edison in 1879.
  t: 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者,或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态,删除 by 引出动作的执行者。如屏幕显示:
  the light bulb was invented in 1879.
  module 2
  step 1
  1. 切换两张电话和多台计算机的图片,旁边分别出现提示词 bell, 1876和1976, personal computers.
  2. t: talk with your partner about the invention with the words given.
  ① what is that/are they? it"s/they"re ...
  ② ... was/were invented by... in...
  3. ask a few students to say.
  4. 图片下面呈现正确的说法:
  the telephone was invented by bell in 1876.
  the personal computers were invented in 1976.
  step 2
  1. t: list your favorite books, songs, movies, tv shows and so on.
  book: harry potter__________________
  song: xi shuashua __________________
  movie: __________________________
  tv show: _____________________________
  2. t: exchange the list with your partner.
  3. 学生根据所拿到的信息,互相轮流说出它的作者、演唱者、演员、导演或者公布的时间等等。
  4. 学生们判断这个句子所给的信息是 t or f。
  ① ... was/were written/sung/acted/directed/hosted by ...
  ② ... was/were written/sung/acted/directed/hosted in ...
  5. 4 人小组再次交换信息单,每名学生手里拿着又一份不同的信息单。参照屏幕上呈现的句式,谈论信息单。全班共分成4个组,在规定的3分钟内,每组任意选择队员站起来,说出手中的信息单,其他3组学生在纸上记下表达的内容是 t or f。规定时间结束,t: how many ts about the information? 教师在黑板上记录每组最后的成绩。屏幕呈现的句式:
  ___________ was written by ______________
  were sung in
  6. t: the winners of this game are called top students in our class. let"s clap for them!
  step 3
  1. t: what are they in your partner"s box? do you want to know? guess.
  2. 两人结对猜"百宝箱"的宝物。学生使用"百宝箱"内卡片上的提示词或者简单的描述,猜测对方的宝物。猜中一种,卡片要送给对方。教师和1名学生做示范:
  t: can you take a guess? listen! 1876, bell. you often use it to call. then what"s that?
  s: mmmm... loudspeaker?
  t: no. there"re some numbers on it.
  s: oh, it"s a telephone.
  t: yeah. here you are.
  step 4 1a
  1. 保证大多数学生完成上面的环节。
  2. t: number five inventions in 1a from the oldest to the newest.
  3. discuss your answer with your partner.
  ① i think ... was/were invented before/after ...
  step 5 1b & 1c
  1. t: is your answer right? let"s find out the real dates in 1b.
  2. listen and fill in the dates first.
  other things
  personal computer
  3. listen again and try to write other things you hear about each invention.
  4. according to the chart above, write the correct letter in 1b.
  5. 第三次播放录音,学生在练习本上写对话,找学生逐句地口头复述内容,个别复杂难懂的句子教师可以提示讲解。在屏幕上根据学生的答案,逐句地呈现对话原文。
  girl: life must have been difficult when you were a kid.
  woman: oh, not really. why do you say that?
  girl: well, you didn"t have many modern inventions.
  like, you probably didn"t have a telephone, right?
  woman: of course we did! how old do you think i am?
  the telephone was invented in 1876.
  girl: how about cars? i bet cars weren"t invented yet.
  woman: sure they were. cars were invented in 1885.
  my family had a car. i think you need to take a history class, alice.
  girl: ha, ha! well, did you have a tv?
  woman: no, we didn’t. the tv was invented around 1927, i think.
  some friends of mine had one. but in those days, tvs were really
  expensive, and we couldn"t afford one.
  girl: and i bet you didn"t have calculators and computers and stuff.
  that"s something i do know. we learned in school that hand-held
  calculators were invented in 1971 and personal computers were
  invented in 1976.
  woman: you"re right. i didn"t have those things when i was young.
  but i do now!
  6. 学生看屏幕,重复跟读磁带读音,模仿语调、体会语气。
  7. t: close your book and look at the chart on the screen. 回忆发明物的日期,仿照听力对话,结对角色表演(祖母和孙女)。
  ① when was/were... invented? i think... was/were invented in ...
  8. t: who would like to show up in front of the class? 邀请几对学生上台表演。
  9. 全班集体举手表决,评选奥斯卡"最佳拍挡奖"!
  10. t: the best show today was acted by... and ...
  module 3
  1. write down an essay about your favorite books, songs, movies, tv shows and so on.
  2. read the new words from "invent" to "slipper" fluently and remember them by heart.
