

  unit8 重点词组
  1、hang out with sb .和…闲逛 (注意过去式:hung)
  2、in the gift shop 礼品店
  3、at the aquarium 在水族馆
  4、on the school trip 在学校旅行中
  5、get one’s autograph 得到某人的亲笔签名 (注意过去式:got)
  6、take photos照相(注意过去式:took)
  7、at the end of在…的末尾
  8、at the beginning of在…开始的时候
  9、have a great time玩得高兴
  10、the visitors’ center.游客中心
  11、watch a movie about sharks看一场关于鲨鱼的电影
  12、watch a dolphin show看一场海豚表演
  13、after that之后
  14、the outdoor pool户外游泳池
  15、take the bus back to school乘公交车返回到学校
  16、buy lots of gifts买许多礼物(注意过去式:bought)
  17、take/have a class上课
  18、sleep late睡过头(注意过去式:slept,变法同sweep, swept)
  19、go for a drive开车兜风
  20、(on)the day off休息日
  21、in the rain在雨天
  22、sound like+n. sound+adj.听起来
  23、take notes 做笔记
  24、give your opinion about 给出你关于..的观点(注意in my opinion在我看来)
  25、have fun camping 野营玩得很开心 (注意:have fun doing sth.)
  26、all day 一整天
  27、have a yard sale 进行庭院旧货出售
  28、get wet 淋湿
  29、win 和beat区别 win的意思是"赢"、"获胜"、"得到成功", 它的宾语往往是奖品、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动等等。win the first prize
  beat译成汉语也有"赢"、"取胜"、"战胜"之意, 后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人. beat sb. in sth. beat me in tennis
  30、luck(n.)/ lucky(adj.) / luckily(adv.)
  31、how is + 名词?= what is +名词 +like ?
  how was your day off?=what was your day off like?
  32、the place of interest 名胜
  unit9 重点词组
  1、be born ( bear) 出生 where was she born?
  she was born in + 年、月、地点
  on + 具体日期
  2、international sports stars国际体育明星
  3、a ping-pong player一名乒乓球运动员
  4、the world record for ….的世界记录
  5、start hiccupping/to hiccup开始打嗝(start doing/to do 开始做某事)
  6、stop hiccupping停止打嗝(stop doing 停止做..,stop to do.. 停下来去做)
  7、too….to… 太…而不能..
  8、play for the national team为国家队效力
  9、win a gold medal 赢得一枚金牌(注意win的过去式是won, 胜利者是winner)
  10、a comedy called… 一部叫做..的喜剧(called意思是被叫做…)
  11、a loving grandfather 一个慈祥的祖父(love-loving)
  12、spend用法:spend …. on+n. spend … (in) doing… spend time with sb.
  13、take part in+活动、比赛 take part in the sports meeting
  join+组织 join wto
  14、be famous /well-known for… 以…而闻名
  15、when she was four=at the age of four 当她四岁的时候
  年龄的表示方法:①… years old ② at the age of… ③…-year-old 用来修饰名词
  16、living+n. n.+ alive a living dog a dog alive
  17、because of+名词短语 because+句子 表原因
  18、major in 专修…
  19、a number of 许多 动词用复数 the number of …的数目 动词用单数
  20、learn to ride a bicycle 学着骑自行车 learn to do 学会做某事
  21、see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事
  1、there is a shop ____ the street.
  a. by the end of b. in the end c. at the end of d. on the end
  2、—how long did you live in beijing?—____________.
  a. once a week b. every week c. more than a week d. a week ago
  3、-how did you like your last day off? -i  it very much.
  a. like b. liked c. likes d. will like
  4、what _______he do on his last school trip?
  a. does b. did c. is d. was
  5、after i _my homework, i went out to an aquarium.
  a. was doing b. did c. does d. would do
  6、he finished the composition early last night.
  a. write b. writing c. to write d. wrote
  7、finally,__________,we took the bus back to school.
  a. tired and happy b. exciting but happy c. tired but happyd. tiring and happy
  8、--were there any seals in the zoo---________.
  a. yes, there weren"t b. no, there weren"t c. yes, there were. d. yes,there was.
  9、hearing the news ,i was _____excited ____say a word.
  a too...to... b enough ; to c so; to d very ;to
  10、my mother _____eighty yuan on the watch yesterday.
  a took b spent c cost d paid
  11、our school is a big one with a ____history.
  a 60 - years b 60 years c 60 - year d 60 year’
  12、so much work usually makes them ____very tired .
  a to feel b feels c feeling d feel
  13、we spent three hours ____ our homework.
  a. do b. in doing c. to do d. did
  14、we didn"t go out to play _____ the bad weather.
  a. because b. because of c. met d. for
  15、there are ten _____ in the cd.
  a. piece of music b. musics c. pieces of music d.pieces of musics
  16、he _______ for 69 years.
  a. hiccuped b. hiccupped c. hiccupping d. hiccupping
  17、we watched a movie ____ living in the future.
  a. about b. of c. for d. at
  18、he ____ a speaking competition this summer holiday.
  a. takes part in b. joined c. took part in d. joins
  19、XX olympic games are in athens, greece – the olympic games ___ there.
  a made b born c held d were born
  20、bill can play ___ basketball ,jim can play ____ violin.
  a the the b a the c  the d the
  1、i ______out (闲逛) with my friends and i took lots of photos.
  2、_____(幸运) ,we brought our ___(雨伞) and raincoats ,so we didn’t get wet.
  3、many v________ from different countries come to china every year.
  4、on our last school trip we went to the a___________. we saw sharks
  seals and many sea animals there.
  5、he is a kind and _________(love) man.
  6、the animal is ill. but it"s ______(live)
  7、he ______the first prize . he was the ______of the english competition (win).
  8、you are too young ________ (go) to school.
  9、she started ________ ( hiccup) in 1990.
  10、she learned ____ (ride) a bike from her father many years ago.
  11、there __________ (be) some boxes of milk in my bag yesterday.
  12、-where________you________(meet) the famous actor? -i met him in beijing.
  13、linda, with a lot of flowers, _____ (come) from beijing.
  14、she _____ (can) count from 1 to 100 when she was four years old.
  15、he can play many _________ ( piece ) of music.
  learn,have,start,write, call,sleep,live,go,give,not have
  1. i ________ to ride a bike when i was four years old.
  2. students usually ________ learning english in primary schools.
  3. they ________ a big party to celebrate (庆祝) the harvest last october.
  4. professor li stopped ______ after he had a heart disease.
  5. i _____ lucy last night, but she was not at home.
  6. they ____ to the park last sunday.
  7. bob was so tired that he ____earlier than usual.
  8. my mother ________me a present last christmas.
  9. mrs. li ___ here many years ago.
  10. she was in a hurry, so she ________ time to cook for you.
  warm, call, light, but, danger, above, believe, sink, must, land, towards, try
  not many people have seen (看见)icebergs. sailors(船员)sometimes see them but they (1)__________ to keep away from them. we call the top and bottom (底部)of the world the north and south poles(极点). here there is ice over the sea and the (2)__________. the ice is often thousands of meters thick(厚). the ice often moves slowly down (3)__________ the sea . then big pieces of ice break off and float(漂浮)on the sea . we (4)__________ these big pieces office"icebergs".
  most of an iceberg is under the water. ice is only a little (5)__________ than water. the top of an iceberg may not be near (6)__________ a ship, (7)__________ the ship hits the iceberg below the water. then the ship (8)__________. sometimes the water becomes (9)_______. the bottom of the iceberg becomes smaller and smaller. then it turns right over. sometimes it hits a ship. icebergs are often very beautiful but they are also (10)_____.
  tom, an eight-year-old boy, was ill. he had a cough. his mother was very worried and took him to see a doctor. the doctor looked over tom carefully and said, "tom, nothing serious." them he gave him some medicine. here are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.
  take three times a day after meals.
  dose(剂量): grown-up: 2 spoons each time
  children, 8-12 years: one spoon; 4-7 years: 1/2 spoon
  not fit for children below the age of 4 years.
  notes: 1.keep it in a cold place. 2. using before dec.XX.
  tel & fax: 020-56317708 e-mail: www.cmxc.com.
  add: no.10 baiyun road, guangzhou.
  1. tom should take __spoons a day.
  a. oneb. sixc. threed. 1/2
  2.the medicine should be kept
  a. in a fridgeb. in a hot placec. in a cold placed. under the table
  3.tom should have the medicine_
  a. before mealsb. after mealsc. before dinnerd. before lunch
  4. tom can use the medicine
  a. before dec.XX b.before oct.XX c. after dec.XX d. at any time
  5. this medicine was made in
  a. beijingb. shanghaic. guangzhoud. hong kong
