

  高考英语一轮重点复习 module 4 unit4 & unit5
  1. touch vt.触摸; 接触;(使)感动
  the branches of that big tree hung down and touched the water.
  visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.
  the hero’s speech touched the entire audience.
  get in touch with和……取得联系
  keep in touch with 和……保持联系
  lose touch (with) 和……失去联系
  2. avoid vt.避免;消除(+n./doing)
  we should learn how to avoid making the same mistakes.
  to avoid getting lost, you should always follow us.
  拓展:只能用v. -ing作宾语的动词有:imagine, escape, can’t help, enjoy, miss, allow, advise, consider, delay, excuse, feel like, finish, forbid, give up, keep, mind, permit, practice, put off, suggest等
  do you mind their making noise here?
  3. charge vt.(for)收费; n.(收取的)费用
  this hotel charged me 5 pounds for a room for a night.
  as long as you’ve paid in advance, we won’t charge you for delivery.
  the charge for a front-low seat is 5 pounds.
  he was charged with murder.
  (2)charge作理工作"主管; 掌管"用时,常用于:
  in charge of主管; 看管
  in/under the charge of在……掌管下
  take charge of 掌管; 负责; 看管
  how much do you ___________ for your eggs?
  a. takeb. charge c. cost d. spent
  i’ll be ___________ the whole factory next week when the director’s away.
  a. in the charge of b. took charge of c. in charge of
  4. cloth n.布;衣料
  how much cloth does it take to make a blouse for this girl?
  pass the cloth, please. i want to clean the window.
  拓展:cloth, clothe, clothes, clothing
  (1)cloth为名词,指"衣料"时是不可数名词,作"(特殊用途的)布"时,是可数名词,如:a table cloth; a dish-cloth
  he has to work hard to feed and clothe his large family.
  these new clothes are all for her.
  (4)clothing为名词, 指"总称衣服被褥",还包括"帽子鞋袜"等,没有复数形式,后面跟单数动词,如:
  our clothing protects us from cold.
  a coat is a clothing.
  1)we have enough food and ____________________ for the winter.
  2)she’s got many beautiful _________________.
  3)now they are able to feed and _____________________ their children better.
  4)_______________________ can be made from any kind of _________________ including wool and cotton.
  5)how much _________________________ will i need to make a pair of trousers?
  5. involve vt.包括; 使陷于
  giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence in.
  they are deeply involved in debt.
  involve with"和……混在一起; 和……有密切关系"
  don’t involve yourself with those people.
  注:involvement n.连累,包含
  1. be likely to很可能……; 有希望……
  are you likely to arrive in time?
  she likely to ring me tonight.
  likely既可以用人也可以用物作主语,除了用于be likely to外,还经常用于it’s likely that…句型,这时,它等于it’s possible/probable that…, 如:
  it’s likely/ possible /probable that the teacher will say no to our proposal.老师可能否决我们的提议。
  但是,possible和probable的主语都不能是人, 如不能说:she is possible/ probable to ring me tonight.
  考点例题:likely, possible, probable.
  1)i’ll help you if ___________________.
  2)he is _________________ to ring me tonight to discuss the plan.
  3)it is _____________ , though not ___________ that he will come tomorrow.
  2. close to(时间空间等)接近; 靠近
  the bank is close to the supermarket.
  there is a bus-stop close to our school.
  close to还可以表示:
  (1)亲近的; 亲密的a close friend
  (2)几乎; 几近 close to 6 o’clock
  the ship kept close to the coast.(=near)
  he looked at the portrait more closely.(=carefully)
  1)first cousins are considered ________________ relations.
  2)he was following _______________ behind.
  3)she listened ___________________ while he read.
  4)scientists believe the warming of the planet is ______________ connected to the mount of pollution we generate.
  3. lose face丢脸; 丢面子
  failing in the exam made me lose face.
  in order not to lose face, he decided not to tell the truth.
  拓展与练习: lose face, lose heart, lose weight, lose touch (with), lose sight (of), lose one’s heart (to), lose one’s way, lose ones’ temper
  1)the banker ___________________ when people found out the he bet on horse racing.
  2)the steam had won no games and it ____________________.
  3)she __________________ to the soldier with the broad shoulders and deep voice.
  4)it’s no good _________________ over such things.
  5)don’t ___________________ in the storm when it’s dark.
  6)i watched the plane go higher and higher until i ________________ it.
  7)he ____________________ his family after the earthquake last week.
  8)the doctor advised john to _________________.
  4. 其它短语:
  ①take action (on)采取措施; 采取行动
  the government has promised to take swift action on its energy crisis.政府已经答应就能源危机迅速采取措施。
  at the same time, they are taking strong action to protect the wildlife.同时,他们正采取强有力的措施来保护野生动物。
  ②at ease舒适; 自由自在
  i feel at ease with my friend.我和朋友们在一起感到自在。
  ③intend to想要; 打算
  i intended to study abroad after graduation.我打算毕业后去国外留学。
  ④introduce …to/into…把……介绍给……; 把……引入/传入……
  a visit to the museum introduced the class to modern art.参观博物馆令全班同学认识了现代艺术
  tea was introduced into other countries from china.茶是从中国传入其他国家的。
  5. make a profit牟利;赚取利润
  he made a profit of five hundred dollars on the deal.他在这次交易中获取五百美元。
  6. come to life活跃起来; 苏醒
  spring is the season when everything comes to life.
  7. name after以……的名字给……命名
  he named after his daughter (rachel) after his grandmother.
  8. meet the need满足需要;满足需求
  the best cook is unable to meet everyone’s need of different tastes.
  1. this is an exciting experience for you, so you stand watching and listening.
  2. you see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from mr garcia.你看到她吃惊地往后退,离开加西亚先生几步远。
  3. the visitor from japan comes in smiling at the same time as george cook from canada.日本来客微笑着走了进来,同时进来的还有加拿大的乔治•库克
  以上三句中的划线部分都是动词的-ing作状语,表示前面动作发生时的伴随状态,又如:four people entered looking around in a curious way.
  the children ran out of the room, laughing and talking.
  seeing the teacher entering the classroom, the students stood up.(时间)
  being too excited, he couldn’t go to sleep last night.(原因)
  studying harder, you can improve your english.(条件)
  not having enough money, i decided not to buy the book then.
  (2)完成式.肯定为having done; 否定为not having done,如:
  having finished her homework, she began to watch tv.
  not having received his reply, she decided to write again.
  1)european football is played in 80 countries, ___________________ (make) it the most popular sport in the world.
  2)________________________(realize) that she couldn’t manage the heavy suitcase alone, she asked me to help her.
  3)when i got back home i saw a message pinned on the door, _________________(read) "sorry to miss you; will call later."
  4)__________________(check) your report carefully, you can at least avoid some spelling mistakes.
  5)________________________(suffer) from heart trouble for years, professor white has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.
  6)_________________________(not prepare) well for the exam, he failed again.
  7)the old man needs a _____________________(walk) stick _____________ (walk) steadily.
  1. unlike traditional a________________ parks, theme parks offer many more things for visitors to see and do.
  2. he has t____________________ his own novels into french from english.
  3. i won’t go to that restaurant again. they c________________ me 10 yuan for a glass of beer.
  4. without teacher’s a___________, the students cannot enter the language laboratory.
  5. british a____________ won five gold medals in the last olympics.
  6. my father bought some s_____________ on his travel to dalian.
  7. the e______________ of the photographic studio was expensive.
  8. my mother is learning a_____________ english course.
  9. you didn’t really see it –it was your i_____________.
  10. they are eager to see this old m________________ land with a splendid culture of more than 5,000 years.
  1. 这个村庄是以英雄的名字命名的。
  2. 我们每周在实验室做一次物理实验。
  3. 他由于种种原因离开了。
  4. 她向我收取了十美元的服务费
  5. 我的很多同学都希望能给北京第29届奥运会当志愿者。
  when a young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay 1 his food, his clothes, or his room, but he has to work 2 he wants to live 3 (comfort). if he spends most of his time 4 (play) about in the way that he used to as a child, 5 will go hungry. and if he breaks the laws of society 6 he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to 7. 8, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has 9 health, he can have the great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job 10 of building up for himself his own position in society.
  (一) 1. amusement2. translated3. charged4. admission5. athletes
  6. souvenirs7. equipment8. advanced9. imagination10. mysterious
  (二)1. the village was named after the hero.
  2. we do a physics experiment in the lab once a week.
  3. he left for a variety of reasons.
  4. she charged me 10 dollars for the service.
  5. many of my classmates hope that they can work as volunteers for the 29th olympic games in beijing.
  (三)1. for pay for为……付钱
  2. if 引导条件状语从句
  3. comfortably 副词
  4.playing spend in (doing)
  5. he
  6. as引导方式状语从句
  7. prison go to prison坐牢
  8. however 表转折
  9. good good health
  10. and 连接两个of短语
