

  grammar and usage
  teaching aims:
  l to learn the direct and indirect speech and how to change from one to the other
  l to identify the differences between direct and in direct speech
  l to learn how to use reported speech in statements, questions, and imperative sentences
  l to complete the relevant written tasks to reinforce the grammar and usage
  l to apply what they learn to practice by fulfilling some written mistakes.
  teaching key points & teaching difficulties:
  ² how to help them understand the changes when changing direct speech into indirect speech
  ² the usages of persuade and discourage
  ² how to apply the grammar rules to compete the related exercises correctly
  teaching procedure:
  step one: leading-in
  t: (greet the class as usual) now boys and girls, please look at the screen. there is a short dialogue. read it carefully and answer the two questions.
  ‘what are you going to do this summer holiday,’ tom asked ann. ‘i am going to travel to beijing with my parents.’ said ann.
  ø what did tom ask ann?
  ø what did ann say?
  ss: …
  (this step is to attract their attention to direct speech and indirect speech. later collect their answers on screen.)
  suggested answers:
  ü tom asked ann what she was going to that summer holiday.
  ü ann said that she was going to travel to beijing with her parents.
  t: wonderful! yon can notice that when you answer my questions you have made some changes to the original sentences. in fact your answers are written in reported speech or indirect speech while the original sentences in direct speech.
  step two: direct and indirect speech
  t: ok. this is what we will talk about today. now please open your text books at page 8. go through the group 1 and 2 to answer the next two questions:
  ø what are direct speech and indirect speech?
  ø how can we change direct speech into reported speech?
  (have students analyze the sample sentences. give them some time to discuss the sentences in pairs first and then check the answers.)
  ss: …
  suggested answers:
  ü direct speech is to report what exactly has been said while indirect speech is to report the meaning of what has been said without using exact words.
  ü we can do it by changing what has been said to an object clause or an infinitive phrases.
  (make sure they understand what direct and indirect speech is. help the students to grasp the meanings of the sample sentences. explain them to the students if necessary.)
  t: very good! then
  ø when you change direct speech into indirect speech, what else should you make changes to besides the major changes in sentence structure?
  ss: …
  t: now please go through the group 3 carefully, especially the tables. you can exchange your ideas with your classmates around you and think about the above question carefully.)
  ss: other changes in:
  ² personal pronouns
  ² tenses
  ² adverbials of time and place
  ² other cases
  t: good! next please consider how to change the following sentence in direct speech into reported speech.
  ø ‘light travels at a great speed,’ said the teacher.
  ss: the teacher said that light travels at a great speed.
  (it doesn’t matter whether they are able to give correct answer. this is just to help them to realize something different when changing direct speech into indirect speech.)
  t: so you can see we made no changes to the sentence in direct speech. dou you know why? please look at the tip on the left and recall what you have learnt before and them tell me the reason.
  ss: …
  we do not change the tense when we report a proverb or a fact that doesn’t change over time.
  t: terrific! and i can show you more examples as follows:
  ² my teacher told me that practice makes perfect.
  ² the teacher said that light travels faster than sound.
  (ask them go through the content on page 8 again and deal with any questions raised by the students. last let them finish the exercise on page 9. make sure they know what to do.)
  suggested answers:
  1.was 2.wouldn’t 3.had read 4.that 5.would 6. had bought
  7.that 8.would 9.those 10.her 11.was 12.was going to read
  step three: reporting statements, questions, and imperative sentences
  t: ok, let’s go on to learn how to report sentences in statements, questions and imperative sentences. please turn your book to page 10. go through them one by one and share your ideas with your partner. later on tell me:
  ø how to report statements, questions, and imperative sentences?
  ss: …
  (give them enough time to go through them and help them summarize the following:
  ² statements
  l use noun clauses introduces by that to report statements
  l say and tell are common reporting verbs
  e.g. ‘there two main types of advertisements,’ the writer said to us.
  à the writer told us that there two main types of advertisements.
  ² questions
  l use noun clauses introduced by whether/if to report yes/no questions
  l use noun clauses introduced by wh-words to report wh-questions
  e.g. ‘are all advertisements playing tricks on us?’ i asked her.
  à i asked her whether/if all advertisements playing tricks on us.
  e.g. the teacher asked tom ‘what’s the matter?’
  à the teacher asked tom what was the matter.
  ² imperative sentences
  l use the structure: reporting verb + object + (not) to-infinitive to report imperative sentences
  l ask and tell are common reporting words
  e.g. ‘don’t touch anything in the lab without permission.’ said the teacher.
  à the teacher told us not to touch anything in the lab without permission.
  e.g. ‘turn down the radio please, tom.’ jen said.
  à jen asked tom turn down the radio.
  t: you’ve done a good job. now you can overview what we have learnt on page 10. if you have any difficulty, ask me for help.
  ss: …
  (after this let them complete the part a on page 11.)
  suggested answers:
  part a:
  2. asked in what way it was different from other english learning software
  3. asked how it could help him to remember english words
  4. asked whether/if it taught listening and speaking
  5. asked what the designer would do if she was not satisfied with the software.
  6. asked whether/if it was user-friendly
  ( after this, give the students a few minutes to ask for help if they have any questions)
  step four: language points
  1. recommend vt. 推荐;建议、忠告
  recommend sth to sb = recommend sb sth 向某人推荐某物
  recommend doing sth 建议做某事
  recommend sb to do sht 建议某人做某事
   recommend that … 接宾语从句用虚拟语气"should do"should可以省
  e.g. they recommend tom to do the job.
  e.g. the doctor recommend that she (should) stay another week in hospital.
  2. remind sb of … 提醒某人某事…;使某人想起…
  remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事
  e.g. the film remind him of his happy childhood.
  e.g. my father often reminded me to behave myself at school.
  step six: homework
  ² to do part c2 and c2 on page 92
  ² to preview the task
