

  veral minutes. t: now, please report your work.g1:we can see a man beside a high-tech car, which is controlled by an advanced computer and equipped with high-quality solar battery. this type of car is friendly to the environment and very popular with consumers.g2:here we can find some space buildings, which are made of advanced building materials. there the scientists can carry out experiments, watch other planets and so on.s: in this picture we can see an astronaut and a spaceship. in the near future, more astronauts from different countries will be able to travel to the space and carry out more experiments so that we can have a better understanding of the universe.s: in the last picture, we can see several old people talking about medicine. in the future, doctors will have further research into diseases and the medicine will be more effective in preventing and curing diseases.t: wonderful. in a word, life in the future is very mysterious and fascinating. yet we can do more to make our future safer and easier.2. group discussiontask 1: predict life in the futurethis step is designed to let the students choose the most interesting topic and make bold predictions.help:1. the whole class is pided into eight groups. 2. the student can choose the group whose topic interests him or her most.3. get the students think of more key words or phrases first.4. each group tries to choose two or more best ideas to share with the class.5. one member from each group is invited to report their work.after 5 minutes.t: now it’s time to report your work. g1: in the future people will communicate more easily andconveniently. they can talk on the phone and send emails on the internet. they can do almost everything on the internet, like shopping, reading, borrowing books, depositing money, ordering meals or tickets. g2: as to where people work in the future, the answersare pided. some people will be able to work at home on the internet, which we call soho. more people will work in the companies also related to computers. at that time there will be more and more new jobs like database managers, sales engineers and so on.g3: in the future more companies and inpiduals prefer to do business on the internet by using various kinds of smart cards. even if you don’t take any cash you can also do shopping, go to the concert or travel abroad. in a word, e-commerce will play a more important role in our daily life.g4: human beings will look healthier in the future. inspite of this they still get sick. however, scientists will have a better understanding of how cancer develops. g5: in the future people will speak much fewer languages. both english and chinese have become world languages. g6: in the future people will live in different places. as the population is exploding, more people will prefer to live in faraway places, under the sea or even on the moon. g7: as people’s life is improving, people prefer to travel to different places. not only do they enjoy local travel but also they travel abroad. some even can afford to travel in space.g8: students in the future will be able to receive far better education with the help of the internet and e-schools. and their subjects will be richer and more personal.step iii speakingthis part is to provide the students with realistic situations so that they can have more chances to practice the functional items---making predictions task 2: having "doubles" or nothelp:1. pide the students into four groups. 2. inpidual work. each student has to offer more answers to support his/her opinion.3. group work. each member states his or her opinion and reasons.4. class work. group leader reports their work.after 5 minutes.t: now you’ve discussed this topic. i’d like the four group leaders to report your work.g1: i think it would be great to have a double because i could use the double to do the things i don’t enjoy, for example, going to school, doing homework and taking exams. having a double would also be good because i can do two things at a time, so that i can work more efficiently.g2: but we think having a double might be dangerous because we don’t know what the double might do. for example, the double might cheat people out of their money. as a result i will have to be punished because of him.g3: no, i don’t think so. i would like to have a double, because i don’t have time to do all the things i’d like to do, for example, cooking meals and having meetings. having a double would be wonderful because we could have more time to do things i like best.g4: however, having doubles would make people confused, because no one would know who the double really was or how to treat it. for example, the double wouldn’t have any parents and relatives. it would be bad for society if people had troubles, because it would be very difficult to make it clear who was to blame for the very trouble. t: thank you for all your wonderful ideas. since it’s a hot topic and we don’t reach any agreement, we can say it’s still early to use this technology to make "doubles".step iv talking (see workbook p117)this part should be a free talk concerning future life. the students should be encouraged to express their own opinions freely.task 3: planning my futurehelp:1. pide the students into 8-10 groups. 2. each student chooses one job and asks as many questions as possible.3. group members role-play the discussion by asking and settling questions.4. collect creative ideas from the groups and enjoy them.after several minutes.t: now let’s invite some pairs to report their own discussion.sa: mr. zhang, i’m 17 years old and want to become a scientist. i want to know what i need to do in order to become a scientist.sb: well, that’s a good idea. to be a scientist, you need to be interested in science first.sa: that’s true. i show great interest in how the satellite works. anything else?sb: being a scientist, you should not only be curious about nature but also determined. while doing experiments you may come across many troubles. you should be determined to overcome them in order to achieve your aim.sa: then where can i receive my education on satellites, space etc.?sb: as to this question, you can go to the library or surf the internet for help. i think there are quite a few such universities both in china and the usa.sa: how long should i study this?sb: well, it depends. maybe as long as ten years. sa: thanks for your advice. i think i’ll work hard at my lessons and try to read more science books to lay good foundations for my future.sb: good luck to you.free discussionthis step is to further stimulate the students’ curiosity about the future and ambition to struggle for their own lifelong destination.t: can you predict your own future? here all of you have the chance to express your aims or dreams.s: i’d like to be an inventor. i’ll invent a new spaceship which travels in space very easily and cheaply. so we can make a trip to the moon or the mars. s: i’d like to become an architect. i’ll try to design the most beautiful buildings in the world so that everyone who travels in beijing wants to pay it a visit. s: i want to be a physician. i’ll devote myself to studying the cause of aids so that the people in asia and africa are free from this deadly disease....step v language points1. double ① n. a person who looks exactly the same as someone else: e.g. hey tony, i met someone at a party last week who was your double.② adj. twice the size, amount, price, etc., or consisting of two similar things together:e.g. go through the double doors and turn left. the word "cool" has a double "o" in the middle.2. copy ① n. something that has been made to be exactly like something else: e.g. this painting is only a copy of the original hanging in the louvre. could you make a copy of this for tomorrow’s meeting, please?② v. to produce something so that it is the same as an original piece of work: e.g. patricia’s going to copy her novel onto disk and send it to me. he tends to copy his brother in the way he dresses.step vi homework 1. consolidationt: today we have learned so much about making predictions. i do hope you can practise more after class.2. topict: here is a topic as today’s homework——my dream. please share your dreams with the others next time.3. preview the new lessont: besides, please preview the new lesson after class. now class is oveunit 6 life in the futurei. 单元教学目标技能目标goalstalk about life in the futurelearn about noun clauses (2)practice making predictionswrite a definition paragraphⅱ.目标语言功能句式making predictionsit would be wonderful if... it would be bad for...if...it’s possible/impossible to predict... no one can predict what/when....just imagine if... we can only guess...词汇1. 四会词汇prediction, exact, forecast, trend, contemporary, indicate, urban, energy, ensure, system, consumer, reform, goods, purchase, tiny, cash, remain, importance, regular, medical, deal, physician, cure, biochemistry, educator, distance, hopeful, cheat, wrist, require, programme, reality, absurd2. 认读词汇mekanika, glimpse, e-commerce, necessity, crowded, mall, chip, sars, smallpox, genetics, lifelong, well-prepared, identify, old-fashioned, imitate, virtual, lifelike, definition3. 重点词组catch a glimpse of, keep in touch with, pay attention to, deal with, in store4. 重点词汇forecast, major, indicate, ensure, remain, regular, cheat, cure, require语法noun clauses(2) 名词性从句1. what life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.2. they are careful about what they eat and exercise regularly.3. the schools of the futures will probably be different from what they are today.4. we cannot be sure whether our dreams will come true, but we can at least be hopeful that our efforts to improve the world will be successful.5. if we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.6. the discussion topic for today is what school will be like in the future.重点句子1. what life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.2. one way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.3. a good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train....4. to ensure safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.5. the internet also makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers and companies in other countries.6. people in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain active even in old age.iii. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元的主题是"life in the future",功能项目是"谈论未来生活"和"做出预测判断",写作要点是学写描述性文章。通过本单元的学习,要让学生了解科学技术进步在未来生活中的巨大推动作用。教师要借助听力、讨论、阅读、写作等一系列扎实有效的教学活动,进一步拓展学生想象力,提升其语言实践能力,让他们意识到只有用自己的智慧和勤劳的双手才能改造社会,为人类造福。1.1 warming up 提供了四幅图片和八个相关话题,本部分可以作为下文"说"的铺垫,学生分组讨论,使其有话可说,无话不说。1.2 listening有两个任务,一是听录音,回答问题,侧重于听能培养,二是讨论mekanik的生活方式与现代生活方式的不同,并给mekanika写信回答她所关心的问题。1.3 speaking要求把全班分成四个小组,每一组从不同角度出发陈述赞同或反对"有一相似人"的理由。这种开放式讨论有助于引导学生运用所学知识合作学习,指导他们全面地、辨证地看待问题。1.4 pre-reading是reading的热身活动。要求学生采用快速浏览的方式确定不同段落的主题,潜移默化地培养学生skimming这一非常有效的阅读技巧。1.5 reading采用"总-分-总"的写作手法,大小标题形象地展示了本文的结构和内容。教师要引导学生充分利用"标题"这一有效的阅读技巧把握文章主旨,了解作者的写作意图,并深入地培养他们猜测词义、理解语句、归纳段落大意等能力。1.6 post-reading从回答问题、分析比较和展开讨论三个层面由低到高、由易到难,循环递进,引导学生结合现实生活,发挥想象,畅谈未来,从而达到综合运用英语进行交际的目的。1.7 language study "词汇学习"部分旨在培养学生根据语境猜测生词并正确运用所学词汇的能力。其核心是把词汇的学习和真实的语境巧妙结合起来,逐步拓展学生的词汇量。"同步语法"部分则设计了不同类型的连线题、判断题和转换题,旨在训练学生准确理解名词性从句并灵活运用的能力。1.8 integrating skills 阅读部分是一封书信,mekanika给人类写一封信,介绍3044年生活方式和具体感受。文章充满大胆的想象和对美好生活的向往,借此来激发学生的想象力,使其憧憬未来生活,更要珍惜现代生活。相对起来,写作任务更加富有挑战性,不但要求学生大胆想象,还要求学生言之有理,言之有物。1.9 tips指导学生如何巩固自己的词汇量——建立单词收集卡片。1.10 checkpoint部分简要地总结本单元语法重点,并引导学生总结与本单元话题密切相关的词汇。2. 教材重组2.1 从话题内容上分析,warming up 与speaking相一致;而从训练目的上分析与talking比较一致。从教材份量来说,可将warming up,speaking和workbook中的talking整合在一起,设计成一节任务型"口语课"。2.2 将listening 和workbook中的listening整合在一起,设计成一节任务型"听力课"。2.3 可将pre-reading, reading和post-reading三个教学活动整合在一起上一节任务型"阅读课(一)"。2.4 可将language study 与workbook中的practising语法练习题整合在一起上一节任务型"语法课"。 2.5 可将integrating skills 中reading和workbook中lintegrating skils 的reading整合起来上一节"阅读课(二)(泛读课)"。2.6 将integrating skills 中的writing和workbook中integrating skills 的writing整合成一节"写作课"。3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完) 1st period 口语课 2nd period 听力课 3rd period 阅读课 4th period 语法课 5th period 泛读课 6th period 写作课ⅳ. 分课时教案the first period speakingteaching goals 教学目标1. target language目标语言 ①重点词汇和短语  prediction, in the future, double, exact, original, confused ②交际用语making predictions it would be wonderful if...  it would be bad for...if... it’s possible/impossible to predict...  no one can predict what/when.... just imagine if...  we can only guess...2. ability goals能力目标  ①enable the students to think up more creative ideas for the future life. ②encourage the students to express themselves freely by making predictions.3. learning ability goals 学能目标 ①help the students to make predictions by using given clues. ②inspire the students to be more creative in thinking.teaching important points教学重点get the students predict what future life will be like by using the useful expressions.teaching difficult points 教学难点how to encourage the students to talk freely and actively on making predictions.teaching methods教学方法1. co-operative method for creative ideas.2. task-based approach to discuss the topic——having a double or not.teaching aids教具准备1. a computer 2. a projectorteaching procedures & ways教学过程与方法step i lead-in1. greetings.2. lead-int: boys and girls, we may often ask ourselves this question: "what will life be like in the future?" it’s really an interesting question. today we’ll take this chance to talk about this subject. now let’s come to warming-up.step ii warming uppicture talkingthis step is meant to train the students to watch carefully and think actively.t: now you are pided into four groups. each tries to think of more than one sentence to describe the picture. then the group leader will be asked to report your work. veral minutes. t: now, please report your work.g1:we can see a man beside a high-tech car, which is controlled by an advanced computer and equipped with high-quality solar battery. this type of car is friendly to the environment and very popular with consumers.g2:here we can find some space buildings, which are made of advanced building materials. there the scientists can carry out experiments, watch other planets and so on.s: in this picture we can see an astronaut and a spaceship. in the near future, more astronauts from different countries will be able to travel to the space and carry out more experiments so that we can have a better understanding of the universe.s: in the last picture, we can see several old people talking about medicine. in the future, doctors will have further research into diseases and the medicine will be more effective in preventing and curing diseases.t: wonderful. in a word, life in the future is very mysterious and fascinating. yet we can do more to make our future safer and easier.2. group discussiontask 1: predict life in the futurethis step is designed to let the students choose the most interesting topic and make bold predictions.help:1. the whole class is pided into eight groups. 2. the student can choose the group whose topic interests him or her most.3. get the students think of more key words or phrases first.4. each group tries to choose two or more best ideas to share with the class.5. one member from each group is invited to report their work.after 5 minutes.t: now it’s time to report your work. g1: in the future people will communicate more easily andconveniently. they can talk on the phone and send emails on the internet. they can do almost everything on the internet, like shopping, reading, borrowing books, depositing money, ordering meals or tickets. g2: as to where people work in the future, the answersare pided. some people will be able to work at home on the internet, which we call soho. more people will work in the companies also related to computers. at that time there will be more and more new jobs like database managers, sales engineers and so on.g3: in the future more companies and inpiduals prefer to do business on the internet by using various kinds of smart cards. even if you don’t take any cash you can also do shopping, go to the concert or travel abroad. in a word, e-commerce will play a more important role in our daily life.g4: human beings will look healthier in the future. inspite of this they still get sick. however, scientists will have a better understanding of how cancer develops. g5: in the future people will speak much fewer languages. both english and chinese have become world languages. g6: in the future people will live in different places. as the population is exploding, more people will prefer to live in faraway places, under the sea or even on the moon. g7: as people’s life is improving, people prefer to travel to different places. not only do they enjoy local travel but also they travel abroad. some even can afford to travel in space.g8: students in the future will be able to receive far better education with the help of the internet and e-schools. and their subjects will be richer and more personal.step iii speakingthis part is to provide the students with realistic situations so that they can have more chances to practice the functional items---making predictions task 2: having "doubles" or nothelp:1. pide the students into four groups. 2. inpidual work. each student has to offer more answers to support his/her opinion.3. group work. each member states his or her opinion and reasons.4. class work. group leader reports their work.after 5 minutes.t: now you’ve discussed this topic. i’d like the four group leaders to report your work.g1: i think it would be great to have a double because i could use the double to do the things i don’t enjoy, for example, going to school, doing homework and taking exams. having a double would also be good because i can do two things at a time, so that i can work more efficiently.g2: but we think having a double might be dangerous because we don’t know what the double might do. for example, the double might cheat people out of their money. as a result i will have to be punished because of him.g3: no, i don’t think so. i would like to have a double, because i don’t have time to do all the things i’d like to do, for example, cooking meals and having meetings. having a double would be wonderful because we could have more time to do things i like best.g4: however, having doubles would make people confused, because no one would know who the double really was or how to treat it. for example, the double wouldn’t have any parents and relatives. it would be bad for society if people had troubles, because it would be very difficult to make it clear who was to blame for the very trouble. t: thank you for all your wonderful ideas. since it’s a hot topic and we don’t reach any agreement, we can say it’s still early to use this technology to make "doubles".step iv talking (see workbook p117)this part should be a free talk concerning future life. the students should be encouraged to express their own opinions freely.task 3: planning my futurehelp:1. pide the students into 8-10 groups. 2. each student chooses one job and asks as many questions as possible.3. group members role-play the discussion by asking and settling questions.4. collect creative ideas from the groups and enjoy them.after several minutes.t: now let’s invite some pairs to report their own discussion.sa: mr. zhang, i’m 17 years old and want to become a scientist. i want to know what i need to do in order to become a scientist.sb: well, that’s a good idea. to be a scientist, you need to be interested in science first.sa: that’s true. i show great interest in how the satellite works. anything else?sb: being a scientist, you should not only be curious about nature but also determined. while doing experiments you may come across many troubles. you should be determined to overcome them in order to achieve your aim.sa: then where can i receive my education on satellites, space etc.?sb: as to this question, you can go to the library or surf the internet for help. i think there are quite a few such universities both in china and the usa.sa: how long should i study this?sb: well, it depends. maybe as long as ten years. sa: thanks for your advice. i think i’ll work hard at my lessons and try to read more science books to lay good foundations for my future.sb: good luck to you.free discussionthis step is to further stimulate the students’ curiosity about the future and ambition to struggle for their own lifelong destination.t: can you predict your own future? here all of you have the chance to express your aims or dreams.s: i’d like to be an inventor. i’ll invent a new spaceship which travels in space very easily and cheaply. so we can make a trip to the moon or the mars. s: i’d like to become an architect. i’ll try to design the most beautiful buildings in the world so that everyone who travels in beijing wants to pay it a visit. s: i want to be a physician. i’ll devote myself to studying the cause of aids so that the people in asia and africa are free from this deadly disease....step v language points1. double ① n. a person who looks exactly the same as someone else: e.g. hey tony, i met someone at a party last week who was your double.② adj. twice the size, amount, price, etc., or consisting of two similar things together:e.g. go through the double doors and turn left. the word "cool" has a double "o" in the middle.2. copy ① n. something that has been made to be exactly like something else: e.g. this painting is only a copy of the original hanging in the louvre. could you make a copy of this for tomorrow’s meeting, please?② v. to produce something so that it is the same as an original piece of work: e.g. patricia’s going to copy her novel onto disk and send it to me. he tends to copy his brother in the way he dresses.step vi homework 1. consolidationt: today we have learned so much about making predictions. i do hope you can practise more after class.2. topict: here is a topic as today’s homework——my dream. please share your dreams with the others next time.3. preview the new lessont: besides, please preview the new lesson after class. now class is ove
