

  unit 1 great scientists教学设计3
  unit 4 making the news
  一. 教学目标 (teaching aims)
  1. 能力目标 (ability aim)
  enable the ss to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.
  enable the ss to know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview.
  2.. 语言目标 (language aim)
  occupation, do research, on one’s own, cover, concentrate on, acquire, accuse…of, so as to, scoop
  1)not till you are more experienced!
  2)you’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you and if you are interested in photography, it may be possible for you to concentrate on that later on.
  3)not only am i interested in photography, but i took a course at university, so it’s actually of special interest to me.
  4)only if you ask many questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.
  5)we say a good reporter must have a "nose" for a story.
  6)this is a trick of the trade.
  7)have you ever had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?
  8)perhaps i too will get a scoop!
  二. 教学重难点 (teaching important points)
  know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview
  三. 教学方法 (teaching method)
  fast reading; task-based method & discussion
  四. 教学步骤 (teaching procedure)
  period 1
  step i lead in.
  1.where can we get the news?
  newspaper, tv, radios, website, magazines, mobile phones, etc
  2.what are the advantages of newspaper over other means of news medias?
  step 2 warming up.
  1.can you tell some jobs in a newspaper company? what are their jobs involves?
  types of jobswhat it involves
  reporter/ journalistinterview people or finds out events from onlookers
  photographertakes photos of important people or events
  editormakes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate, check facts
  designerlays out the articles and photographs
  printerprints the newspaper
  2.do you know what’s the press of making a newspaper?
  the chief editor hold a meetimg.
  journalists interview people and write stories
  photographers take photographs
  photo are quickly developed
  editors check the report.
  editors write the headline
  the newspapers are printed.
  the newspapers are delivered by train and truck.
  step iii pre-reading
  t: get the students discuss the importance of qualities a good news reporter needs to have. and why?
  step iv reading
  1.listen to the tape and do the true or false questions.
  1) zhou can go out on a story immediately (f)
  2) zhou took a notebook,a pen,a camera with himself. (t)
  3 while interviewing, the reporter would just ask the questions prepared before hand.(f)
  4) zhou took a course of photography at mid-school. (f)
  5) zhou is very enthusiastic. (t)
  2.read the passage and answer the following questions.
  1)when can he go out on a story on his own?
  2)a good reporter must have a "nose", what does it mean?
  3)what mistakes must he avoid?
  4)why is listening so important?
  step v pide the dialogue into three parts, and write down the main idea of each section.
  part 1: to work in a team
  part 2: how to get an accurate story
  part 3: how to protect a story from accusation
  period 2. language points:
  1 occupation
  (1) job / employment 工作/ 职业
  please state your name , age and occupation
  (2) period of time during which a house ,country ,etc, is occupied
  they have a five-year occupation of the farm .
  2fill in
  don’t forget to fill in your boarding cards. (填写)
  let me fill you in on what’s been happening in the office over lunch . (向 …提供最新消息)
  we have got some time to fill in before the show . let’s go for a drink .( 消磨( 打发)时间)
  sally’s off sick . can you fill in for her for a month. (临时替代 )
  3 reporter : journalist
  an on-the –spot reporter 现场记者
  it ‘s reported that … 据报道
  report sb 告发某人
  report to sb 向某人汇报
  4 personality
  (1) characteristics and qualities of a person seen as a whole 人格/ 个性
  she has a very strong personality .
  (2)u/cn distinctive , esp socially attractive ,qualities 特色
  we need a person with a lot of personality to organize the party .
  (3) cn famous person
  a lot of personalities from the film world attended the party .
  5 assignment
  she was sent abroad on a difficult assignment . (task or duty that is assigned to sb)
  the english assignment is a book report . (homework )
  assign homework 留家庭作业
  be assigned to a new post 被派到新的工作岗位
  6 never will zhou yang forget his first …
  否定词放在句首,故用倒装把谓语的一部分位于主语之前.类似词有:no / not / never / little / hardly / seldom / scarcely / neither …nor / not only …but also / no sooner …than / hardly…when/ by no means / in no time
  他很少去看电影. seldom does he go to the cinema .
  在我一生中还未曾听说或见过这样的事呢 . never in my life have i heard or seen such a thing .
  7 influence
  have a good / bad influence on sb / sth 对… 有好/坏的影响
  have (no ) real influence over sb /sth  对..有/没有真正的约束力
  use one’s influence with sb 利用与某人关系的影响力
  under the influence of 在…的影响下
  8 go out on a story
  on 加名词与come /go / set out 等动词连用可表示目的,表示去做某事
  he is leaving for shanghai on business tomorrow . 他明天要动身去上海出差.
  她打算下周去北京旅行. he is go on a visit to beijing next week .
  9 not on your own .not till you are more experienced !
  = you can’t go on your own ! you can’t go till you are more experienced !
  on your own = alone / without help / excellent
  i’m all on my own today .
  although her father was in the company ,she got the job on her own .
  when it comes to maths , mary is on her own .
  by oneself 独立地/ 单独地
  of one’s own 属于某人自己的
  10 experience un / cn /vt
  do he has much experience ?
  he had many interesting experiences while travelling in africa .
  learn by / from / through experience
  a meeting to exchange experience
  a man of rich /much experience
  be experienced / skilled / expert in / at
  11 the first time we’ll send you with an …
  the first time , "首先,第一次"带从句表示"某人第一次干某事",the first time 可引导时间状语,类似,the moment / the second / the last time / immediately / every time / directly 注意:从句中将来的事要用一般现在时 。
  the first time , we should make ourselves familiar with the surroundings .
  the first time i came here ,i couldn’t adapt myself to the climate here .
  i’ll tell him about the matter the moment he comes back .
  12 only when you have seen what he or she does …
  only if you ask many different questions will you …
  only in this way can you make progress in your english .
  only when he reached school did he find out that he had left his textbook at home .
  only you can find out the truth .
  13 cover a story by yourself .
  he has been sent to cover the conference. (report )
  cover the table with a cloth . ( place sth over or in front of sth )
  our city has a beautiful park covering 1000 mu (have …as a size / take up )
  is that word covered in the dictionary ? (4 include / deal with )
  we covered about 30 miles a day . (walk )
  is the money enough to cover the tuition? (afford )
  14 you find your colleagues eager to assist …
  be eager for /after / about sth …热切/兴奋的情绪
  be eager to do sth
  be anxious to do sth 焦虑的心情
  be anxious about sth
  15 concentrate vt---- concentration n concentrated (adj ) 集中的/浓缩的/ 紧张的/
  concentrate one’s attention on sth
  concentrate on (doing ) sth
  concentrate the / one’s mind
  concentrate one’s attention on sth
  concentrate on (doing ) sth
  concentrate the / one’s mind
  the threat of going bankrupt is very unpleasant but it certainly concentrates the mind .
  we should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.我们应集中精力努力改进教育工作.
  concentrate on 专心于…
  16 …but i took a course
  she took a course in philosophy . (n 课程,常与in/on 连用)
  our course was straight to the south . (n 路线/ 方向)
  it was one of those ideas that change the course of history . (un 过程/进程)
  the first course was soup . (一道菜 )
  17 … of special interest to me
  ① of + 抽象名词 (interest / importance / value / use / help / benefit ) = be + adj
  ②of + (the same) size / weight / height / length / colour / kind /shape 等
  这个会议很重要 .the meeting is of great importance. = the meeting is very important.
  18 have a good nose for sth = have an eye for …/ have an ear for .. 有眼光/ 对..感兴趣
  she has an ear for music .
  a good reporter has a nose for news .
  19 avoid : v keep oneself away from sb /sth ; stop sth happening / prevent
  avoid ( doing ) sth
  learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones (惩前毖后)
  avoid one’s company (避免和某人往来)
  such kind of accidents should be avoided .
  though he made a mistake ,he wanted to avoid being punished .
  20 here comes my list of ….
  here / there / now / thus / then 等副词放在句首时,句子全部倒装.
  there goes the bell .
  now comes your turn .
  here he comes
  21 meanwhile adv = in the meanwhile / in the meantime / at the same time
  22.a trick of trade = clever ways known to expert 职业的诀窍
  play a trick on sb = make fun of sb / play a joke on sb
  23 if the person being interviewed ….
  being interviewed是现在分词的被动语态作the person 的后置定语表明先行词the person 所承受的被动动作正在进行.
  24.have you ever had a case where somebody accused your …. case : situation , 句中where= in which 引导定语从句
  in case : 连词,接从句 假使/ 免得/ 以防万一,从句用一般现在时表将来
  in case of : = if sth happens ,介词短语,接名词或名词短语.假使… / 万一…
  in no case : 决不,放在句 首时,倒装
  in this / that case : 既然这/那样
  in any case : 无论如何,总之
  25 accuse
  accuse sb of sth 指控某人某事
  charge sb with sth 控告某人某事
  blame / scold sb for sth 谴责/责备某人某事
  26 getting the wrong end of the stick
  i had meant to tell you to come here at 3 o’clock ,not at six ,you must get the wrong end of the stick . (弄错/ 误解)
  27 this is how the story goes . =this is the story.
  28 …deliberately…. adv
  deliberate adj 深思熟虑的/蓄意的/ 不慌不忙的
  vt / vi 仔细考虑/ 商议
  he is walking deliberately . 他在不慌不忙地走着.
  29 so as to 为了../ 目的是
  so as to do sth ---- so as not to do sth 不用于句首, 在句中作目的状语
  in order to do sth ---- in order not to do sth 用于句首或句末 作目的状语
  we started early so as to get there before noon.
  we started early in order to get there before noon. = ……so that / in order that we can get there …
  30 admit --- admission
  admit sb / sth into / to 准许…进入/加入…
  admit doing sth / having done
  admit sth / that clause 承认…
  admit of sth 容许某事物…
  31 later we were proved right .
  prove vt show sth is true or certain 证明/ 证实
  vi 系动词 turn out (to be) 结果是/ 原来是
  prove sth to sb =prove to sb that … 向某人证明某事…
  prove sb (to be )+ adj 证明某人是…
  prove oneself ( to be ) + adj 证明自己是…
  it is proved that … 事实证明…
  prove + (to be ) adj / n 结果是/原来是/被证明是…
  period 3 reading task
  step 1 read the passage quickly for the first time to find out the main idea of the text and find the answers to the following questions.
  1. what was zhou yang’s first task?
  2.how should he write about the story?
  3.how many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? who are they?
  step 2. reread the passage and find out the writing and printing process for an article
  period 4 grammar (倒装句)
  step 2.find out the sentences of inversion in the reading text:
  1.never will zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of china daily.
  2. only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.
  3. not only am i interested in photography, but i took a course at university, so it’s actually of special interest to me.
  4. only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.
  step2 语法精讲。
  1.否定词置于句首,句子应进行倒装nor, neither 放句首
  tod can’t swim, neither can i.
  用于never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, often, at no time, not only, not once, many a time等词开头的句子
  never shall i go there again.
  little did he know who the woman was.
  seldom was he late for class.
  用于no sooner --- than ---, hardly--- when和not until的句型中
  hardly had i reached the station when the train left.
  no sooner had she gone out than the phone rang.
  not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.
  2.用于only放句首,修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句的句 子
  only in this way can you master english well.
  only that time did he do his homework.
  only when he told me did i realize what trouble i was in.
  step 3 do some exercise
  period 4. do the exercise in the workbook
  period 5 do the listening in best english
  unite 5 first aid
  teaching goals:
  1. enable the ss to get some first aid knowledge
  2. enable the ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.
  3. let the ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .
  key teaching points
  how to improve the ss’ reading ability.
  difficult points
  1. how to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.
  2. how to help the ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.
  teaching methods
  1). skimming & scanning methods to make the ss get a good understanding of the text.
  4.discussion methods to make the ss understand what they’ve learned in class.
  5.pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
  6.competition and role-play method to arouse the ss’ interest
  teaching procedures
  step1. lead-in
  lead-in by telling the ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid
  step2. pre-reading
  show the ss the picture of pre-reading on p33 and ask them the following questions:
  what has happened?
  what sort of injuries the child will have?
  what kind of first aid would you perform?
  step3. fast reading
  let the ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions
  1. what will the passage be about?
  2. what do they tell you about the passage?
  3. in which order are these topics covered in the text? number them from 1 to 5.
  ____ the three types of burns
  ____ what to do if someone gets burned
  ____ the purpose of skin
  ____ the symptoms of burns
  ____ how we get burns
  step4. detailed reading
  1). tell if the following statements are true or false:
  1.our skin has three layers.
  2.we will never get burned by the sun.
  3.burns are pided into three degrees according to the degree of pain.
  4.third degree burns are the most serious and painful.
  5.put cool water on any burns to cool them.
  6.don’t rub the burns
  7.it’s better that you put some butter or oil on burns.
  2). answer the questions
  1.why should you put cold water on a burn?
  2.why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?
  3.why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?
  4.if someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?
  3). read the text again and then find out how many parts there are and the main idea of each part:
  part1. the purpose / function of skin
  part2. causes of burns hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, chemicals
  part3. types of burns: first degree burns, second degree burns, third degree burns
  part4. characteristics of burns
  part5 first aid treatment
  3). finish off comprehending ex2&3
  step5. words competition
  have a competition to check the ss’ words spelling
  step6. making a first-aid kit
  an activity to let the ss know what are included in a first-aid-kit
  a well-stocked(存备得好的) first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, is necessary in every home. it should include: bandage, alcohol, flashlight, thermometer, soap, sharp scissors, plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs), your list of emergency phone numbers etc.
  step7. role play
  work in pairs to act out how to place an emergency call for help
  step8. summary
  this passage doesn’t contain enough information for you to do first aid for others. please learn more after class. do remember: life is precious, we should care about others and help people in an emergency and try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger.
  period 2. language points.
  1.aid 帮助,援助,赞助
  first aid 急救
  come/ go to sb’s aid 援助某人
  with the aid of 在… 的帮助下
  aid sb with sth 帮助某人做某事
  aid sb in doing sth 帮助某人做某事
  eg. ① he came to my aid at once.
  ② he was able to find the museum with the aid of a map.
  ③ we aided him in raising the money.
  2. fall ill 生病 属短暂性动词, 不与for + 时间段连用
  be ill 指生病的状态,是持续性行为, 可与for + 时间段连用
  his wife suddenly fell ill last week.
  he has been ill for a week.
  fall 用作系动词,后常接形容词.
  fall asleep 睡着
  fall silent 沉默不语
  3. save one’s life 救某人的命
  save one’s honor 保全名誉
  save one’s face 保全面子
  save one’s skin 避免受伤
  4 did you or someone else give help in any of them? if so, …
  if so, = if it is true,
  do you want to be a superman? if so, come with me!
  if so, = if it is so
  5 bite (bit, bitten)
  bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂
  once bitten, twice shy. 吃一堑,长一智。
  bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报
  bite a person’s head off 严厉斥责,口气凶猛
  1 protect … against  from doing sth 保护、维护
  prevent … from doing sth 防止、妨碍
  he put on his coat to protect himself from catching cold.
  nothing will prevent us from reaching our aim.
  2 …and it gives you your sense of touch.
  sense of touch 触觉 sense of sight 视觉
  sense of hearing 听觉 sense of taste 味觉
  sense of humor 幽默感 sense of beauty 美感
  3. treatment 不可数名词 " 对待, 待遇,处理; 治疗
  the workers received good treatment from the government
  可数名词 . " 疗法"
  they are trying a new treatment for cancer.
  be under treatment 在治疗中
  be under one’s treatment 接受某人的治疗
  for treatment 进行治疗
  treatment for + 疾病的名词 治…病的方法
  4 depend on
  ①取决于; the price depends on the quality.
  ②依赖、依靠; his family depends on him. 他的一家人全靠他养活。
  ③信赖、信任;i depend on you to finish your homework by friday.
  5 heal vt&vi
  (1)(尤指伤口)治愈; 恢复健康 heal a wound
  healer (cn) 医治者;治疗物
  time is a great healer. 时间能够治好创伤。
  辨析:treat, heal, cure
  treat "治疗",着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。
  heal 多用于治疗外伤。
  cure "治愈",强调结果。
  6. swell v. 膨胀,隆起
  ①她的腿肿得很厉害 her leg has swollen badly.
  ②风鼓起了帆。 the wind swelled the sails.
  ③大雨使河水上涨了。 the heavy rain swelled the river.
  swollen 可作形容词,表示" 肿胀的"
  her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. 她的眼睛哭得又红又肿。
  7 damage v. 损害, 损坏
  n. 损害, 毁坏, 破坏 ( 不可数)
  the war damaged the relations between the countries.
  ②地震造成了重大破坏。 the earthquake caused great damage.
  8 jewellery 和jewel 的辨析:两者均有" 珍宝首饰" 之意,jewellery 为集体
  名词, 不可数;jewel 为可数名词
  9. squeeze out 榨出, 挤出
  they have been squeezed out of the job market by young people.
  squeeze money from sb / squeeze money out of sb 向某人勒索钱财
  the young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil.
  11. wound n.伤,创伤 v. 伤害,使受伤区别wound, injure, harm 与 hurt:
  wound 指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等, 尤指在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。
  injure 指意外或事故造成损伤,强调功能的损失。
  harm 指损害有生命或无生命的东西;也可指肉体上或精神上的损害。
  hurt (普通用语)指任何肉体或精神上的伤害。尤指打伤,刺伤;还可表示"疼痛"。
  the bullet wounded him in his arm.子弹打伤了他的手臂。
  he was injured in a traffic accident.他在一次交通事故中受了伤。
  we won’t do anything that will harm the cause of peace.
  he meant no harm.
  he fell off the ladder and hurt his leg.
  the hurt to his feelings is more serious than the hurt in his body.
  12 in place 在适当的位置, 适当
  out of place 不在适当的位置, 不适当
  in place of 代替
  take the place of 代替
  period3. grammar
  step 1 revision
  1.greet the whole class as usual
  2.the teacher checks the students’ homework.
  step 2 word study
  t: now please open your books and turn to page 36. let’s learn "learning about language".
  first let’s do discovering useful words and expressions
  1.complete the table with the correct verbs, nouns or adjectives.
  t: let’s do some more exercises about new words. you are to explain the words on the screen
  in english and then fill in the blanks.(ask students to explain or guess the meanings of the words)
  2.complete the questions with words from the text.
  the students will try to complete the exercises. later the teacher will ask some of them to read each of the sentences and tell the class the answers.
  suggested answers:
  step 3: grammar
  t: let’s look at the next, grammar (page 91)
  present some sentences and encourage the students to find out which words have been left out.
  t: observe the following sentences and discuss with your partner to find out what have been left out. let me show you an example. as we know, when people want the speaker to repeat what he said, they usually say " beg your pardon." then it is called ellipsis. the subject "i" has been left out, without changing the meaning of the sentence .ok, now it’s your turn to find out what have been left out.
  1.haven’t seen you for ages.
  2.some more tea?
  3.sounds like a good idea.
  4.doesn’t matter.
  5.sorry to hear that.
  6.pity you couldn’t come
  7.this way, please.
  8.terrible weather!
  9.joining us for a drink?
  10.going to the supermarket?
  1.i haven’t seen you for ages.
  2.would you like some more tea?
  3.that/it sounds like a good idea.
  4.it doesn’t matter.
  5.i’m sorry to hear that.
  6.it’s/ what pity you couldn’t come
  7.step this way, please.
  8.what terrible weather it is!
  9.are you joining us for a drink?
  10.are you going to the supermarket?
  step 4 practising
  discovering useful structures (page 37)
  1.in groups, look at these pairs of sentences. discuss the difference between a and b in each pair. also discuss which is the better sentence, a or b and why.(page 37)
  2.rewrite these sentences taking out the unnecessary parts.
  1)the burn that she got from the iron was red and ( it was )very painful
  2) a boy was on the left side of the sick woman, and a girl was on the right (side of the sick woman.)
  3)she has a daughter (who is) in hospital.
  4)he went to the doctor because he had to go to( the doctor).
  5)did she pass the first aid test that she did yesterday (or didn’t she pass)?
  6)she could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not (to send him to hospital).
  7)when your nose is bleeding, you should bend forward so that the blood runs out of your nose and( the blood) doesn’t run down your throat.
  8)only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the students haven’t (done a first aid course).
  3.these sentences are correct. however, one or more words have been left out. rewrite each sentence on the top of the next page to include the missing words.
  1)the cottage (that is) surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.
  2)the first book i read this term was more interesting than the second (book i read this term).
  3)to her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than(it was) expected.
  4)i don’t think they have returned from the hospital, but they might have ( returned from the hospital).
  5)he wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didn’t (want to help the accident victim).
  6)you can borrow my first aid notes if you want to (borrow my first aid notes).
  4.show the students the slides with some multiple choices exercises about the ellipsis.
  1)---- tomorrow is a holiday. why are you doing your homework?
  -----i am doing these exercises now so that i won’t have _____ on sunday.
  a. it b. them c. for d. to
  2)----shall i invite ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening?
  ----yes. it’ll be fine if you______.
  a. are b. can c. invite d. do
  3)---- aren’t you the manager?
  -----no, and i______
  a.don’t want to b. don’t want to be c. don’t want be d. don’t want
  4)---- i’ll be away on a business trip. would you mind looking after my cat?
  -----not at all______.
  a. not to b. not to do c. not do it d. do not to
  5)----- won’t you have another try?
  ------ ________.
  a.yes, i will have b. yes, i won’t have c. yes, i won’t d. yes, i will
  6)-----i won’t do it any more.
  a. why not b. why don’t do any more c. why not do d. why don’t
  7)-----do you think it will snow tomorrow?
  a.i don’t think b. no, i don’t think c. i don’t think so d. no, i don’t so
  8)-----have you fed the cat?
  ------no, but______.
  a. i’m b. i am c. i’m just going d. i’m just going to
  step5 homework:
  1. go over the usage of ellipsis.
  2. finish listing structures on page 71 ex 1 and ex 2
  3. prepare reading and discussing on page 38
  period 4. reading task : heroic teenager receives award
  step one revision: show the students a slide with some new words
  what is the chinese meaning of them?
  put their hands on
  pressure a number ofambulance
  step two reading and listening
  1. skimming the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that they happened.
  _4_ the attacker ran away.
  _1_ anne was attacked and started to scream.
  _6_ john performed first aid on anne
  _2_ john was studying in his house.
  _7_ the ambulance arrived.
  _3_ john ran outside with his father.
  _5_ john found anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds.
  2. listen to the tape and answer the questions
  1) what was john honoured for?
  2) what did john do when he heard the screaming?
  3) what happened to anne?
  4)what saved ms slade’s life?
  5) what first aid did john perform on anne?what adjs would you use to describe john’s actions? give at least thre
  step three discussion
  1.do you think john was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? give reasons.
  2.would you have done the same as john ? give reasons
  3.do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? give reasons.
  step four language study
  difficult sentences
  1.john was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.
  be presented with sth: be given withwhich 引导一个定语从句
  who引导一个定语从句they discovered that anne slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.
  2.repeatedly 是由动词repeat的过去分词加-ly构成。类似的词汇有:
  excitedly 兴奋地 contentely 满足
  worriedly 焦急地 unexpectedly 出乎意料
  3.john used these to dress the most severe injuries to ms slade’s hand.
  dress: 敷裹,包扎tom had to return to the camp to dress his injuries.
  immediately after his wound was dressed, he went to work.
  4. it was john’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved ms slade’s life.
  it is … that… 强调句
  it was his words that hurt her.
