

  unit 2 cloningthe first period readingteaching goals教学目标1.grasp the important words and sentences patterns a. 重点词汇和短语clone,commercial,have a great impact on ,undertake,appropriate,object,forbid,accumulate,cast down,object to,the media,in favour ofb. 重点句子it is a way of….the fact is that….the question that concerned all scientists is….2. ability goals能力目标enable the students to describe cloning: what is the advantages of cloning? what is the problems or dangers of cloning?what is your opinion of cloning?3. learning ability goals 学能目标know the definition of the clone and help the students learn how to describe cloning.teaching important points 教学重点  grasp the main idea of each paragraph and the theme of the text teaching difficult point 教学难点help the students analyze the writing techniques of the article.teaching methods 教学方法skimming, task-based method and debate method.teaching aids 教具准备a projector and some slides. teaching procedures step i lead-ina short quize to test how much they know about cloning.show them some pictures to know the importance of the clone.arise their interest to know more knowledge about clone.step ii pre-reading
  questions about clone:1. what’s the clone?answer :cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.it can be pided into natural clone and man-made clone. a natural clone is one that occurs in nature and a man-made clone is one that is procured through human intervention(介入,干预).2. are the following clones the same? if not, what is the difference?answer:no. the first two are man-made clones,the rest two are natural clonesstep iii fast reading  skim the text and get the main idea of each paragraph and the theme of the text  main idea :para 1 what is the cloning para 2 two major uses of cloning para 3 the birth and death of dolly para 4-5 controversy brought by dolly  them :animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future.step iv scanning1. taskspara 1 : 1. how do gardeners clone plants?para 2: 1.what two major uses do cloning have?2. how many female sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep?para 3: fill in the blankspara 4: guess the meaning of the word "controversial"para 5: true of false 2.language points 1. identical adj. ①完全相同的 (常与with / to连用) ②同一的, 同样的eg. these two designs are almost identical. 2. straightforward adj.简单的, 易懂的, 直接了当的; 正直的, 坦率的eg. the question is quite straightforward; why can’t you answer it? at least he was quite straightforward about it, you can’t say he was trying to deceive you.他起码在那件事上是相当坦率的,你不能说他试图欺骗你。3. undertake vt.实施,从事,着手做,承担, 担任, 许诺, 保证,采取undertake sth 承担某事undertake to do sth 许诺做某事/ 同意做某事undertake that …保证…undertaking ( n ) 用单数/任务/事业/保证4. cast down:feeling unhappy and depressed使沮丧, 低沉, 使下降, 推翻be cast down = feel discouraged he was much cast down by the failure of the experiment.don’t be so cast down. just keep up your spirits5. be appropriate t be suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion or place; fitting适合于…的,与…相称的用与你的题目相称的体裁写。write in a style appropriate to your subject.普通鞋不适于下稻田。ordinary shoes are not appropriate to paddy fields.6. a storm of: sudden violent outbrust or display of strong feeling 常指感情猛烈爆发或强烈表现a storm of tears泪如雨下a storm of protest /applause /cheers/ abuse /criticism /bullets /arrows一阵猛烈的抗议/暴风雨般的掌声/暴风雨般的欢呼声/辱骂/评击/弹雨/箭雨storm in a teacup小题大作,茶杯里的暴风雨take by storm袭取;突然攻夺;博取(观众的)欢心7. have /make a strong/ great impact on…对…有/产生巨大影响这本书对其读者产生了极大的影响。this book made a great impact on its readers.这场反对吸烟的运动对年轻人有极大的影响.the anti-smoking campaign has had quite an impact on young people.8. accumulate vt. /vi. : to gather or pile收/堆集,积聚/累, 堆积 强调"经过一段比较长的时间由少积多的积累",使用范围较广,似乎凡是数量方面的增长都可以表示。the company has accumulated great wealth within a few years. step v read again do some exercises to check how well they grasp this partif time permits,ask the students to have a heated debate over whether huamn cloning should be allowed.step ⅵ consolidationask the students to fill in the blanks correctlyhomework read the passage again and find out all the noun clauses in the text.write a short passage according to the following topic.should human cloning be allowed?3. retell the procedure of the dolly the sheep.
