

  unit 2 is this your pencil?i.teaching objectives单元教学目标
  skill focus听listen for school things说learn to talk about ownershiplearn to introduce the names of some common personal possessions读read about how to identify ownershipread about something in lost and found case写write a bulletin board message功能句式identify ownership (p7)is that your backpack?yes, it is. /no, it isn’t. it’s her backpack.it’s her ruler.that is my ruler to express something in english(p9)what’s this / that in english? it’s a pen.how do you spell pencil …? it’s p-e-n.lost & found(p11)please call mary.call ann at 495-3539.词汇1. 重点词汇this, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, dictionary, that, yes, no, not, excuse, thank, ok, in, english, a, how, do, spell, baseball, watch, computer, game, key, ring, call, at, the, lost, found, please, school, of2. 认读词汇case, backpack, isn’t, notebook, tim, sonia, jane, kelsey, david3. 短语pencil case, pencil sharpener, excuse me, computer game, lost and found, a set of语法how to use this, thatyes, no questions possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her 话题school things ii. teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析与重组1. 教材分析本单元以school things为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和招领启事。section a学会询问物品的所属。1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习一些表示学习用具的词,学会询问物品的所属。 2a, 2b, 2c继续学习表示学习用具的词。重点学习运用询问物品所属的句型。3, 4a, 4b 学会用英语询问物品的名称,进一步巩固询问物品所属的句型。section b 学会写招领启事和寻物启事。1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c学会判断物品的所属。3a, 3b, 3c, 4学会写招领启事和寻物启事。self check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会询问物品的所属,学会询问物品的名称。2. 教材重组与课时分配period 1 (section a:1a, 2c, 4a, 4b)speaking period 2 (section a:1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3)listening and speaking (i)period 3 (sectionb:1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)listening and speaking (ii)period 4 (sectionb:3a, 3b, 3c, 4)reading, speaking and writingperiod 5 (self check)revision and testingiii. teaching plans for each period分课时教案
  period 1 speaking target language目标语言1. words & expressions生词和短语this, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, dictionary, that, yes, no, not, case, pencil case, pencil sharpener, isn’t=is not2. key sentences重点句子 (1) is this your pencil?  yes, it is. it’s my pencil. no, it isn’t. it’s his backpack. (2) what’s this/that in english? this/that/it is…ability goals能力目标enable the students to learn to identify ownershiplearning ability goals学能目标help the students learn how to identify ownership. teaching important / difficult points教学重难点how to identify ownershipteaching aids教具准备a box filled with some school things teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式stepⅰ greetings (revision) and content explanationgreeting the students and give more students chances to introduce themselves. then show the picture on the blackboard. t: from this picture and the sentences, you will find out what we’re going to learn in this unit. read the sentences after me, ok? show the pose of "ok" and try to lead the students to do it as the teacher.t: can you follow me?s: yes.t: good. this time, i will say these sentences with gestures. please follow me, ok?s: ok.t says these sentences with gestures and the students follow. t and ss say while moving. for example, when t comes to "点头yes", t nods his or her head; when t comes to "摇头no", t shakes his or her head. if t thinks it is necessary, t can repeat this several times.t: do you feel it’s interesting? from the picture and the sentences, can you tell me what we’re going to learn in this unit?s: we’ll learn how to say school things.s: we’ll learn how to write lost and found.t: yes, you’re right. we’ll also learn some useful sentences such as, what’s this in english? how do you spell it? is that your ruler and so on.step ⅱ warming up and lead-in (1a: p7)prepare a box of school things before class and ask the students to learn to demonstrate things. t: (take out a box filled with school things and pick out a pencil. t can put some pencils, some pencil-cases, and some rulers and so on in the box.) a pencil, a pencil, this is a pencil. (stress "this" and "pencil".) what’s this in english? (write the sentence on the blackboard and stress "this".)s: (repeat)a pencil.t: yes, it is a pencil. what’s this in english? (stress "this".)s: a pencil. t: do you have a pencil? (hold the pencil up and point to it.)s: yes. t: show it to me, ok? (show the pose of "ok" and try to lead the ss to do it as t.) ok? (stress "ok".)s: ok. t: now, hold your pencil up (stress "pencil") and say after me "what’s this in english"?s: what’s this in english?t: this is a pencil. (write "this is…" on the blackboard.)s: this is a pencil.t: it is a pencil. (write "it is…" on the blackboard.)s: it is a pencil. t: good. what’s that in english? (point to s1’s pencil and write the word "that" under the word "this" on the blackboard and stress it.)s: a pencil.t: what’s that in english? (point to s2’s pencil and stress "that".)s: a pencil.t: good. point to your friend’s pencil and say after me "what’s that in english?" (stress "that".)s: what’s that in english?t: that’s a pencil. (write "that is …".)s: that’s a pencil.t: it is a pencil. s: it is a pencil.t: (put the pencil aside and pick out a pen.) a pen, a pen, what’s this in english?s: a pen.t: this is a pen. (point to "this is …" on the blackboard.)s: this is a pen.t: it is a pen. (point to "it is…" on the blackboard.)s: it is a pen.in this way, the teacher takes all the school things out of the box and teaches the students how to say school things in english. let one or two students, if time permits, let more to come to the front to put the school things into the box or pick them out of the box and say the names of the things. t: lin tao, please come here and put the school things back into the box, ok? show the pose of "ok".s: ok.t: lin tao, when you pick up one and put it back, please tell us what it is in english. just like this. (t does the task. t picks a pencil up and shows it to the students, saying "a pencil, this is a pencil." and put it back into the box. t picks a pen up and shows it to the students, saying "a pen, this is a pen." and put it into the box.) can you understand me?s: yes.t: and the other students, say after lin tao, ok? (show the pose of "ok".) but when lin tao says "this is a ruler.", other students should say "that is a ruler.", because the ruler is near to lin tao, but far from you. can you understand me?s: yes.s: (pick up a ruler.) a ruler. this is a ruler.s: a ruler. that is a ruler.s: (pick up an eraser.) an eraser. this is an eraser.s: an eraser. that is an eraser.…matching and talking about the picture if the students don’t make any mistakes, t can give some small gifts to them.t: well done. you must be tired. let’s listen to some soft music and at the same time, look at the pictures in your books. (point to the pictures in 1a.) match the words with the things in the picture. it’s an easy job, yes?check the answers with the students. step ⅲpractice (2c:p8; 4a: p8)ask the students to practice asking about the things in the picture in 2c. then go on practicing with the students’ school things.t: good. thank you. (give a sweet to s1. t walks down to the students and picks up some school things of the students.) excuse me, (stress "excuse me.".) betty, is this your pen? betty: yes, it is.t: can i use it, please? (stress "please".)betty: yes.t: thank you. (stress "thank you.".) you’re so kind.in this way, t borrows some school things from the students and puts them into the box, mixes the school things in the box and then takes out a dictionary. note: t should decide how many things to borrow according to the time.t: what’s this in english?s: this is a dictionary.t: zhang tao, is this your dictionary?show the following on the blackboard.
  writing on the blackboard(1) what’s this in english? (2) is this your / my…? that thatthis /that / it is… yes, it is. no, it isn’t.
  形容词性物主代词我的你的/您的他(她,它)的我们的你们的/您们的他们 / 她们 / 它们的myyourhis, her, itsouryourtheirwhile saying "your", t points to "your" in the form. and write the sentence "is this your …" on the blackboard.zhang ta no, it isn’t. write "no, it isn’t." on the blackboard.t: good. you’re honest. it is my dictionary and it isn’t your dictionary. write the sentences "it is…/ it isn’t…" on the blackboard. while saying "my", t points to "my" in the form.t: is this my dictionary?zhang ta yes, it is. write "yes, it is." on the blackboard.t: liu liang, is this her backpack? (point to liu fang.)liu liang: yes, it is. it is her backpack.t: liu fang, is this his ruler? (point to wu zhen.)liu fang: no, it isn’t. it is my ruler.further practice (4b: p9)if time permits, do more practice with the students in the following way.t sends all the school things in the box to some students and asks them to do group work to find their owners.t: now, work in groups of six. i’ve give each group some school bags. please help me find their owners.act out the following conversation with some students or only show it on the screen. sample conversations of group 1: s1: is this her eraser?s2: no, it isn’t.s3: is that his book?s2: no, it isn’t.s4: is that your ruler?s2: yes, it is. thank you.s5: is this her backpack?s6: i don’t know. lily, is that your backpack?lily: yes, it is. thank you.let the students do close or open group work or even let the students walk around the classroom to find the owner for the school things after group discussion. t can walk around the classroom to control the students.t: good. thank you for helping me to give the school things back to their owner. you must be tired now. let’s have a rest. listen to some soft music. while listening, please write down what you learn in this class without looking at your books.students listen to the music and write down what they learn in this class. then t asks them to read out what they have written and praise who does well.step iv summary and homeworkt: you’re so clever. you remember the names of the school things and the sentences so well. i’m very glad. yes, there are two main parts in this class. the first one is words for the names of the school things. the second is sentences such as, what’s this in english? this is… is this your book? yes, it is. … that’s all for today. today’s homework: try to learn all the new words in this unit by heart and finish exercises 3, 6 and 8 of this unit in workbook.
  period 2 listening and speaking (i)target language目标语言1. words & expressions生词和短语ok, spell, baseball, watch, computer, notebook, ink, ink bottle, compass, ball pen, soccer, paper, test tube, knife, blackboard, excuse me, thank you, in english2. key sentences重点句子excuse me. thank you. ok.how do you spell it?what’s this in english?ability goals能力目标enable the students to identify ownership.learning ability goals学能目标help the students learn how to identify ownership politely.teaching important / difficult points教学重难点how to identify ownership and get information.teaching aids教具准备a tape recorder and some objects. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step i revision check the homework by asking some students to sing the abc song and spell some words. t: good morning, class! it’s time for english class again. nice to meet you here!s: nice to meet you, too!t: first, let’s check the homework. now, open your workbook. look at exercise 3. who sings very well in our class?s: yuan yuan.t: ok. yuan yuan, please sing the abc song for us, ok?yuan yuan: ok. (begin to sing.)ask the other students to sing together and ask some to write down these letters on the blackboard. then check the answers to exercises 2, 6 and 8. step ii warming up and lead-incard gamefirst, act out a conversation with a student and then ask them to practice the conversation.a sample conversation: t: now, i have some cards here. i will give them to you. do it as i do, ok?show a card to a student.t: excuse me, xu feng. what’s this in english?xu feng: it’s an eraser.t: how do you spell eraser?xu feng: e-r-a-s-e-r.t: is it your eraser?xu feng: yes, it is.t: here you are.xu feng: thank you.t: not at all. school things take out a soccer from under the desk.t: what’s this in english?s: a soccer. write down the word on the blackboard and ask the students to repeat. t: how do you spell soccer?s: s-o-c-c-e-r.in this way, teach them the new words of the school things such as, ink, ink bottles, compass and so on. write all of them down on the blackboard. then ask the students to read these words repeatedly and try to remember them. practice (3: p9) ask some pairs of students to practice the conversation in 3 in section a. t: now look at exercise 3 in section a. ask and answer in pairs to talk about these pictures. ok?step iii listening (1b: p7; 2a, 2c: p8) in this procedure, students will listen to some conversations and identify some objects mentioned in the conversations. first ask them to listen to three short conversations in 1b and number them in order; and then go on with a longer one in 2a and 2b and check the things they hear and complete the conversation.first do activity 1b in the following way. ask students to look at the pictures in 1a first and focus attention on each of the three conversations. ask students to identify the object the person in each conversations holding or pointing to. t: look at the picture in 1a and identify the object the person in each conversation is holding or pointing to. the boy is holding a pencil, a girl is holding a ruler, and the teacher is pointing to a backpack. pay attention to the use of "this", "that" and "his" , "her" during your listening. play the recording and ask students to number the conversations. check the answers and then ask them to read the conversations after the recording. then go on with activity 2a. t: let’s come to 2a. look at the pictures and name each one. s: pencil-box, eraser, book … then play the recording and ask students to check the things they hear. t: well, can you see the six boxes beside the pictures? after listening, put ( ) in the box, ok? now listen.play the recording, check the answers and then go on with activity 2b. t: look at 2b. there are some words in the box. listen to the tape again and complete the conversation with them. play the recording. then check the answers by asking three students to read the completed conversation.then ask students to repeat after the recording. step iv grammar focusask the students to read the sentences in the grammar box. t: read the sentences in the box. point out which words show ownership.s: your, my, his and her. t: good. these words often comes before the item we are talking about. for example, my pen, your nose, his book, her father. ask students to pay attention to the short answers. explain that the words yes and no are always followed by a comma when they are used at the beginning of a sentence. after this, ask students to do the following exercises. show the following. a: 按要求完成下列句子。1. this is my baseball.(改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ your baseball?2. is that a red notebook?(否定回答) ______, ______ ______.3. this is a watch in english.(就划线部分提问) ______ ______ in english?4. that is my pencil sharpener.(改为否定句) that ______ my pencil sharpener.5. your, that, is, sharpener, pencil, ?(连句问句) ______ ______ ______ ______?b:翻译下列句子,每空一词。1. ---这是你的铅笔吗?---是的。---______ ______ your pencil? ---yes, ______ ______.2. ---那是一本字典吗?---不是。---______ ______ a dictionary? ---no, ______ ______.3. ---这是什么?---是一块手表。---what’s this? --- ______ ______ ______.4. ---那是你的尺子吗?---是。这是我的尺子。---is that your ruler? ---yes. ______ ______ ruler.keys: a: 1. is this 2. no, it isn’t 3. what’s this 4. isn’t 5. is that your pencil sharpener?b: 1. is this, it is 2. is that, it isn’t 3. it’s a watch 4. it’s mystep v homeworkt: in this class, we’ve learned the names of some common personal possessions and how to identify ownership. let’s have a look. my my①is this your book? ---yes, it is./no, it isn’t. ②is that your pencil? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.his hisher herthen ask students to finish excises 4 and 7 of this unit in the workbook.
  period 3 listening and speaking (ii)target language目标语言1. words & expressions生词和短语baseball, watch, computer, game, key, notebook, ring, call, cup, glass, reading lamp, tape-recorder, sports-wear, sweater, telephone, cell-phone, key-board, mouse2. key sentences重点句子what’s this?it’s a watch.how do you spell it?ability goals能力目标enable the students to ask and answer the names of some possessions and get information. improve their listening ability.learning ability goals学能目标help the students learn how to ask and answer the names of some possessions and get information. teaching important / difficult points教学重难点how to ask and answer the names of some possessions.teaching aids教具准备a tape recorder and some objects. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式stepⅰrevision greet your students and check the homework.then the teacher can begin with the following: t: now look at me carefully, and help me find the owner of the things. collect students’ school things near the teacher and show them to the class.t: can you make a conversation and find the owner?sample conversations:s1: excuse me. is this your ruler?s2: no, it isn’t. it’s his ruler.t: good. now look, what’s this in english?show an eraser.s: it’s an eraser.t: how do you spell it?s: e-r-a-s-e-r.write the sentence on the blackboard. get the class to read the sentence repeatedly.step ii warming up and lead-inshow students a cell-phone. t: look! what’s this in english?s: it’s a cell-phone.t: how do you spell it?s: c-e-l-l-p-h-o-n-e.t: is this your cell-phone?s: yes, it is.t: no, it isn’t your cell-phone. it’s my cell-phone. in this way, teach them the new school things, such as baseball, computer game, key, ring, watch, id card, notebook, pen and so on. write the new words on the blackboard.baseball, computer game, key, ring, watch, id card, notebook, pen t: please read them after me, baseball …s: baseball…ask students to read these words repeatedly. then put all the objects on the desk for students to talk about.t: now, talk about these objects, and try to remember how to spell them.reading and matching (1a: p10)get the students to read the words in 1a section b and then match the words with the things in the pictures.check the answers.then ask them to read and write the words by themselves.step iii pairwork and listening (1b, 2a, 2b: p10)first get the students to read the given conversation. then ask them to change conversations by asking about other things in the picture in 1a.sample conversations:s1: what’s this in english?s2: it’s a notebook.s1: how do you spell it?s2: n-o-t-e-b-o-o-k.then students will listen to two conversations and do activities 2a and 2b. t: now we’ll listen to two conversations. please look at the word in activity 1a. listen carefully and circle the things you hear.students will read the words loudly and then listen to the tape and circle the items they hear.t: let’s check the answers, ok? please tell us your circled words.point to the circled items. ask students to say them aloud. then ask them to listen to the conversation and write the things in the chart. t: listen to the conversation. then write the names of the things kelsey and mike are looking for. play the recording. students write words from the conversation in the chart. check the answers by asking students to answer the following questions. t: well, what is kelsey looking for?s: watch, id card.t: what about mike? what is he looking for?s: pen, baseball. step iv game (2c: p10)t: now let’s play a game. work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the things on page 81. you are student a and your partner is student b. student a looks at page 81. student b looks at page 82. first student a asks student b questions, using the words in the box. student b answers the questions and writes the words in the chart below. sample conversation:sa: is this her pen?sb: no, it isn’t. it’s his pen. sa: is this her book?sa: yes, it is. it’s her book. sa: is this his computer game?sb: no, it isn’t. it’s her computer game.step v homeworkask students to1. finish activities 1 and 2 in the workbook.2. write a short conversation about identify ownership using the sentences we have learnt.
  period 4 reading, speaking and writingtarget language目标语言1. words & expressions生词和短语at, in, the, lost, found, lost and found, please, school, a set of, of 2. key sentences重点句子 call alan at 495-3539.please call mary. ability goals能力目标enable the students to write found and lost learning ability goals学能目标help the students learn how to write found and lost.teaching important / difficult points教学重难点how to write found and lost.teaching aids教具准备little blackboardteaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step i revision and lead-ingive a short greeting, and then check the homework. t: please practice the dialogue you made before class.sample conversations:1) s1: what’s this in english? s2: it’s a … s1: how do you spell it? s2: … s1: is it your …? s2: yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.2) s3: excuse me. is this your …? s4: yes, it is.  s3: here you are. s4: thank you.t: good. now look here. what’s this? show them a set of keys.s: it’s a set of keys.t: this is my keys. i lost yesterday, but someone found it and gave it back to me. teach the words "lost and found" and "a set of keys.step ii reading t: well. have you ever picked up others’ things or lost anything? what will you do with these things? help to answer. s: i’ll give them to the police. s: i’ll try to find the owner. s: i’ll give them to the head teacher. …t: you are right. and one of the ways is to write a bulletin board message, that is found and lost, and put it up on the wall. today we’ll read and learn how to write "found and lost". now, please open your books and look at 3a. read 3a first and circle the words from activity 1a. check the answers by asking students to read these words out. then ask them to do the following exercises. t: please read 3a again and fill in the blanks. show the following on the screen. 1. _______ found a watch.2. _______ lost his school id card.3. mike lost a notebook. he may call the phone _______.4. tony’s telephone number is ________.give them a few minutes to read, and then check the answers.after that, ask students to read the message in 3b and put the pieces in order. t: ok. here is another found. but it’s not a full one. please look at 3b and put these pieces in order to make a message. let them read, then check the answers. step iii writing t: well. if you want to find the owner of the things. you can write "found". please read the "found" in 3a and 3b again. and tell me how to write "found". help them to answer. s: we should write the thing, the telephone number and the name of the person .add other things to write on: color, picture etc. t: excellent. can you tell me how to write "lost"? s: we also should write the thing, the telephone number, the name, the address and so on. t: now i found a red jacket on the playground, my phone is 6701072. please help me write a "found"ask one student to write down on the blackboard. a sample version: foundis this your red jacket?is it on the playground?please call mr. xuphone #6701072.t: well done. now li ming lost a black bike. his phone is 6701063. please read 3a and write a "lost" for him. a sample version:lostmy black bike.my name is li mingplease call me at 6701063.thanks.t: now, think over: have you ever found or lost something? write "found" or "lost" for yourselves. after students finish writing, ask them to read some out.step iv groupworkdraw a circle on the blackboard and the other students guess what it is.s1: what’s this?s2: is it a watch?t: yes, it is. now you can hide one school thing in your box, the other students guess what it is. you can use the following patterns.show the following. is it …? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.sample conversation:s1: is it a pen?s2: no, it isn’t.s1: is it a watch?s2: no, it isn’t.s1: is it a ruler. s2: yes, it is. s1: is it your ruler?s2: no, it isn’t. it’s her ruler. step v homeworkt: after class, you have two tasks:1. write your own bulletin board notice according to the instructions below.(1) there is a black and white cat in your home. it isn’t your cat. your telephone number is 8889996. your father’s name is alan brown.(2) bob lost his dictionary. it is red. it is new. his phone number is 236-99782. collect your school things. if you take something new to the other classmates, i will be glad. take your school things here next class. i’d like you to show them to the other classmates.
  period 5 revision and testingtarget language目标语言1. words & expressions生词和短语backpack, computer game, ring, dictionary 2. key sentences重点句子is that your backpack? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.ability goals能力目标enable the students to identify ownership.learning ability goals学能目标help the students learn how to identify ownership, get the information they need and write a bulletin board message.teaching important / difficult points教学重难点how to identify ownership, get the information they need and write a bulletin board message.teaching aids教具准备a small blackboard or some exercise paper.teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式step i revisionask students to show their homework.t: i asked you to write "found & lost" last class. have you finished it? who’d like to share your work?sample versions:found: a cat.is this your cat?it’s black and white. please call alan brown.phone # 8889996lost:my red dictionary. it’s new.my name is bob. please call me at 236-9978.thank you.t: good. well done. and i also asked you to take some school things here, have you …? good. thank you. now a job for you. take out a piece of paper and write some sentences about one or some of your school things. here is an example:show the following. this is a fan in english. fan, f-a-n. when i am hot, i like my fan. do you have a fan?  this is a light. light, l-i-g-h-t. when it is dark, i like it. when i study, i need it. do you have a light?walk around the classroom and helps ss with any difficult or new words.after students finish writing, ask them to read them out and do some gestures while reading. for example, a student writes about a fan. when he comes to "when i am hot, i like my fan", he can move the fan as if he was really hot.step ii vocabulary first ask students to check the words. t: this unit we learned many new words about some school things. can you say some of them?s: yes. backpack, notebook, pen, pencil, pencil case …t: good. now read and check the words you know in 1 on page 12. then choose some words and make sentences with them. please add my, his, her, your before them. sample sentences:1) hello! this is my pen. that is her pen. my pen is black and her pen is red.2) look at the dictionary. this is my dictionary. it’s very thick.3) look here. is this your ruler? it’s long and blue. then ask them to write some new words in the notebooks. t: now please turn to page 12. look at 2. in this vocab-builder, you should write five new words in your notebooks. you can talk about them or you can use a chinese-english dictionary to help you. after a few minutes, ask the students to share their lists with other students.sample list: textbook, exercise-book, ball-pen, compass, glue, color-pen, sticker,ball-point, scissors, chalk, file, blackboard, ink, paper, pamphlet.t: draw a picture for each thing on a paper and talk about them with your partner using the sentences: what’s this in english? how do you spell…? is this your …? step iii speaking and writing t: now, let’s look at the picture in 3. what things can you see?s: a watch, a baseball, a basketball. t: good. they are found and lost things. can you find their owners? you can use the following patters. show the following.  is this your …? yes, it is. /no, it isn’t. is that your / his / her …? yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.sample conversations:1) s1: excuse me. is this your watch? s2: no, it isn’t. it’s her watch. her watch is this color. 2) s3: …. is this your book? s4: yes, it is. thanks3) s5: what’s that? s6: it’s a backpack. s5: is that your backpack? s6: no, it isn’t. my backpack is here. t: now, you can fill in the blanks. give them a few minutes to write down their answers.step iv practiceshow the following exercises and ask students to finish them. a. choose the word that does not belong to the group.(选出下列不同类的一项。) 1. a. pencil b. pen c. ruler d. orange2. a. call b. ring b. baseball d. watch3. a. this b. that c. it d. yesb. complete the conversations with right words.(用适当的词完成对话。)
  1. — what’s this? — it’s _____ _____ .
  2. — is this a pencil? — no, it _____. it’s a _____ .
  3. — is it a______ ? —yes, it is.
  4. — is it a bag? — no, it isn’t. it’s _____ _____ .key: a. 1. d 2. b 3. d b. 1. a ruler 2. isn’t, watch 3. baseball 4. a book/ a dictionaryif time permits, check up the answers to the test.step v homework1. revise all the new words in this unit in your notebook.2. revise all the important sentences and write them in your notebook.3. write a bulletin board message.teaching resources 教学资源库i. americans’ greeting and introduction americans often greet each other simply with "hello!" or "hi!". they think such an informal greeting usually implies a close and friendly relationship. to americans, a friendly and informal relationship is very important. americans’ introductions are usually very simple. in the united states, most people don’t like using "mr." "mrs." or "miss" in introductions. they think these words too formal. they prefer first names to formal titles in most cases. for example, a man may say, "glad to meet you. i’m paul miller. but call me paul, please." a woman may say, "don’t call me mrs. smith, please. just call me sally." so when american friends call you by your first name, don’t feel they are impolite. they only want to show friendliness.ii. 学法指导英语单词就像大楼的根基一样重要。英语单词很多,但英语单词也有些规律可循,如果掌握其中的规律,就可闻一知十,触类旁通。从构词法来讲,单词的核心是词根;前缀后缀都是有规律可循的。如:sharpener,词根是sharp,从sharp到sharpener,其演变规律如下: sharp adj 锋利的—sharpen v. 削尖—sharpener n. 卷笔刀 a. –en 用作动词后缀(adj.+en—v.) 表示使…,使变成…,成为… 例如: wide 宽的—widen 拓宽 short 短的—shorten 使缩短 deep深的—deepen加深 b. –er 用作名词后缀(v.+er—n.) 表示做某事的人或与某事物有关的事物或能做某事的事物,例如:read 读—reader读者 light点燃—lighter打火机 cut切—cutter切割机、刀具iii. 补充练习 a. 根据语境,选择适当的答语。  1. mary finds a ring. she asks,  a.is this your ring? b. what"s your name?2. john and sally meet. john says,  a. goodbye, sally.  b. hello, i’m john.  3. jane finds his watch. she says,  a. no, it isn’t. b. this is his watch.  4. you don’t know what it is. you ask,  a. how do you spell it? b. what’s this?  5. if someone asks, "what’s this?" you answer,  a. it’s my backpack. b. i’m fine.b. 看图,补全对话,每空一词。1. —is this ________ pen?—no, it’s jane’s pen.2. —what ________ is your pencil case? —it’s blue and red. 3. —here is your pencil sharpener.  —________ ________, jane. 4. —is this your ________? —yes, ________ it is new(新的).5. —what’s this? —it’s a ________. c. match the sentences in colum i and the sentences in colum ii. 从ii栏中找出i栏相应的答语。 (i) (ii)( ) 1. what’s his telephone number?  a. no, it isn’t. it’s her backpack.( ) 2. is that your backpack? b. my name is jim green.( ) 3. what’s this in english?  c i am fine, thank you.( ) 4. how do you spell english? d. i am ten.( ) 5. what’s your name? e. it’s an eraser.( ) 6. how do you do? f. how do you do?( ) 7. fine, thank you. and you?  g. yes, it’s my dictionary.( ) 8. good morning, class. h. it is 5684374.( ) 9. how old are you?  i. good morning, teacher.( ) 10. is this your dictionary? j. w-a-t-c-h.key:a.1. a 2. b. 3. b. 4. b. 5. a b. 1. your 2. color 3. thank you 4. watch 5. key c. 1. h 2. a 3. e 4. j. 5. b 6. f 7. c. 8. i. 9. d. 10. g
