

  6a unit 3 it was there
  1、四会单词和词组:was, were, excited,moment , ago, glasses,
  mobile phone,just now。
  2、四会句型: where"s your…?
  it"s next to/in front of/on/in/between the...
  it isn"t there now. it was there a moment ago.
  where are your...?
  they"re next to /in front of/in/on/between the...
  they aren’t there now. they were there a moment ago.
  3、三会单词和词组: camera,exciting, film, ground,earphone, diary, roll, remember, sports day,running race, cd walkman,weren’t=were not
  4、三会日常交际用语: it is the sports day. let me see.
  can l have them,please?
  can you pick them up for me,please?
  6、会唱歌曲where"s my diary?
  unit 3 (第一课时)
  b look read and learn & c look and say
  was, moment, ago, were, a mobile phone, glasses
  a cd walkman, roll, film, earphone, diary
  where’s your…?
  it’s on/in/near/behind/under…
  it isn’t there now. it was there a moment.
  where are your…?
  they’re on/in/near/behind/under…
  they aren’t there now. they were there a moment ago.
  3、 能正确根据图片提供的情景进行描述。
  1、 掌握本单元四会单词和句型。
  1、 引导学生正确理解 be动词的过去式,并会用相关句型表达和谈论。
  1、 教具准备
  a 有关单词的实物或图片。
  b 录音机和磁带。
  a. free talk and revision
  1 talk freely with some students
  2 listen and follow the orders
  t: take out your rubber ,please. put it on your pencil box.
  where is your rubber?
  ss: (边做动作边说) it’s on my pencil box.
  变换多种位置如: under, behind, near, in …
  b. presentation and practice
  1 t: today we’ll learn a new unit---- unit 3 it was there! first let me show
  you a photo of three girls. who can you see in the photo?
  this little girl is gao yun. she’s su yang and su hai’s cousin.
  根据三个女孩的年龄变化呈现:was, ago, were
  t: gao yun was four five years ago. ( 板书生词:was, ago )
  how old is she now?
  ss: she is nine now.
  t: su yang and su hai were six five years ago. ( 板书生词:were )
  how old are they now?
  ss: now they are eleven.
  t: today gao yun is visiting su hai and su yang. su hai is showing her
  the things in their sitting-room. what’s in their sitting-room? let’s
  go and have a look.
  2learn the new words of part b
  t: ( show the students a mobile phone)
  look, this is a mobile phone. it’s my mobile phone.
  ss: ( read and spell the word after the teacher)
  t: (ask some questions)
  what’s this in english?
  where is my mobile phone now?
  do you have a mobile phone?
  what colour is your father’s mobile phone? …
  3listen and read part b
  4look and guess what it is.
  c. presentation and practice
  1 以变魔术的方式呈现:it isn’t there now. it was there a moment ago.
  用实物操练,如:(把 cd walkman放在桌上)
  t: can you see a cd walkman?
  ss: yes, i can.
  t: where is the cd walkman?
  ss: it’s on the desk.
  t: close your eyes, please. (将东西移走) look, it isn’t there now.
  ss:(引导学生说出)it was there a moment ago.
  2 变换实物和位置进行师生、生生操练。
  3 practise in pairs. 同桌利用图片交流。(p25)
  4 用以上步骤呈现并操练复数句型:they aren’t there now. they were there a moment ago.
  5practise in pairs. 同桌利用图片交流。(p26)
  d. consolidation
  1 play and act
  t: excuse me, where’s your mobile phone?
  s1: it’s beside my book.
  t: close your eyes , please. one, two, three, four, five. look, it isn’t there now.
  s1: it was there a moment ago.
  t: yes, but where is it now? can you find it?
  s1: is it in your desk?
  t: no, it isn’t.
  s1: is it under my book?
  t: sorry, you are wrong. look, it’s in my hand.
  2 look, remember and say
  t: ( 利用实物) where is the diary ?
  s: it’s beside the earphones.
  t: where is it now?
  s: it’s in the bag.
  t: yes, the diary was beside the earphones a moment ago, but it’s in the bag now.
  the … was/were … a moment ago, but it’s/they’re … now.
  e. homework
  1 read and copy the new words (part b)
  2 ask and answer ( part c) ( 选几幅图做为书面练习)
  3 preview part a listen, read and say
  unit 3 it was there!
  ago 以前 where’s the cd walkman?
  was (is 和am的过去式) it’s on the desk.
  were (are的过去式) it’s isn’t there now.
  it was there a moment ago.
  where are the earphones?
  they are beside the desk.
  they aren’t there now.
  they were there a moment ago.
  unit 3 (第二课时)
  a listen, read and say
  1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇: excited,just now
  ground, sports day, running race, exciting。
  where was/were … a moment ago/just now?
  it was/were…
  it is sports day.
  can i have them, please?
  can you pick them up for me, please?
  2、板书准备:预先写好课题 unit 3 it was there!
  a. free talk and revision
  1 talk with some students:
  how many days are there in a week?
  what are they?
  what day is it today?
  what day was it yesterday?
  what date is it today?
  what date was it yesterday?
  2 review the new words and some sentences:
  t: ( show them a cd walkman)
  what’s this in english?
  can you spell it?
  where is it ? ( put it on the desk)
  students try to spell the new words and answer the questions.
  t: let’s play a game now. boys and girls, please close your eyes.
  ( put the cd walkman in the desk)
  now open your eyes, the cd walkman was on the desk a moment ago. where is it now?
  play the game "hide and seek" with the students.
  t: can you answer my questions:
  where was …? where were…? (板书出示)
  where is it now? where are … now?
  b. presentation
  1 学习对话背景部分
  t: just now we played a game. i think it’s interesting.
  shall we watch tv, now? ( 多媒体演示)
  it’s a running race. who’s running?
  who won the race?
  yes, liu xiang won the race. so it’s an exciting race. all the chinese people are very excited.
  (出示单词 exciting, excited)
  practice: it is an exciting race. … is excited.
  t: we are all excited. boys and girls, i like sports, do you like sports?
  good. there’s another short story about sports. let’s look and listen.
  (对话整体呈现一遍) please choose
  who are talking about the running race?
  a. su hai and su yang b. lucy and lily
  what are they looking for?
  a. cd walkman and cds b. camera and films
  ( 对话背景部分两遍) true or false?
  it is sports day. ( )
  su hai and su yang are watching a football match. ( )
  su hai is looking for the camera. ( )
  2 学习对话第一部分 (p22)
  (对话第一部分两遍) ask some questions:
  what are the boys doing?
  where was the camera a moment ago?
  where is it now?
  3 学习对话第二部分 (p23)
  teach the new words: ground (playground)
  (对话第二部分两遍)fill in the blanks:
  now su hai is looking for the . they were in bag just now, but they aren’t now. they are . su yang can pick up for . they are happy.
  2 read in pairs
  3 true or false ( 书上笔头练习)
  4 let’s check
  1 listen and answer ( 短文见练习册 p24)
  t: today is monday morning. jim is late for school. he can’t find his
  white t-shirt, brown trousers and socks. mum is helping him. where are they?
  questions: where was jim’s white t-shirt?
  where is the t-shirt now?
  where are the trousers?
  where were the socks?
  where are the socks now?
  e. homework
  1 read and recite the dialogue.
  2 make a new dialogue about looking for things.
  unit 3 it was there!
  where was …a moment ago? where were …just now?
  it was … they were …
  unit 3 (第三课时)
  d listen, tick and circle & e play a game
  1. 通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的词汇。
  2. 能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
  3. 熟练掌握介词 under, on, near, under, behind的意思及用法。
  1. 通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的词汇。
  2. 能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
  a free talk and revision
  1 talk with some students
  what day is it today?
  what day was it yesterday?
  what date is it today?
  what date was it yesterday?
  where is your mother now ?
  where was she at six o’clock this morning?
  2 review part a
  ask some questions about part a
  read or recite the dialogue with your partner.
  make and act some new dialogues.
  b listen, tick and circle
  1 look at the picture at p 27, try to guess where the things are.
  t: where’s the cd walkman?
  s: perhaps it’s …
  t: where’re the earphones ?
  s: i think they’re …
  2 listen and choose the correct answer.
  3 listen again, answer the questions:
  where was… ? it was…
  where were… ? they were…
  4fill in the form
  things where is /arewhere was/were
  c play a game
  1put some boxes on the desk
  t: what’s on the desk?
  what colour are they ?
  what’s in the blue box, let’s have a look.
  try to remember where the things are.
  2 play the game with a student
  t: come here, xx. close your eyes.
  t: the diary is in the blue box now. where was it a moment ago?
  s: it was …
  t: yes, you’re right./ sorry, you’re wrong. try again.
  3 play the game together.
  d consolidation
  1 write a passage about the game
  we played a game just now. it was interesting. the is in the red box, but it in the just now. the were in the blue box a moment ago, now in the green box. …
  2 put the sentences into past tense.
  i’m in the library. i in the library .
  the film is in the desk.
  there is a bird in the tree.
  where are the students?
  they are in the playground.
  e homework
  1. read and recite part a
  2. dictate some new words
  六、 板书设计
  unit 3 it was there!
  am is are where is… it’s …in/on/under/behind/near...
  where are… they were…
  was were where was …a moment ago? it was …
  where were …just now? they were …
  unit 3 (第四课时)
  f listen and repeat & g sing a song
  1. 通过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。
  2. 会唱歌曲where’s my diary?
  1. 过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。
  2. 了解字母组合ear和ere 在单词中的发音。
  a free talk
  1 talk with some students
  what time is it?
  what date is it today?
  what date was it yesterday/the day before yesterday?
  what day is it today?
  what day was it yesterday?
  2 give two or three students some orders
  eg: t: come here, xx. can you help me?
  i can’t find my english book. perhaps it’s in the office.
  go to the office and take my book for me, please.
  s: all right.
  t: is xx in the classroom now ? where is he? where was he just now?
  b revision
  1 recite part a and act some dialogues
  2 talk about the pictures of part c
  model: the mobile phone was under the diary a moment ago.
  the glasses were in the school bag just now.
  3 ask and answer ( look at the pictures at p27)
  model: where’s su hai’s cd walkman?
  where was it this morning?
  4 find the differences
  look at picture 1:
  there is/are…
  look at picture 2:
  there was/were… just now . there is/are … now.
  c sing a song:
  1 学读歌词,注意生词:find, perhaps
  2 学生听录音学唱。
  3 学生齐唱,并请几个学生来表演唱。
  d listen and repeat:
  1 让学生读单词, 了解ear和ere在单词中的读音。
  2 齐读单词和句子。
  3 练习:
  bear pear( ) there here ( ) dear bear ( )
  near year( ) here hear( ) where there( )
  4 鼓励学生用以上自编句子。
  e homework
  1 review this uint
  2 do some written work
  六、 板书设计
  unit 3 it was there!
  am is are where is… it’s …in/on/under/behind/near...
  where are… they were…
  was were where was …a moment ago? it was …
  where were …just now? they were …
  there is/are…
  there was/were…
