

  unit 13
  1. be of benefit to 对…有益 for the benefit of … 为了…的利益 benefit from 从…中获益
  2. a range of 一排/系列 in range with 和… 并列 at close range 接近地 range from 从…的变化
  3. all the way 一直/一路上
  4. freezing 冰冷的 frozen 冻僵的
  5. a mass of = masses of + 不/ 可数名词 大量的 masses of work 大量的工作
  mass production大量生产 mass communication 大众媒体
  6. take advantage of 对…加以利用 gain/ have /win an advantage over = have the advantage of胜过
  to one"s advantage对某人有用
  7. in substance 基本上/ 实质上 in fact = as a matter of fact = in reality
  8. give off 释放/发出(蒸气/光) give out释放/发出(气味/热) give back 返回 give away 分发/ 泄密 give in 屈服/ 呈交 give up 放弃 give out = be tired out 精疲力竭 give way to 让位于
  9. be sensitive to 对…敏感
  10. in motion 运动中 make a motion with one"s hand 做手势
  11. call in 召集/打电话 call for 要求 call forth 鼓起 call off 取消
  call on sb to do sth 号召某人干某事 call up 回忆起
  12. a variety of = various 种类繁多的/大量的
  13. all the way 一直/径直 by way of = via途径 by the way 顺便提一下 in a / one way 从某种程度上说 in no way = at no time = by no means = in no case 决不 in the way 挡道 out of the way 不挡道
  on the / one"s way to 去…的路上 fight one"s way = press one"s way 奋力前行/挤过去
  make one"s way 前进 lose one"s way = get lost 迷路 pick one"s way 择路而行
  give way to 让步/屈服于 lead the way 领路 clear the way for 给…让路 feel one"s way 摸索前进
  14. that is = that is to say 也就是说
  15. break down 毁掉/分解/坏掉 break out 爆发 break up 拆散 break out 爆发 break through 突围
  break with a bad habit 戒除
  16. be available to 为…所获得 the source of life 生命之源
  17. be measured in 以…衡量 take measures 采取措施 in a / some measure 某些程度/几分
  measure one"s height 量身高 measure the time / speed 计时
  make… to one"s measure 按照某人尺寸做….
  18. take advantage of 利用 gain / win / have an advantage over = have the advantage of 胜过
  19. meet with accidents / difficulty / opposition 遭遇 / 经历
  20. provide for = support 支持 / 供养 provided / providing that = on condition that = if 假使
  21. 比较级 + than any other + 单数名词 / all the other + 复数名词 / 不定代词anything , anyone + else
  22. have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself 作乐 be full of fun 极有趣 make fun of = laugh at 嘲笑
  it is great fun doing sth 干…很有乐趣
  23. contribute to = make a contribution to 对…产生贡献/促进
  contribute to = lead to = result in = bring about 导致
  24. be busy in doing sth = be busy with sth = be absorbed in doing sth = be buried in doing sth
  = engage oneself in (doing) sth = be engaged in (doing) sth = be occupied in / with (doing) sth 忙于做某事
  25. change one"s mind 改变主意 change seats with sb 与某人换位置 i have no small change about 零钱
  let"s go to a restaurant for a change. 更换 / 换口味 change into 变成
  change over to 转变成 changeable 易变的 / 不稳定的
  —isn"t that ann"s husband over there —no, it _______ be him. i"m sure he doesn"t wear glasses.
  a. can"t b. must not c. won"t d. may not
  you _____ be tired. you have only been working for an hour.
  a. must not b. won"t c. can"t d. may not
  i often see lights in that empty house. do you think i _____ report it to the police
  a. should b. may c. will d. can
  mr. white ______ at 8: 30 for the meeting, but he didn"t show up.
  a. should have arrived b. should arrive c. should have had arrived d. should be arriving
  —tom graduated from college at a very young age. —oh, he ____ have been a very smart boy then.
  a. could b. should c. might d. must
  —i don"t mind telling you what i know. —you _____. i am not asking for it.
  a. mustn"t b. may not c. can"t d. needn"t
  i _____pay tracy a visit, but i"m not sure whether i will have time this sunday.
  a. should b. might c. would d. could
  —who is the girl standing over there ——well, if you____ know, her name is mabel.
  a. may b. can c. must d. shall
  —excuse me, but i want to use your computer to type a report.
  —you____ have my computer if you don"t take care of it.
  a. shan"t b. might not c. needn"t d. shouldn"t
  —i"ll tell mary about her new job tomorrow. —you____ her last week.
  a. ought to tell b. would have told c. must tell d. should have told 农民工
  —excuse me .is this the right way to the summer palace —sorry, i am not sure, but it ____be.
  a. might b. will c. must d. can 农民工
  —mum, i"ve been studying english since 8 o"clock, ____i go out and play with tom for a while
  a. can"t b. wouldn"t c. may not d. won"t
  children under 12 years of age in that country ____be under adult supervision when in a public library.
  a. must b. may c. can d. need 农民工
  "the interest ____be pided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides," declared the judge. a. may b. should c. must d. shall
  you might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers_____ not like the design of the furniture.
  a. must b. shall c. may d. need 农民工
  naturally, after i told her what to do, my daughter _____ go and do the opposite!
  a. may b. can c. must(偏要) d. should 农民工
  —the room is so dirty. _____we dean it —of course 农民工
  a. will b. shall c. would d. do
  a left-luggage office is a place where bags _____be lift for a short time ,especially at a railway station.
  a. should b. can c. must d. will
  how _____ you say that you really understand the 农民工 whole story if you have covered only part of the article
  a. can b. must c. need d. may 农民工
  —i heard they went skating in the mountains last winter. — it___ true because there was little snow there. 农民工
  a. may not be b. won"t be c. couldn"t be d. mustn"t be 农民工
  it has been announced that candidates _____remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.
  a. can b. will c. may d. shall 农民工
  —is john coming by train —he should, but he ____not. he likes driving his car.
  a. must b. can c. need d. may 农民工
  —i hear you"ve got a set of valuable australian coins. ____i have a look —yes ,certainly.
  a. do b. may c. will d. should 农民工
  —oh, i"m not feeling well in the stomach, i____ so much fried chicken just now. 农民工
  a. shouldn"t eat b. mustn"t have eaten c. shouldn"t have eaten d. mustn"t eat 农民工
  i was really anxious about you. you _______home without a word. 农民工
  a. mustn"t leave b. shouldn"t have left c. couldn"t have left d. needn"t leave 农民工
  you can"t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ____be so rude to a lady. 农民工
  a. might b. need c. should (竟然) d. would 农民工
  sorry i"m late. i____ 农民工have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.
  a. might b. should c. can d. will 农民工
  you ____play with matches! it"s very dangerous! 农民工
  a. don"t have to b. might c. could d. mustn"t 农民工
  —may i use your phone — _____i"m expecting a call.
  a. i"m afraid not b. that"s ok c. with pleasure d. no, thank
  the elderly need special care in winter, as they are ____ to the sudden change of weather. 农民工
  a. sensitive b. sensible c. flexible d. positive 农民工
