快好知 kuaihz

61. A path led through the underbrush to the shanty of a woman named Mrs Fetchalub, his closest neighbor. 62. But focusing on electoral politics and economic development distracts us from the truly ugly side of our southern neighbor. 63. After dismissing it out of hand, the neighbor called back the same night and said it might be worth considering. 64. A neighbor calls the police after hearing the commotion of two individuals prying open a window. 65. My dearest neighbor I have been riding in taxicabs the livelong day, wad have taken your advice. 66. The neighbor, it turns out, is fashioning a crude, one-string instrument so he can play along. 67. My subtle and not-so-subtle hints to the neighbor did not seem to produce results. 68. Ask your neighbor to take any deliveries while you are on vacation. 69. The extraordinary thing about his neighbor is that he knew she really meant this foolish remark. 70. Rather, the answers are as close as your telephone, as close as your stationery and as close as your neighbor. 71. For example, be a different gender from your neighbor because he or she will probably turn out to be your mate. 72. The value of the 2, 000 acres of ranch property would be greatly enhanced without the landfill as its closest neighbor. 73. I couldn't believe it when the other woman turned out to be my next-door neighbor. 74. Most of these letters, written by a friend or neighbor of the person seeking help, were only semiliterate themselves. 75. But each fight was smoothed over when Russell gave roses to his wife, one neighbor said. 76. My new neighbor has passersby; they increase their pace when he barks at them. 77. Annie hears from a neighbor that there may not be a flight out today. 78. He compared his scheme to the idea of lending a garden hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire. 79. But this time, the neighbor happened to mention his handgun. 80. A nosy neighbor actually videotaped them in their own backyard. 81. Between the main beams, lengths of steel decking are laid side by side, each hooking into its neighbor. 82. Maple trees are sensitive to sudden increases in sunlight, having grown up in the dimmed ambience of sheltering neighbor trees. 83. His downstairs neighbor knocked his immediate protest with a broom handle. 84. My neighbor, or my, uh, house mates and then we have a pretty big grill. 85. The neighbor or newcomer of a different faith or way has always represented a threat or an opportunity to those already here. 86. Don't trespass onto my property,'the neighbor shouted combatively. 87. The malicious neighbor spread the gossip. 88. Our drummer, Charlie, was our next - door neighbor. 89. An upstairs neighbor, wakened by her car horn. 90. How did he start his feud with his neighbor?