快好知 kuaihz

151. A supervised pattern classification technique called nearest neighbor algorithm is finally performed in the lower-dimensional eigenspace for recognition. 152. Now he's received his hardest mission: babysitting the three children of his next-door neighbor and girlfriend (Amber Valletta) when she leaves town to care for her father. 153. My battery was dead so I had to get a jumpstart from my neighbor. 154. Lucy Ricardo was, in those early I Love Lucy episodes, just a generic daffy housewife. Ethel (Vivian Vance), her neighbor and landlady, was a stock busybody. 155. The empirical rules, which take into account the non neighbor interactions between the base pair steps, have been presented to predict the local bending of B DNA. 156. This paper presents a novel double-talk detector ( DTD ) based on ra nearest neighbor line ( NNL ) classifier. 157. This rule is cyclic. So, if a cell is in state n - 1 and has a state 0 neighbor, it has state 0 at the next clock tick. 158. Emerging from the beauty shop resplendent in a new coiffure , a woman was confronted by a neighbor. 159. Okay , I need you to unbuckle yourself and try to find a neighbor. 160. So in the classroom, in the coffee room, with a neighbor, or in opportunities to serve the church, we hold back, figuring that others can do it. 161. In recent months, Somalia's neighbor, Kenya, has signed memorandums of understanding with the United States, Britain, and the European Union to accept suspected pirates and to prosecute them in Kenya. 162. Here, we experience what Garfield says is "pleasurable physical contact," whether it's with celebrities, an angel, a talking animal or our next-door neighbor. 163. In this paper, we propose the concept of rates of strong uniform convergence of nearest neighbor density estimates on any compact set and obtain some better convergence rates. 164. A neighbor says police escorted people into Philip Markoff's apartment yesterday about 20 minutes. 165. Each router maintaining a routing table, and regularly with its neighbor routers exchange routing information, according to the smallest vector routing update their routing table. 166. The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith everyday and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman worked. 167. Olsen says the stars share the motion of gas streams near the Large Magellanic Cloud, suggesting that the galaxy tore not only stars but also gas from its lesser neighbor. 168. Pro 3:29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you. 169. Under the ideal situation, stepped frequency is a kind of coherent signal. The phase between pulses is linear as well as the phase difference between neighbor pulse is constant. 170. Nature disasters taken place frequently at the same time, especially flood and neighbor provinces' bandits, were an important factor in the rampant brigandism of He Bei area. 171. A quick-witted neighbor heard the screams and called the police. 172. In this paper, we present a C - means and K - nearest neighbor based facial expression classification method. 173. The DPRK is a friendly neighbor to China and the DPRK share a traditional friendship. 174. My neighbor is a vinegary person. I don't like her. 175. But, unlike its neighbour neighbor Abu Dhabi, oil has not fueled's growth. 176. Just a month after that he was cited for trespassing and being under the influence of a controlled substance after passing out in a neighbor’s (empty at the time) home. 177. Some people connect oneself of the neighbor be all incognizant , but to exactly have an Alien in the world but concern desperately. 178. This is precisely what its relentless neighbor would not grant it. 179. Searching online (thank you, dear neighbor, for not using password protection), I read about poor souls who'd paid $200, $400, and even $1,500 to have this exact problem fixed. 180. Find at least one mom who shares your need. A neighbor, relative, church group member, or the mom from your kid's playgroup, T-ball team, or school.