快好知 kuaihz

181. Socialist Algeria was always looking for an opportunity to weaken its neighbor and rival. 182. Mrs. Henderson baked some yummy chocolate chip cookies to give to her new neighbor. 183. The BGP neighbor of CERNET IPv 6 testbed was established and activated. 184. Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding, Lovelock's neighbor, suggested calling the theory Gaya (GUY-ah) after the ancient Greek Earth goddess, lovelock embraced the name. 185. Like OSPF, EIGRP relies on different types of packets to maintain its tables and establish relationships with neighbor routers. This page will describe these packet types. 186. Air molecules do not pass heat along by jostling their close neighbor. 187. In order to improve the coverage rate of positioning, the located sensors work as anchors and also broadcast positioning information to neighbor sensors using omnidirectional antenna. 188. The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding. 189. As always, he felt disloyal at deserting his neighbor, the Reeves Building Barber Shop. 190. The adaptive integral method (AIM) combined with a novel mesh neighbor (MN) preconditioner is applied to the scattering analysis of 3D PEC structures. 191. Growing up in Kenya, Kahumbu remembers asking her neighbor Richard Leakey to tell her about animals she caught and brought to his door. 192. A nurse in a shiny white ski parka who really did seem angelic came to certify her death, and then the undertaker, who had "buried" Dad and was a neighbor, gently took her body away. 193. Wen Jiabao said that the Chinese government attaches importance to relations with Kyrgyz Republic and deems the latter a sincere friend, an important partner and a friendly neighbor. 194. She chats with a neighbor hanging laundry on one of the poles that festoon the lane, while a man, still in pajamas, waters his plants. "I'm back!"/neighbor.html 195. You are mugged twice in one year; your neighbor remains unharmed. 196. A: As Pakistan's close neighbor and all-weather friend, China empathizes with Pakistan for its great loss of life and property inflicted by severe natural disaster. 197. Dopamine is one of many types of neurotransmitter — chemical signals that one neuron launches at its neighbor to trigger a nerve impulse. 198. This rule is cyclic. So, if a cell is in state N-1 and has a state 0 neighbor, it has state 0 at the next clock tick. 199. His neighbor Wendell Moore, a Bell Aerospace engineer, needed an average guy to test the Rocket Belt, which he was developing for the U.S. Army in the early 1960s, and recruited 19-year-old Suitor. 200. Well if you're of lower status, lower social status, the judge is going to look at you and say, "Come on, you're poor, your neighbor's rich, I'm going to side for the neighbor." 201. He was a good neighbor and well respected for honoring his word. 202. She is his neighbor, calling him brother. The girl whois bound by a common destiny with her grandmother. 203. 12 a.m. - Zip across on the train, a five-minute or so ride, to Kaohsiung's rather rough-and-ready neighbor Fongshan. 204. Our next - door neighbor, a janitor, decided to change his profession and become an insurance agent. 205. Its neighbor to the west, the Baptistery, is bright white. 206. Those with humanity settle near mountain while those with wit take water as neighbor. 207. Each particle was such a individualist that it would have nothing to do with its neighbor. 208. The neighbor who came home at lunchtime scattered birdseed on his balcony, and the doves came and cooed. 209. I thought I had poked my nose into every bit of conceivable business in the neighbor. 210. How does one deal with such a difficult yet weighty neighbor, a neighbor who can cause no end of mischief if it becomes truly obstreperous?