快好知 kuaihz

1. The company has transferred to an eastern location. 2. The film was shot on location in France. 3. It is a suitable location for a new school. 4. We first met location, it was named: miss. 5. His apartment is in a really good location. 6. The bunker's precise location is a closely guarded secret. 7. What is the exact location of the ship? 8. The location of the hotel is sublime. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. The inmates were moved to an undisclosed location. 10. With this you can pinpoint the precise location of the sound. 11. The campsite is in a beautiful location next to the beach. 12. I have to find a convenient location for the shelves. 13. Have you decided on the location of the new building? 14. We still do not know the precise location of the crash. 15. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect. 16. Pop some smoke and let me see your location. 17. Because of their location, these offices attract a premium. 18. Macau's newest small luxury hotel has a beautiful location. 19. The reporter was taken blindfold to a secret location. 20. The movie was shot entirely on location in Italy. 21. The movie was shot entirely on location in India. 22. The film was shot on location in Southern India. 23. The film was shot on location in Kenya. 24. She knew the exact location of The Eagle's headquarters. 25. The first duty of a director is to recce his location. 26. For them, the house's main value lay in its quiet country location. 27. It has taken until now to pin down its exact location. 28. The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location. 29. The first thing he looked at was his office's location. 30. We're willing to pay a premium for the best location.