快好知 kuaihz

151. These totals inevitably vary considerably from zone to zone, depending on its economic structure, location, and so on. 152. Often the advertisement will only provide the briefest of details, including approximate location, acreage and the method of disposal. 153. Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful. 154. In many cases, the most sensible location for an extraction fan is in the ceiling. 155. Meanwhile, desktop video already offers both video telephoning and video conferencing without participants having to go to a special transmission location. 156. Discussion covered procedures for avoiding accidental clashes, disclosing the location of mines, and exchanging information about those missing in action. 157. The study found that 89 percent of all companies interviewed provide assistance for an employee buying a home in the new location. 158. To avoid settlement problems at this location a surcharge embankment was constructed and monitored over a period of 8 months. 159. How will a location fit in with your leisure interests? 160. Manuscripts are usually sent to two or three reviewers, chosen for their expertise rather than their geographical location. 161. It took us a good while to get to the location. 162. The exact location is important, as are details of when the accident happened and how far some one has fallen. 163. Use a combination square to gauge the location and depth of the cutout. 164. Much depends on the exact size, energy, and location of the impactor. 165. Looks at the economic and technological forces affecting the nature and location of work, and the implications for sustainable housing development. 166. Their exact location can be determined by using the line ferret with or without a transmitter fitted to its collar. 167. The development of pub retailing has shown a corrective instinct for seeking to set a purpose built business in the right location. 168. How can a retailer decide which of these offer the most profitable opportunities for new branch location? 169. The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc. 170. To get to his broadcast location he was forced to take the freight elevator. 171. A 35-cent brochure on the trail is available at each site, where visitors may obtain an official stamp representing each location. 172. They don't refer to particular cases of primary school closure in any particular location. 173. Using Prestel, Ceefax and other technological information systems demands a new set of location skills. 174. Downtown business owners say they want the city's homeless shelter moved to a less conspicuous location. 175. Note that the store location accessed still contains a copy of the information read. 176. They feed location and usage information directly to the upper levels. 177. Each location has a counter service restaurant at lunch time, along with a coffee and snack bar open all day. 178. The operating units have no fixed position but can move about the network from one location to another. 179. After all, if the executives fail in the new location, the employer will have made a costly mistake. 180. Bringing headquarters staff together in a single location will enable those services to be delivered more efficiently and in an integrated manner.