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211. Central coordination would keep the location of industry in step with development. 212. The publication ends with a handy index of notes enabling quick location of the anatomical point required. 213. In the restaurant business, it is simply the price of admission to offer good food and drink in a good location. 214. Money was certainly a major consideration, as were location and academic background. 215. But, unless you have a particular skill, it is essential to be flexible on both location and salary. 216. Still calling to Williams for a more precise location, Adams hurtled through Pine Ridge village at high speed. 217. The clinical manifestations will reflect the location of the epileptogenic focus. 218. More important,[www.] the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical. 219. The vacancies may be filled by any corporate member of the Association regardless of location. 220. Shipping Line SeaLand uses the system in Rotterdam to enable staff to keep a check on the location of containers. 221. Flexibility and the location of ligand-binding sites close to the top of adhesion molecules may be a general feature of their organization. 222. More significant predictors, especially in recent elections, have been location and home ownership. 223. Many entrants to nursing will be leaving home for the first time or changing their location. 224. On the other hand, a substantial minority considered that infrastructural investment was a significant factor for location within an enterprise zone. 225. The dot location task, which involves predominantly the right hemisphere, was expected to remain unaffected. 226. If the persons are resident in the United Kingdom they are chargeable to tax regardless of the location of the income source. 227. Decline and decay in one location will soon impact adjacent areas. 228. If the adventurers try to reach location 14 they will have to pass scores of biting faces and clutching hands. 229. I argue that rear axle radius location arm must be out of true. 230. Mozart was buried in the customary way in an unmarked mass grave, and its exact location has never been discovered. 231. So let's not keep you in suspense and join Katie prior to her departure from a surprising location for international flight. 232. His use of location shooting, natural lighting, and lay actors stood in total contrast to the older expressionist cinema. 233. In the classical theory of comparative advantage, there is no role for government in determining the location of industry. 234. The reports are indexed by subject and location as appropriate on a card index. 235. So they can come with time off work and probably on an expense account, even to a far-flung location. 236. Sometimes they took bets on the heights or depths of things and the location of things and the number of things. 237. Want to buy underpriced apartments in a glamorous location that has few vacancies and little competition from new construction? 238. Horizontal location was not too critical in the absence of wall cupboards. 239. Location inserts potentially give the strongest visual clues to programme content. 240. Authenticity in terms of location and period detail were significant factors in each film's success.