快好知 kuaihz

271, The paper studies the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity on electromagnetic wave propagation and discusses the relation between signal conveyance and energy conveyance. 272, Speaking of the elementary school nature study teaching, the teacher mainly should unify "Program" requests, to grasp with other various branches teaching relation. 273, We have already met this structure in relation to waiting lines, where we recognized it as being a first-in, first-out (FIFO) storage system. 274, From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase. 275, Implementing the policy in block allocation module needs to consider the relation between the rate of data refreshment and the block-erasing frequency. 276, In relation to natural persons, their capacity for civil rights and civil acts will be governed by the law of the habitual residence of the natural person.